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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Qurani Evidences of Geometry Dominated on the Islamic Art and Architecture W


AKBARI F. | Issue Writer Certificate 




 Objectives: The present research aims to reach the monotheism origin of symbolic language of the patterns and geometric structures resulted from heaven and celestial traditions in the creativity resulted from the creation of Ka'bah [cube-like and sacred temple at Mecca] and the islamic art and architecture works. Method: The methodology is descriptive – analytic and the method of analysis is deductive by the approach of comparative. Results: To explain Qur'an evidences of the example world and the shape features of drawings and the system of combination dominant on the presentations and volumes of the islamic art and architecture works based on symbolic beauty dominant on the House of Ka'bah and its centricity in the universe. Conclusion: 1-Of the symbolic implications of Ka'bah is shape of Ka'bah, the best sample and an example of all holy places that has been built on the earth and driven from Bait al Mamoor pattern in the world of example and that pattern of the heaven in the world of celestial world. This points to quran document of example world. 2-Of monotheism implication of Ka'bah geometry is the secret of square of Ka'bah and Bait al Mamoor and heaven based on fourfold principles of monotheism, purifying, praising God, glorification, eulogy. 3-Of the reasons of symbolic beauty in the islamic art and architecture is personal motivations pallor, manifestation of inner of the sensitive world in the evident figure of example world and presence of coherent and style during continuous periods of Islamic world. 4-monotheism implications of geometry dominant on the arrays and the system of combination of the islamic art and architecture, manifestation of figures of geometry purifying in the geometry arrays and islimi and Khatayi drawings and making unity through presence of quality geometry based on the principle of centrality and general structure of the work considering necessary proportions and principles and regulations accompanied by adapted and supplemented elements and organizing the space centrism and bond between form and space by several ways of spatial axis, considering symmetry principle and make the space fluid by keeping the independence of several sections of the building.


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    APA: Copy

    AKBARI, F.. (2019). Qurani Evidences of Geometry Dominated on the Islamic Art and Architecture W. KNOWLEDGE STUDIES IN THE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY, 22(4 (77) ), 561-578. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/237003/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    AKBARI F.. Qurani Evidences of Geometry Dominated on the Islamic Art and Architecture W. KNOWLEDGE STUDIES IN THE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY[Internet]. 2019;22(4 (77) ):561-578. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/237003/en

    IEEE: Copy

    F. AKBARI, “Qurani Evidences of Geometry Dominated on the Islamic Art and Architecture W,” KNOWLEDGE STUDIES IN THE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY, vol. 22, no. 4 (77) , pp. 561–578, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/237003/en

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