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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Iron age’ s Burials in Central Iranian Plateau Case Study: Tepe Sofalin, Pishva, Tehran Province




 Archaeological evidences emphasizes Central Iranian Plateau as one of the important region of Iron age studies. Tepe Sofalin is an important Protohistoric site in north of Pishva, east of Rey plain, Tehran Province. But the archeological evidence shows the use of this site in Iron age, too. During excavations at this site a number of single and scattered Iron age’ s Burial have been discovered. We know, the Bronze Age culture does not suddenly disappear. In fact, culture changes very little in the first half of second B. C. This may suggest that there is no significant cultural break throughout the entire region at the beginning of the Iron age. Primary Burial and grveyard practices slowly appears in this era. However, in the Iron age period numerous settlement and significant sedentary or nomadic society! occupation started. A similar pattern also seems to have occurred in the Iranian Plateau. New excavations show that Central Iranian Plateau had continuity from late Bronze age to Iron age. So, this article provides an introduction to Iron age’ s Burial and their grave goods from Sofalin. The Burials are single Burials in earthen graves. the Burial lies in the fetal position. This type of Burial style continues into Iron II and III. Tombs architecture are simple rectangular structures without elaboration. Most characteristic of vessels are formas red, buff and grey ware, forms dipper juglet, jars and storage. The bangles tend to be tappered than bangles dated to the end of Iron II. These later examples are heavy looking. In this research, the Burial and their grave goods as a part of Iron age’ s societies in central Iranian Plateau exploring and discussed. The main question of this research is how was relationship the Burials traditions of Sofalin with other sites in eastern Iron age’ s societies in Central Iranian Plateau, Varamin-Pishva Plain. The contribute to the emerging picture of the nuances of early and middle Iron age subsistence strategies on the Pishva plain. Preliminary studies on findings of Sofalin site is show that dispersion style of traces and Iron finds more has been focused in the southeastern part of this site. Style of Burial is to form of squat and recumbent on flank. Graves is to form of oval cache and without any architectural structure. So far, from the Tepe Sofalin hasn’ t been achieved any evidence based on settlement or big cemetery during the Iron period. Cultural finds based on species, decoration, and ceramic and metal forms from the Burials and also, surface finds achieved from this site and archaeological surveys in area of study is proves Iron age I to III. Indications exist of preparation graves are to form of flooring, beaten of grave space, and also, muddy encrusted in Burial numbers 1, 2, and 3. Bronze arrow found above the Burial, can proves a warrior of buried (Burial number 1). Exist of multiple votive objects of terra cotta (Burial numbers 2 and 3), and exist of extensions decorative of metallic as: ring, bracelet, and ankle jewelry (addition to that represents the ritual and spiritual), based on small amount grave objects can show the social rank of the deceased person.


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    APA: Copy

    HESARI, MORTEZA. (2018). Iron age’ s Burials in Central Iranian Plateau Case Study: Tepe Sofalin, Pishva, Tehran Province. PAZHOHESH-HA-YE BASTANSHENASI IRAN, 7(15 ), 101-116. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/244988/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    HESARI MORTEZA. Iron age’ s Burials in Central Iranian Plateau Case Study: Tepe Sofalin, Pishva, Tehran Province. PAZHOHESH-HA-YE BASTANSHENASI IRAN[Internet]. 2018;7(15 ):101-116. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/244988/en

    IEEE: Copy

    MORTEZA HESARI, “Iron age’ s Burials in Central Iranian Plateau Case Study: Tepe Sofalin, Pishva, Tehran Province,” PAZHOHESH-HA-YE BASTANSHENASI IRAN, vol. 7, no. 15 , pp. 101–116, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/244988/en

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