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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Reconstruction of the Divisions of Sasanian province of Biš ā buhr based on the discovery of some new toponyms from the Administrative Bullae of ToleQaleh Seyfabad, Kazerun, Fars




Archaeological Site of Tole Qaleh Seyfabad (TQS)Q1


 The ToleQaleh Seyfabad (henceforth, TQS) is one of the Sasanian key sites, which is located in the very heart of the Sasanian empire in southwestern Iran, in the centre of Kazerun County. The site is situated in the rural district of Balian, 330m north of the new Seyfabad village on the natural mounds known as Tol-e Pahn. The site is 40m higher than its surrounding plain and located 868m above sea level, and covers an area of about 150 hectares. TQS is situated 29 km south-east of Bishâ pû r city, 7km south-east of Kazerun city, 109km north-west of Ardashir Khurreh or Firuzabad, 35km north-west of Jereh, 88 km west of Qasr-i Abu Nasr and 214km north of Siraf. The site was partly damaged by a gas pipeline which was constructed through it in the 1980s. In 2005, as part of surveys conducted in the Kazerun plain, this site was registered by Parsa Ghasemi with the site code KZ 92. The site of ToleQaleh Seyfabad (TQS) is located in the north of Seyfabad village, near the western part of the Parishan Lake on the Kazerun Plain, is one of the most important Sasanian sites in southwestern Iran. Due to the the gas-pipeline construction, the most upper part of the southern mound of TQS was completely destroyed and after that the illegal excavation by antiquity looters has been started. In 2014, the first season of excavations at this site was conducted by Parsa Ghasemi, Reza Noruzi and Azizallah Rezaei. The general aim of the excavation at TQS was to conduct a salvage operation in order to prevent further looting and damage to the site, and to facilitate identification of layers of different periods in order to determine a reliable chronology for the site. The finds indicate that this site was a major active administrative, economic and commercial centre of the Sasanian province of Bishâ pû r, in the heartland of this empire and the abandonment of it must be dated to the late Sasanian period, before 651A. D. The most important discovery of this season of excavation were 371 Sasanian clay sealings, out of which 75 bear an impression of an administrative seal while the others wear only personal seal impressions. More than three hundreds of them were in the room 2 in trench I, it means that this room was the most important room for archiving the clay bullae. Preliminary inspection of the administrative bullae with the cooperation of Rika Gyselen has provided several new data. Among the nine administrative seals two belong to a provincial administration of Biš ā buhr, one to a regional administration and six to the district administration of the mowū h. As the name of this administration shows, it was headed by a member of Zoroastrian clergy. Of the six mowū h districts, four are attested here for the first time. With these four mowū h seals the number of districts known for the province of Bisā buhr reached to seven. The mowū h seal of one of the districts — Ā bā d-Š ā buhr — is attested by more than fifty bullae. No doubt this was the name of the district in which Tole Qaleh Seyfabad was situated. This article is a short preliminary report on this important discovery of the Sasanian period in Fars.


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    APA: Copy

    ghasemi, parsa, gizlan, rika, Norouzi, Reza, & rezaei, azizolah. (2017). Reconstruction of the Divisions of Sasanian province of Biš ā buhr based on the discovery of some new toponyms from the Administrative Bullae of ToleQaleh Seyfabad, Kazerun, Fars. PAZHOHESH-HA-YE BASTANSHENASI IRAN, 7(14 ), 91-102. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/245001/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    ghasemi parsa, gizlan rika, Norouzi Reza, rezaei azizolah. Reconstruction of the Divisions of Sasanian province of Biš ā buhr based on the discovery of some new toponyms from the Administrative Bullae of ToleQaleh Seyfabad, Kazerun, Fars. PAZHOHESH-HA-YE BASTANSHENASI IRAN[Internet]. 2017;7(14 ):91-102. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/245001/en

    IEEE: Copy

    parsa ghasemi, rika gizlan, Reza Norouzi, and azizolah rezaei, “Reconstruction of the Divisions of Sasanian province of Biš ā buhr based on the discovery of some new toponyms from the Administrative Bullae of ToleQaleh Seyfabad, Kazerun, Fars,” PAZHOHESH-HA-YE BASTANSHENASI IRAN, vol. 7, no. 14 , pp. 91–102, 2017, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/245001/en

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