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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Analysis and Typology of Rock Art (Engravings) in Kucherey, Golpayegan




 Following the implementation of the plan to transfer water from catchments Dez to Qomroud (Anar Bar), by the Ministry of Energy and the establishment of Kucherey dam, in the valley between mountains Kucherey, at 8 km southwest of city Golpayegan, Isfahan province, and in order to obtain maximum information from regional archaeological, program of survey, identify and feasibility of archeology, Kucherey dam basin was executed. The archaeological team with the aim of identifying, documenting and locating the ancient sites and recognizing the nature of the rock art Kucherey and in order to classify and draw up the map of the dispersion of motifs, using a compact survey method, and drawing on the written library documents, with a historical, descriptive, analytical look, the study of rocky motifs in the Kuchi Valley was studied. At the end of field work (survey and documented), I addition to the identification of fourteen hills and ancient settlements, four cemeteries and a monument, thirty-eight rock art (engravings) collection (more than two thousand and five hundred images), within the area of Kucherey dam, identified and documented. The motifs of Kucherey valley of Golpayegan are a small part of the collection of great old Teymareh motifs that are located in the cities (Khomein, Mahallat, Nimeh var, Delijan, Golpayegan and Khansar). These designs are in terms of quantity, quality, and focus in a fantastic and unmatched area. In the formation of them, their concentration or dispersion, the potential for hunting and predation in the area, the presence of waterfalls, the garden, or pedestrians, the sunshine or warming, and the proper quality of large and small boulders and rocks for the creation of motifs have been fundamental reasons. Based on the table of Typology of motifs, animal species with 926 motifs from a total of 1353 motifs have the highest frequency. In these motifs, the group of wild boars and bulls with 744 motifs are at the top of the list, the relative abundance of mountain goats and archery humans, indicating absolute domination of the spirit of hunting and nature is on all rocky motifs. Frequent recurrence of hunting, martial arts and narratives reflects the motive of the thought of the creators of motifs Also, the motives of belief, communication, transition, event, visualization, environment, and possibly the determination of the realm, have been in the creation of motifs for the purpose of painters. Considering the results of the classification of motifs, it seems that the main profession of the inhabitants of the Kucherey valley was hunting and animal husbandry, and their social structure was based on the Nomadic tribal community. The most important issues in the study and analysis of the rock art (engravings), discussion is on the Typology and dating them. Because, probably, some of the motifs, in terms of time, at the same time, they are at the same time, with oldest settlements in the valley and in some cases, until recent years, create motifs on the body of some rocks, have continued. Except for a few of the motifs of late, which almost can be identified, style and method the most carved motifs, are similar to each other and there is difficult for separated this motif and refers them to a specific period. In spite of the existing problems, the authors evaluate, based on the matrix of studies on the method of execution of motifs, the way of displaying the image, the motif’ s historical elements and the proximity or adjacent element, the date of the original rock arts, in the Kucherey Valley of the Golpayegan, between the millennium B. C. Until the early Islamic era.


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    APA: Copy

    arab, kazem, & hourshid, shaghayegh. (2017). Analysis and Typology of Rock Art (Engravings) in Kucherey, Golpayegan. PAZHOHESH-HA-YE BASTANSHENASI IRAN, 7(14 ), 123-140. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/245008/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    arab kazem, hourshid shaghayegh. Analysis and Typology of Rock Art (Engravings) in Kucherey, Golpayegan. PAZHOHESH-HA-YE BASTANSHENASI IRAN[Internet]. 2017;7(14 ):123-140. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/245008/en

    IEEE: Copy

    kazem arab, and shaghayegh hourshid, “Analysis and Typology of Rock Art (Engravings) in Kucherey, Golpayegan,” PAZHOHESH-HA-YE BASTANSHENASI IRAN, vol. 7, no. 14 , pp. 123–140, 2017, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/245008/en

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