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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Explaining the Concept of Speech Discipline in Holy Quran and Extracting Its Implicit Implications in Speech Training of Learners


MOROVATI SOHRAB | HOSSEININIA SEYED MOHAMMADREZA | Seifaliei Fatemeh | Issue Writer Certificate 




 Preparing students to be socialized and establish favorable social communications is one of the most important tasks of the education, and dialogue is one of the most important factors in the formation and continuation of social communications. The purpose of this research is to explain the concept of speech discipline in Holy Quran and to extract its implications in speech training of learners. The method of research is analytical. The research community contains all verses of Holy Quran and the statistical sample includes the main indicative Quranic speech-relevant verses. The authors of this research studied various Quranic exegesis and contemplated on the verses. Firstly, all the speech-relevant statements and then all the speech-relevant verses were purposefully extracted. The content of the verses and their thematic classification was simultaneously and continuously analized to find out their focus point and orientation, and the result of this analysis was explained. Then, the concept of speech discipline in Holy Quran has been investigated in terms of four main categories (basics, preconditions, requirements, and barriers) within the framework of conceptual network and its implications in speech training of learners.


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    APA: Copy

    MOROVATI, SOHRAB, HOSSEININIA, SEYED MOHAMMADREZA, & Seifaliei, Fatemeh. (2019). Explaining the Concept of Speech Discipline in Holy Quran and Extracting Its Implicit Implications in Speech Training of Learners. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ISSUES IN ISLAMIC EDUCATION, 3(4 (9) ), 95-128. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/261808/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    MOROVATI SOHRAB, HOSSEININIA SEYED MOHAMMADREZA, Seifaliei Fatemeh. Explaining the Concept of Speech Discipline in Holy Quran and Extracting Its Implicit Implications in Speech Training of Learners. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ISSUES IN ISLAMIC EDUCATION[Internet]. 2019;3(4 (9) ):95-128. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/261808/en

    IEEE: Copy

    SOHRAB MOROVATI, SEYED MOHAMMADREZA HOSSEININIA, and Fatemeh Seifaliei, “Explaining the Concept of Speech Discipline in Holy Quran and Extracting Its Implicit Implications in Speech Training of Learners,” JOURNAL OF APPLIED ISSUES IN ISLAMIC EDUCATION, vol. 3, no. 4 (9) , pp. 95–128, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/261808/en

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