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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Dashtan (Menstruation) in Zoroastrianism (According to Persian Sources) and Its Comparison with Imā mī Jurisprudence


 Zareh Hosseini Sayyedeh Fatemeh | RAHIMPOOR AZGHADI TAHEREH | Issue Writer Certificate 




dashtan (menstruation) as an exclusive physical and psychological state of women has always been subject to certain social and religious laws and regulations. One interdisciplinary research demand in women and religious studies is to study and compare views and regulations of dashtan in different religions and denominations. For example, numerous laws and constraints were legislated in Zoroastrianism and Islam (Imā mī Shiism) concerning dashtan for women. The question is: what view of women are these laws based on? What “ oughts” and “ oughtn‟ ts” do they impose on women? And what are the points of commonality and distinction? Restrictive regulations for women during their menstruation and the manners of their post-menstrual cleaning are much more elaborated than those in Imā mī jurisprudence, although they are not acted upon today as strongly as they were in the past due to demands of the modern world and changing circumstances. In this paper, we draw on a descriptive-analytic method and a consideration of jurisprudential rulings and principles related to dashtan or menstruation in Zoroastrianism and Imā mī jurisprudence (fiqh) in Zoroastrian jurisprudential sources (in Persian) and Imā mī Shiite jurisprudential sources in order to analyze and explain the reasons behind these rulings, and then compare them to identify their points of commonality and contrast.


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    APA: Copy

    Zareh Hosseini, Sayyedeh Fatemeh, & RAHIMPOOR AZGHADI, TAHEREH. (2019). Dashtan (Menstruation) in Zoroastrianism (According to Persian Sources) and Its Comparison with Imā mī Jurisprudence. RELIGIOUS RESEARCH (PAJOUHESHHA YE ADYANI), 7(13 ), 181-205. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/266456/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Zareh Hosseini Sayyedeh Fatemeh, RAHIMPOOR AZGHADI TAHEREH. Dashtan (Menstruation) in Zoroastrianism (According to Persian Sources) and Its Comparison with Imā mī Jurisprudence. RELIGIOUS RESEARCH (PAJOUHESHHA YE ADYANI)[Internet]. 2019;7(13 ):181-205. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/266456/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Sayyedeh Fatemeh Zareh Hosseini, and TAHEREH RAHIMPOOR AZGHADI, “Dashtan (Menstruation) in Zoroastrianism (According to Persian Sources) and Its Comparison with Imā mī Jurisprudence,” RELIGIOUS RESEARCH (PAJOUHESHHA YE ADYANI), vol. 7, no. 13 , pp. 181–205, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/266456/en

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