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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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An Analysis and Evaluation of the Views of Orientalists concerning “ Ghuluww” (Exaggeration) and “ Taqī yya” (Dissimulation) in the Imā mī Heritage of Hadiths


HASANNIA ALI | RAD ALI | Mousavi Moqaddam Sayyed Mohammad | Issue Writer Certificate 




 The authenticity, validity, and origins of Shiite hadiths are essential and frequent issues in studies by Orientalists. In particular, they have studied “ taqī yya” (dissimulation) and “ ghuluww” (exaggeration) for a number of reasons, including a historical study of the early Shiite community with an emphasis on these two features in that period. Their research has resulted in reservations about the validity of Shiite hadiths, an emphasis on some Shiite hadiths being transmitted by allegedly unreliable people, reducing Shiism to taqī yya and ghuluww, and making the sacred place of the Shiite Imams seem unimportant or less important. Crucial objections can be raised against these studies, including the restriction of the ghuluww or exaggeration phenomenon to the Shi’ a, not taking into account the explicit and harsh reaction of the Shiite Imams against exaggerators, negligence of strategies offered by the Imams and Imā mī scholars in order to discover taqī yya-based or dissimulated hadiths, restriction of the dominant and universal stream of Shiism to taqī yya, failure to consider taqī yya in other Islamic sects, failure to take note of the method and practice of the companions of the Imams as well as Imā mī scholars of hadiths in the face of dissimulated hadiths, and failure to draw a distinction between dissimulated and tawrī ya-based hadiths (that is, those in which what is said is intended to mean what is not usually understood therefrom). In this paper, we try to analyze and evaluate significant views of Orientalists concerning ghuluww and taqī yya in the Imā mī heritage of hadiths.


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    APA: Copy

    HASANNIA, ALI, RAD, ALI, & Mousavi Moqaddam, Sayyed Mohammad. (2019). An Analysis and Evaluation of the Views of Orientalists concerning “ Ghuluww” (Exaggeration) and “ Taqī yya” (Dissimulation) in the Imā mī Heritage of Hadiths. JOURNAL OF IMAMIYYAH STUDIES, 5(9 ), 71-96. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/266502/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    HASANNIA ALI, RAD ALI, Mousavi Moqaddam Sayyed Mohammad. An Analysis and Evaluation of the Views of Orientalists concerning “ Ghuluww” (Exaggeration) and “ Taqī yya” (Dissimulation) in the Imā mī Heritage of Hadiths. JOURNAL OF IMAMIYYAH STUDIES[Internet]. 2019;5(9 ):71-96. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/266502/en

    IEEE: Copy

    ALI HASANNIA, ALI RAD, and Sayyed Mohammad Mousavi Moqaddam, “An Analysis and Evaluation of the Views of Orientalists concerning “ Ghuluww” (Exaggeration) and “ Taqī yya” (Dissimulation) in the Imā mī Heritage of Hadiths,” JOURNAL OF IMAMIYYAH STUDIES, vol. 5, no. 9 , pp. 71–96, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/266502/en

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