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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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A Narrative Survey on the Folio of Alexander on the Throne in The Great Ilkhanid Shahnama based on Social-semiotics Pattern of Image




 The name and the portrait of Alexander is one of the most repetitive themes represented in Persian literature and the Iranian art from the Sassanian era. In the remained papers of Demot, Great Ilkhanid Shahnama, there are also narrations of Alexander's life in 12 pictures. This study, analyzing Alexander's ascension, tries to find out the heterology between the text of the image and the literary text of Shahnameh, and then discuss the intrinsic signs and textual clues as well as their hidden meanings. Finding the boundaries of this heterology, it can be obtained that how much the painter remained loyal to the text of Shahnameh, and to what extent he sought to achieve the semantic implications, and revive his particular discourse or his own historical period. This is a narrative study based on the narrative semiotics approach. The purpose of reading social direction of visual sign has been suggested by Kress and VanLeeuwen’ s social-semiotics pattern to visualize the social strains of the visual symbols. In the pattern of social-semiotics, not only the lines, colors, the movement of light, and the creation of volumes are analyzed to enhance the interpretation of the semantic implications, but also the effects and the theoretical currents out of the image, such as cultural, religious, political and social contexts are examined. The present study indicates that there is a difference between the text of the image and the literary text in Alexander's ascension as an artist's effort to independently create the image and transform the work of art into a representation of his thoughts at the time.


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    APA: Copy

    Soleimani Kooshki, Mahmoudreza, TAHERI, SADREDDIN, & SABER, ZEYNAB. (2020). A Narrative Survey on the Folio of Alexander on the Throne in The Great Ilkhanid Shahnama based on Social-semiotics Pattern of Image. JOURNAL OF NARRATIVE STUDIES, 3(6 ), 261-292. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/268009/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Soleimani Kooshki Mahmoudreza, TAHERI SADREDDIN, SABER ZEYNAB. A Narrative Survey on the Folio of Alexander on the Throne in The Great Ilkhanid Shahnama based on Social-semiotics Pattern of Image. JOURNAL OF NARRATIVE STUDIES[Internet]. 2020;3(6 ):261-292. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/268009/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Mahmoudreza Soleimani Kooshki, SADREDDIN TAHERI, and ZEYNAB SABER, “A Narrative Survey on the Folio of Alexander on the Throne in The Great Ilkhanid Shahnama based on Social-semiotics Pattern of Image,” JOURNAL OF NARRATIVE STUDIES, vol. 3, no. 6 , pp. 261–292, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/268009/en

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