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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Effects of pre-harvest calcium compounds foliar application on quality and antioxidant properties of pear cv “ Dargazi”




 Introduction: Nowadays, application of chemical compounds is limited due to their harmful effects on human health and environmental. Therefore, it is required to find safe compound that utilized in postharvest technology of fruit and vegetable. Calcium is regarded as a safe and potentially effective element for increasing the quality and storage life of several fruit. Pre and postharvest treatments with di􀀀 erent Calcium salts have been e􀀀 ective in maintaining cell wall stabilization and integrity, enhancing antioxidant capacity, delaying the ripening process, alleviating chilling injury, controlling postharvest decay and reducing physiological disorders of horticultural crops. However, there is little information about the effects of different calcium sources on bioactive components, antioxidant properties and quality attribution in pear fruits. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of pre-harvest foliar application of calcium chloride, calcium lactate and calcium lignosulphonate on important quality characteristics, antioxidant properties and storage life of pear fruits. Material and Methods: The experiment was carried out on 8-year-old pear [Pyrus communis (L. ) ‘ Dargazi’ ] trees, in a commercial orchard located in the Zanjan (Abhar). Trees were selected with uniform size and fruit load and sprayed with different calcium sources (calcium chloride, calcium lactate and calcium lignosulphonate) at concentrations of 3% on whole tree and control trees receiving only water. Foliar spraying was performed in two stages, (two weeks and three days before commercial harvesting) onto the leaves and fruits until runo􀀀 , and Tween 20 (0. 04% v/v) was used as a surfactant. Pear fruit were harvested at commercial maturity stage, and transferred to the laboratory on the same day. The fruits were selected for uniform size and absence of mechanical damage, and then one group was analyzed 1 day after harvest and another groups stored at 2± 1° C and 90% RH for 90 d. At 45-day intervals, stage, and transferred to the laboratory on the same day. The fruits were selected for uniform size and absence of mechanical damage, and then one group was analyzed 1 day after harvest and another groups stored at 2± 1° C and 90% RH for 90 d. At 45-day intervals, Chicago, IL, USA). The significance of the di􀀀 erences was determined by Duncan’ s test (P < 0. 05). Results and Discussions: The results showed that different calcium sources significantly maintained content of total soluble solids, firmness, vitamin C, total phenolics and antioxidant capacity. Our results showed that a preharvest application of Calcium salts increased calcium content of pear fruits. At 90 days, the highest amount of total acidity was obtained in calcium lignosulphonate treated fruits. However, the content of ascorbic acid, total phenolics, and flavonoids were higher in treated than in control pears, leading to fruit with high bioactive compounds and antioxidant potential at commercial harvest and during storage. Thus, preharvest treatments with different calcium sources could be promising tools to improve calcium content and health beneficial effects of pear fruits.


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    APA: Copy

    AZIZI, FARHAD, RAZAVI, FARHANG, RABIEI, VALI, & Hassani, akbar. (2019). Effects of pre-harvest calcium compounds foliar application on quality and antioxidant properties of pear cv “ Dargazi”. HORTICULTURAL PLANT NUTRITION, 2(1 ), 129-144. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/268531/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    AZIZI FARHAD, RAZAVI FARHANG, RABIEI VALI, Hassani akbar. Effects of pre-harvest calcium compounds foliar application on quality and antioxidant properties of pear cv “ Dargazi”. HORTICULTURAL PLANT NUTRITION[Internet]. 2019;2(1 ):129-144. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/268531/en

    IEEE: Copy

    FARHAD AZIZI, FARHANG RAZAVI, VALI RABIEI, and akbar Hassani, “Effects of pre-harvest calcium compounds foliar application on quality and antioxidant properties of pear cv “ Dargazi”,” HORTICULTURAL PLANT NUTRITION, vol. 2, no. 1 , pp. 129–144, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/268531/en

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