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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The effects of export market orientation on export growth with emphasis on the mediating variable marketing effectiveness (case study: dry goods export companies)




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 Introduction: Companies and countries put exports as their main strategy in order to reach more market segments, increase revenues, and obtain scarce resources, low costs, competitive advantages and economic growth (Hoang, 2016; Acikdlli, 2013). Considering the major role of exports in developing and improving the economies of the countries, in this research, we seek to examine the effect of export market behavior on improving export performance by considering the mediating variable of marketing effectiveness in Dry Goods Export Companies. Methods: In terms of objective, the study is a survey work, an applied work as to the purpose, and a cross-sectional work as to time horizon. Study population consisted of 120 export experts in 20 top dry goods export companies. All of these companies have central offices in Tehran province and their specifications are available in Iran's Dehydrated Exporter Union. Through random sampling and using a Jersey-Morgan table, 93 experts were elected as subjects. Statistical analyses were done in PLS. Validity of the questionnaire was assessed by two convergent and divergent validity criteria, which is specific to structural equation modeling. Findings and Argument: In this research, Statistical analyses were done in PLS. In the PLS, the hypotheses are rejected or confirmed by the T statistic and if the T statistic is higher than 1. 96, it indicates the existence of a causal relationship between the variables and the hypothesis is confirmed. According to the structural equation model, the effect of export market behavior on the marketing effectiveness is significant. In other words, the value of T statistic is greater than 1. 96 (26. 33). Therefore, this relationship is significant. On the other hand, the path coefficient according to Figure 3 is positive, which is equal to (0. 89). Export market behavior has a positive and significant effect on export performance. In other words, the value of the t statistic is higher than 1. 96, and the path coefficient of these two variables is positive and strong. Also, marketing effectiveness has a positive and significant effect on the export performance of the organization. In other words, the statistic t is higher than 1. 96 and the positive path coefficient is also positive. Therefore, these hypotheses were confirmed. Table 1 shows the results of the analysis using the structural equation model to test the research hypotheses: Table 1. Test results: Test result T Path coefficient hypothesis Confirmed 26. 33 0. 89 1. Export marketing behavior has a positive and significant effect on marketing effectiveness. Confirmed 2. 15 0. 80 2. Export market behavior has a positive and significant effect on export performance. Confirmed 4. 35 0. 86 3. Marketing effectiveness has a positive and significant effect on the export performance. . Confirmed - 0. 76 4. Export market behavior has a positive and significant effect on the export performance through the marketing effectiveness. . Conclusion: Regarding the many problems that most of our Dry Goods Export Companies are facing in terms of increasing their exports, in this research, we tried to examine the impact of market orientation of these companies and the effectiveness of marketing activities on the increase and export performance. All the hypotheses of this research were confirmed. According to the results of the research, the following suggestions could be made for the companies that export the products: -Designing customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction indicators in order to positively influence the behavior of market orientation on export performance and knowledge of customers' point of view. -A permanent presence at domestic and international exhibitions to identify the latest trends in the development of new products and a variety of support services for this industry. -Launching international market research units to identify customers' needs and demands.


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    APA: Copy

    NOROUZI, HOSSEIN, Abdollahpour, Sajad, Ganjali Vand, Somayeh, & Masoomi, Seyedeh Ghazal. (2019). The effects of export market orientation on export growth with emphasis on the mediating variable marketing effectiveness (case study: dry goods export companies). JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, 1(3 ), 103-123. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/268541/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    NOROUZI HOSSEIN, Abdollahpour Sajad, Ganjali Vand Somayeh, Masoomi Seyedeh Ghazal. The effects of export market orientation on export growth with emphasis on the mediating variable marketing effectiveness (case study: dry goods export companies). JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION[Internet]. 2019;1(3 ):103-123. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/268541/en

    IEEE: Copy

    HOSSEIN NOROUZI, Sajad Abdollahpour, Somayeh Ganjali Vand, and Seyedeh Ghazal Masoomi, “The effects of export market orientation on export growth with emphasis on the mediating variable marketing effectiveness (case study: dry goods export companies),” JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, vol. 1, no. 3 , pp. 103–123, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/268541/en

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