Information Journal Paper
CopyNAJARZADEGAN, FATHOLLAH, Shokouhbakhsh, Mohsen, ALEMZADEH NOORI, MOHAMMAD, & RAHMAN SETAYESH, MOHAMMAD KAZEM. (2019). An Analysis of the Sorts of Practical Contradiction in the Jurisprudence and Morality focusing on the Practical Contradiction Of Consideration in the Morality. REVELATORY ETHICS, 7(1 (15) ), 49-73. SID.
CopyNAJARZADEGAN FATHOLLAH, Shokouhbakhsh Mohsen, ALEMZADEH NOORI MOHAMMAD, RAHMAN SETAYESH MOHAMMAD KAZEM. An Analysis of the Sorts of Practical Contradiction in the Jurisprudence and Morality focusing on the Practical Contradiction Of Consideration in the Morality. REVELATORY ETHICS[Internet]. 2019;7(1 (15) ):49-73. Available from:
CopyFATHOLLAH NAJARZADEGAN, Mohsen Shokouhbakhsh, MOHAMMAD ALEMZADEH NOORI, and MOHAMMAD KAZEM RAHMAN SETAYESH, “An Analysis of the Sorts of Practical Contradiction in the Jurisprudence and Morality focusing on the Practical Contradiction Of Consideration in the Morality,” REVELATORY ETHICS, vol. 7, no. 1 (15) , pp. 49–73, 2019, [Online]. Available: