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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Ranking quantitative and qualitative indicators of housing with using ELECTRE III decision-making mode




 Introduction Housing is not just a shelter, but a set of physical elements and human values for life. Housing and shelter are the cornerstone of building human communities because they are the main building blocks of cities. The concept of suitable housing should be sought not only in physical and physical dimensions, but also in terms of its biological, cultural, social, security and economic needs. The issue of housing is one of the challenges and problems that urbanization has long been facing and is not only as a basic human need, or because of its strong link with other aspects of life but also due to its complexity and multifaceted nature, the center of attention is a variety of scientific disciplines. After food and clothing, housing is the third most important need of the community, which is important for the preservation of the individual and society. It is one of the most important human needs in the stage of responding to the basic needs of society and one of the most essential needs of a person and somehow one of the rights The primary is the human being that is planning to meet this basic need of citizens from the tasks that governments have put in place. Housing relative to other goods due to characteristics such as the inalienability of being capital, durable, costly and immovable cannot be a major factor in inequality and yet social solidarity. Housing ownership is a clear indication of the improvement of living standards. Methodology The type of research, applied-development, and according to the research objectives, is the analytical-descriptive nature. The statistical population of the research is Karaj city and its 120 neighborhoods. Data collection is also done by reviewing the available resources and articles and the detailed information of the Population and Housing Census of the Statistics Center, especially the data of the housing sector in 2011. Quantitative and qualitative indicators of housing in Karaj city were extracted from raw data and then comparative comparisons were made with global standard indicators (Hebiate). Integrated indexes were also obtained from the data and analyzed in the process of work. Data analysis and analysis has also been performed using a multi-criteria decision making model to select or prioritize. In this process, the multi-criteria decision making models and SANNA-based system for prioritizing or ranking 120 neighborhoods based on Quantitative indices And a qualitative analysis that has been adapted to the status of the study area. A decision with multiple criteria for MCDM is a topic that addresses decision-making processes in the presence of different and sometimes contradictory criteria. Despite the widespread use of those common concepts, there are all issues. Each issue can have multiple goals or multiple criteria. Criteria may conflict with each other. Different goals and criteria may also vary in measuring scales. This method is capable of handling discrete criteria of both Quantitative and qualitative in nature and provides complete ordering of the alternatives. Results and discussion In this part of the study, the findings are presented, as well as their evaluation and evaluation. The findings of the research on housing information in 120 neighborhoods of Karaj with qualitative and Quantitative indicators of the global governor and in line with the study area were carried out by survey of population and housing census statistics for 2011 in Karaj. Indicators of the indicators include: household size, population density in residential unit, number of household densities in residential unit, average density of room in residential unit, density in room, average density of room in unit, average room of each household and area. qualitative indicators such as property type, low housing, leasing, ownership, infrastructure, facilities, facilities, and type of building structure. After selecting the indicators, they are ranked in order of importance and using the opinions of the experts in the field of housing and the importance of each of the following criteria is determined according to the subject of the research. In the following, using a ranking model that has the ability to integrate a large number of criteria with each other, the model used is the ELECTRE III model, one of the MCDM models based on SANNA software. Conclusion The analysis and analysis of the findings with the model process and the ranking of 120 neighborhoods finally showed that the neighborhood 4 of the 5th zone is ranked first in terms of Quantitative and qualitative indicators. In the next ranking, the neighborhood 5 is from the 5th district and the third rank 2 is the 2nd area. Which ranked first to third. At the end of the ranking, neighborhood 2 is also from area 11. In a general conclusion, it can be said that in the ranking of each neighborhoods and the regional integration of the district 5 in the first place and the first and second regions with a small difference in the next rank in terms of Quantitative and qualitative indicators. Also, the findings show that there is a significant difference between neighborhoods of Karaj city and neighborhoods in a region, which indicates that the neighborhoods with appropriate and inappropriate analgesics are in line with each other in terms of the indicators. Since Karaj is a migratory metropolis and is growing every day without planning, we are witnessing the setting up of weedy or weaved textiles of very low quality near the neighborhoods with the principles of engineering construction, which requires serious attention to this area. And balancing between neighborhoods. In this regard, suggestions are made: Residential land supply with respect to urban plans, support for the restoration of worn-out housing, the application of decentralization policies and the prevention of inadequate growth and preparation policies as a fundamental approach and in providing housing for different classes. People, adopting optimal technologies for professional construction, etc., which can be a good way to get out of housing problems.


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    APA: Copy

    ALIPOUR, SOMAYEH, MESHKINI, ABOLFAZL, & AHADNEJAD ROSHTI, MOHSEN. (2020). Ranking quantitative and qualitative indicators of housing with using ELECTRE III decision-making mode. JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY AND PLANNING, 24(71 ), 273-295. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/363413/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    ALIPOUR SOMAYEH, MESHKINI ABOLFAZL, AHADNEJAD ROSHTI MOHSEN. Ranking quantitative and qualitative indicators of housing with using ELECTRE III decision-making mode. JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY AND PLANNING[Internet]. 2020;24(71 ):273-295. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/363413/en

    IEEE: Copy

    SOMAYEH ALIPOUR, ABOLFAZL MESHKINI, and MOHSEN AHADNEJAD ROSHTI, “Ranking quantitative and qualitative indicators of housing with using ELECTRE III decision-making mode,” JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY AND PLANNING, vol. 24, no. 71 , pp. 273–295, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/363413/en

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