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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Nationalist and Islamist movements’ Foreign policy discourse Case Study: Comparative Study of Negotiation with the US Embassy




 In this study, we plan based on the documents of the American Embassy-as one of the most important documents in the contemporary Iranian history-to study the negotiations between the outstanding members of the of Iran Freedom Movement, on the one hand, and Dr. Seyed Mohammad Beheshti, a member of the Tehran’ s Combatant Clergy Association and the secretary-general of the Islamic Republic of Iran Party, on the other hand, with the officials and staff of the US Embassy in Tehran in 1979 and 1980. By analyzing the contents of this section of the documents and comparing of these two with Foreign Policy Discourses; it is obvious that the first group had an ideological approach and had focused on the axis of liberalism, democracy and human rights, which were derived from the nationalism and liberalism discourse in foreign policy – the discourse which had a upper hand in the reign of interim government. In a series of negotiations with the US Embassy, they are seeking to win this government's support for Iran's domestic politics to defeat ideological rivals such as Marxism. However, Dr. Beheshti considers from a practical point of view the interests of the Islamic Revolution, national interests and realizes that the international environment on the fundamental principles of the revolution, namely, independence from the West and the East, reliance on internal forces and the lack of external affiliation, and at the same time, he emphasizes on a critical approach to the former US relations with Iran and the relative and gradual effort to address the potential tensions based on expediency and realization, which are placed in the framework of the sub-centric and expediential approach to revolutionized Islamic discourses.


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    APA: Copy

    KIANI, EHSAN, & JAVADI ARJMAND, MOHAMMAD JAFAR. (2018). Nationalist and Islamist movements’ Foreign policy discourse Case Study: Comparative Study of Negotiation with the US Embassy. ISLAMIC REVELUTION RESEARCH, 7(25 ), 183-205. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/363797/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    KIANI EHSAN, JAVADI ARJMAND MOHAMMAD JAFAR. Nationalist and Islamist movements’ Foreign policy discourse Case Study: Comparative Study of Negotiation with the US Embassy. ISLAMIC REVELUTION RESEARCH[Internet]. 2018;7(25 ):183-205. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/363797/en

    IEEE: Copy

    EHSAN KIANI, and MOHAMMAD JAFAR JAVADI ARJMAND, “Nationalist and Islamist movements’ Foreign policy discourse Case Study: Comparative Study of Negotiation with the US Embassy,” ISLAMIC REVELUTION RESEARCH, vol. 7, no. 25 , pp. 183–205, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/363797/en

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