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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Effect and Reflection of Class System and Autocratic in the Persian Prose Educational Texts (Relying on Political Advice Writtens in Fifth to Seventh Century)




 Literature and social has mutual effects together and it can know that the literature is a reflection of social realites. One of these influences is the effect of class system and autocratic on the society and membersʼ s communication, and the literature as the principle of social appearance itʼ s reflect at itself. class system is a social inclusive system that people disport to some separate class, and in this system some of people enjoyed complete citizenship rights, and the rest of them deprived the primary rights. Acceptance and emphasis on difference, opposition, and generally inequality are the characteristics of this system. class system has results to autocratic that itʼ s components are the sanctity of the king and one-way conversation, and the fear has form itʼ s founding. This system has effects on peopleʼ s attitude, belives, moods, and expression of the contentsʼ s manner. So that literary language tendency to indirect expression and aphorism, and sideways of the content of the literary works to serve the interests of the socialʼ s ruling and powerful class. This article studies these effects and itʼ s reflection in the educational literature by descriptive-analytic method, relying on the most prominent Persian prose educational texts that classified in political advice writtens.


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    APA: Copy

    Mehrabani Mamdouh, Fatemh, & SEDGHI, HOSEIN. (2020). Effect and Reflection of Class System and Autocratic in the Persian Prose Educational Texts (Relying on Political Advice Writtens in Fifth to Seventh Century). PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (JOURNAL OF FACULTY OF LETTERS AND HUMANITIES (TABRIZ)), 72(240 ), 307-333. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/363914/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Mehrabani Mamdouh Fatemh, SEDGHI HOSEIN. Effect and Reflection of Class System and Autocratic in the Persian Prose Educational Texts (Relying on Political Advice Writtens in Fifth to Seventh Century). PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (JOURNAL OF FACULTY OF LETTERS AND HUMANITIES (TABRIZ))[Internet]. 2020;72(240 ):307-333. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/363914/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Fatemh Mehrabani Mamdouh, and HOSEIN SEDGHI, “Effect and Reflection of Class System and Autocratic in the Persian Prose Educational Texts (Relying on Political Advice Writtens in Fifth to Seventh Century),” PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (JOURNAL OF FACULTY OF LETTERS AND HUMANITIES (TABRIZ)), vol. 72, no. 240 , pp. 307–333, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/363914/en

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