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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


The Authority of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in legislating Divine Rules Relying on the Qur’ anic Verses and Sunni and Shi’ ite Viewpoints




Wilayat (Guardianship) 


 The Legislative Authority of Prophet Muhammad is acknowledged in Shi’ ism but there is not consensus on this issue among Sunni scholars. This study seeks to explain the authority of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in legislating the heavenly commands based on “ the theory of Divine Permission and guardianship of Prophet Muhammad in legislating rules relying on the Qur’ anic verses and Sunni and Shi’ ite viewpoints” . In the outset, theoretical literature and basic principles were reviewed and then the main theory was explained. Moreover, using the verses of the Noble Qur’ an and Sunni and Shi’ ite perspectives, the references for the theory were presented, and by the review analysis of relative verses and perceptions, the hypothesis of the study was defended. The theory in this research states that God has given permission to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and has bestowed him authority to Shari’ ah (religion) so that he can infer the required rules for society within the framework of Islam and in accordance with time requirements. The above theory has major differences from the theories of “ Ijthad an-Nabi” and “ Tafwiz Amr ad-Din ila an-Nabi” . Using qualitative, analytical, descriptive, and referential methods, this article concluded that the authority of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Legislation of the divine commands is as extensive as his prophetic mission, thereby it includes various domains. Legislation of Ahkam is basically within the authority of God and no one else has the same right as it is stated for WiIayat (guardianship) and Shifa’ at (intercession). However, God Almighty has given permission within a specified framework to the Prophet to have authority in Legislation so that he can modify some Ahkam according to likely expediencies. This authority is exclusively given to the Prophet by the permission of God.


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    Abulqasimi, Muhammad Javad. (2020). The Authority of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in legislating Divine Rules Relying on the Qur’ anic Verses and Sunni and Shi’ ite Viewpoints. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE TAFSIR STUDIES, 5(2 (10) ), 85-105. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/364689/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Abulqasimi Muhammad Javad. The Authority of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in legislating Divine Rules Relying on the Qur’ anic Verses and Sunni and Shi’ ite Viewpoints. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE TAFSIR STUDIES[Internet]. 2020;5(2 (10) ):85-105. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/364689/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Muhammad Javad Abulqasimi, “The Authority of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in legislating Divine Rules Relying on the Qur’ anic Verses and Sunni and Shi’ ite Viewpoints,” JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE TAFSIR STUDIES, vol. 5, no. 2 (10) , pp. 85–105, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/364689/en

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