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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Study of the implicit and verbal meanings of the verses of social ethics in the Holy Qur'an




 Holy Quran is the only plan of life. Guaranteeing prosperity and happiness for each person. In this statute, set by the wise God, His great needs and needs for achieving happiness and happiness have been raised. Islam, with all the enthusiasm of scientific and industrial progress and material life, Along with Allah, piety, truth and righteousness, ethics and omnipotence, good deeds are first and foremost In fact, one of the features of the Holy Qur'an is its appearance and its backwardness. Which extends to several inner layers, is an appropriate and scientific research method for the discovery of the inner layers of Quranic verses, the analysis of quality content of the Word. In light of the extensive research carried out in the field of Qur'anic sciences. Qur'anic commentators and scholars often categorize the Qur'anic verses in three divine, individual and social axes. Accordingly, for the purpose of this research, the third axis, the social ethics verses, was selected and content content tables were created based on the content analysis technique and on the basis of unit verses, quantitatively and qualitatively. Then the categories and subcategories of each verse were extracted along with the frequency of the verses and the literal and literal keywords. The scope of the research is 427 verses of the verses of social ethics, which after dividing it from the divine ethic verses with 521 verses and individual morals with 345 content analysis ayas. The research tool in the verbal meanings of the Holy Qur'an was translated by Professor Mohammad Mehdi Fouladvand and in the qualitative section of the translated al-Mizan Was used. The results of the research showed that the verses of social ethics have 10 categories and 89 sub categories. The category of Islamic values on property is 18%, the moral values of dialogue are 13%, members' rights are 11%, 10%, 7%, 7% and 6% justice and oppression. Most of the Holy Qur'an is dedicated to the donation, the provision of food for the poor, the protection of orphans, the payment of zakat and the prohibition of the sale of goods, the rape of orphans and rabbits as a sign of the attention of the theologian of this divine word to the preservation and consolidation of social relations in the Islamic society.


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    APA: Copy

    HASOOMI, TAHEREH, nooshinfard, fateme, Hoseini Beheshti, Molukosadat, BABALHAVAEJI, FAHIMEH, & HARIRI, NAJLA. (2018). Study of the implicit and verbal meanings of the verses of social ethics in the Holy Qur'an. ETHICAL RESEARCH (RESEARCH JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR ISLAMIC THOUGHT), 9(1 ), 285-304. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/365943/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    HASOOMI TAHEREH, nooshinfard fateme, Hoseini Beheshti Molukosadat, BABALHAVAEJI FAHIMEH, HARIRI NAJLA. Study of the implicit and verbal meanings of the verses of social ethics in the Holy Qur'an. ETHICAL RESEARCH (RESEARCH JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR ISLAMIC THOUGHT)[Internet]. 2018;9(1 ):285-304. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/365943/en

    IEEE: Copy

    TAHEREH HASOOMI, fateme nooshinfard, Molukosadat Hoseini Beheshti, FAHIMEH BABALHAVAEJI, and NAJLA HARIRI, “Study of the implicit and verbal meanings of the verses of social ethics in the Holy Qur'an,” ETHICAL RESEARCH (RESEARCH JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR ISLAMIC THOUGHT), vol. 9, no. 1 , pp. 285–304, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/365943/en

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