Information Journal Paper
CopyMOHAMMADI, Negin, ESHGHIZADEH, HAMIDREZA, EHSANZADEH, PARVIZ, SHARIATMADARI, HOSEIN, & Bardehji, Siavash. (2019). The impact of atmospheric temperature and soil nitrogen on some physiological traits and dry matter accumulation of wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Bahar). JOURNAL OF PLANT PROCESS AND FUNCTION, 8(29 ), 205-217. SID.
CopyMOHAMMADI Negin, ESHGHIZADEH HAMIDREZA, EHSANZADEH PARVIZ, SHARIATMADARI HOSEIN, Bardehji Siavash. The impact of atmospheric temperature and soil nitrogen on some physiological traits and dry matter accumulation of wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Bahar). JOURNAL OF PLANT PROCESS AND FUNCTION[Internet]. 2019;8(29 ):205-217. Available from:
CopyNegin MOHAMMADI, HAMIDREZA ESHGHIZADEH, PARVIZ EHSANZADEH, HOSEIN SHARIATMADARI, and Siavash Bardehji, “The impact of atmospheric temperature and soil nitrogen on some physiological traits and dry matter accumulation of wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Bahar),” JOURNAL OF PLANT PROCESS AND FUNCTION, vol. 8, no. 29 , pp. 205–217, 2019, [Online]. Available: