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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Bourang Shima | Jahanbakhsh Gedakahriz Sodabeh | EBADI ALI

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The soil contamination by heavy metals is one of the environmental problems of the world, with deleterious effects on the fauna and flora of soil and groundwater contamination, in addition to reducing plant growth and yield by entering the food chain, it puts human health and other organisms in denger. Cadmium is one of the hazardous and carcinogenic pollutions that in natural ecosystems ratio increased by human activities and incresment lead to impaired growth and reactions of cells stop. Also foliar micronutrients (iron and zinc) as a solution by many researchers for increasing yield under stress has been proposed. For this purpose, a factorial experiment in a completely randomized design with three replications was conducted in 95 Ardebil Mohagheg University. Treatments included wheat genotypes resistant (Karim) sensitive (Gonbad), cadmium levels (zero, 75, 150 micro-molar) and spraying the stem elongation stage in four levels (iron, zinc, iron + zinc and control) for each concentration was 3 per thousand. The results showed that 150 mM cadmium in both cultivares reduced the photosynthetic pigments and proline incresment, but the reduction was lower in the Karim. Also foliar spray of iron + zinc leads to an increase in proline content and photosynthetic pigments increased resistance is Karim. So it seems to increase proline content in the Gonbad can help to increase resistance to stress this cultivar.

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The selection of the appropriate almond cultivars (Prunus dulcis Mill. ) in dry and semi-arid regions like Iran in order to produce the optimal product is the importance. In order to study tolerance to water deficit stress, One-year old plants five almond cultivars/ genotypes on the GN15, A factorial experiment was conducted with a RCD which included 3 irrigations factors, 5 genotype factors and 3 replications. Three deficit-irrigation including moderate and severe stress (soil water potential, Ψ soil =-0. 8 and-1. 6 MPa, respectively) and a control treatment (Ψ soil=-0. 33 MPa) and genotypes/cultivars included: ‘ K3-3-1’ , ‘ H’ , ’ 13-40’ , ‘ Sahand’ and ‘ Ferragness’ grafted on GN15 rootstock in research stations horticulture sahand (Agricultural and natural resources research center of Eastern Azerbaijan). Investigation on growth traits in this study, the number of internod, Proline, protein, total phenol, and total caratnoiede found in the leaves, the percentage of ion leakage (% EL) and chlorophyll fluorescence were evaluated. The results showed that with increasing severity of stress, Proline concentration in cultivar sahand and genotype H (respectively 83. 13 and 84. 2 mg/kg) had the highest and genotype 13-40 with 53. 65 mg Proline has the lowest. Cultivar ferragnes/ GN15 and 13-40/GN15 had 16. 28 and 11. 48 mg total protein in leaves. The total amount of phenol in the leaves of almond cultivars from 698 in the treatment control to treatment of severe drought stress to 948 mg equivalent of gallic acid per g. Cultivar Sahand with phenol mg equivalent of gallic acid per g had most activities showed and average percent leakage of electrolytes (% EL) from the 11. 59 to 59% inthe extreme drought stress increased. Severe dehydration stress by increasing the minimum amount of fluorescence and reduce the maximum fluorescence due to reducing the fluorescence rang on the plants and ratio of variable fluorescence to maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm) from. 083 in the control plants to 0. 76 in Sahand leaves. this amount in Ferragness’ leaves from0. 81 to 0. 77 was reduced. Therefore, reduction in dry weight, leaf area and number of leaves and increasing special weight of leaves was observed. By reducing the number of internode, the overall growth of young plants reduced. Five cultivars and genotypes on GN15 in moderate stress tension (Ψ w =-0. 8 Mpa) of were showned tolerance but in extreme stress (Ψ w =-1. 6 Mpa), Sahand, Ferragness’ and only partly H genotype were tolerated but two genotypes K3-3-1, and 1340 in severe stress condation showned dehydrated and over 80% of the leaves are falled, and these genotype as the most sensitive and cultivars sahand and Ferragness’ as the most tolerant and Hgenotype with average tolerance to severe stress on the rootstock of the GN15 were diagnosed.

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In order to evaluate the effect of Piriformospora indica fungi inoculation on antioxidant systems and photosynthetic pigments of stevia medicinal plant under salt and drought stresses, an in vitro experiment was conducted. Experiment arranged in factorial based on completely randomized design with three replicates. Treatments were three levels of osmotic potential (0,-5, and-10 bar), three osmotic sources including NaCl (Na), Mannitol (M) and NaCl+Mannitol (N+M) and two levels of fungi inoculation (uninoculated control and inoculation with P. indica). Results showed that among the mentioned osmotic sources, NaCl had the most inhibitory effect on photosynthetic pigments of stevia. When M concentration increased in uninoculated plants, the enzymes activitiy such as catalase and superoxide dismotase increased too. In non-stress conditions P. indica improved photosynthetic pigments including chlorophyll a, b, a+b and carotenoids. Also, inoculation of stevia plantlets with P. indica at osmotic level of-5 bar caused by M+Na markedly improved chlorophyll b and a+b up to 41 and 57%, respectively as compared to the uninoculated control. Fungi inoculation also improved activity of antioxidant enzymes as compared to uninoculated control. Where Na and M+Na was applied to cause-5 bar of osmotic level, superoxide dismutase activity increased by 62 and 185%, respectively as compared to the control. In conclusion, results showed a positive effect of P. indica on stevia tolerance to both salinity and drought stresses.

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Water and soil salinity on environmental agents limit plant growth and its productivity in Iran. In order to reduce the adverse effects of salinity on plants, different compounds are used. In this study, the effects of salicylic acid and potassium silicate were investigated on wheat plants under salt stress. A factorial experiment in a randomized complete block was conducted by applying 100 mM NaCl and 14 mg of salicylic acid and 15 mg of potassium silicate. The plants were cultured hydroponically in a growth chamber at Hoagland solution. The results showed that in plants treated with NaCl, the fresh and dry weights, chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll, carotenoids and total protein concentrations were declined significantly compared with control plants. While soluble sugars, malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide concentrations increased significantly. Also, the activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase and peroxidase were increased. According to the results, application of salicylic acid and potassium silicate in salt stressed plants decreased the activity of antioxidant enzymes, membrane lipid peroxidation and H2O2 content. While, assayed growth parameters, photosynthetic pigments, soluble sugars and protein contents of salt stressed plants increased significantly by application of these compounds. Comparative analysis of application of these compounds in amelioration of salt stress in wheat plants, showed not significant effect on SOD activity, whereas application of salicylic acid decresed CAT activity of root and shoot. Also, activity of POD in shoot in comparative with potassium silicat application was decreased.

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To study effects of planting date, phosphate Bio-fertilizer and foliar application of Zinc and Boron on leaf area index, leaf area duration, leaf relative water content, cell membrane stability, quantum efficiency of PSII, leaf proline content and grain yield of bread wheat (Aflak cultivar), an experiment was conducted as split-plot factorial based on randomized complete blocks design with 16 treatments and 3 replications in Ramhormoz city during farming year 2015-2016. The experimental factors were included planting date (November, 21and January, 5) as the main factor, phosphate bio-fertilizer (Barvar 2) in two levels (non-used and using as seed inoculation) as the sub factor and foliar application in four levels (water as a control, Zinc, Boron and combination Zinc + Boron (each 3 lit. h-1)) as sub-sub factor. Solutions for foliar application were prepared by using Zinc-chelate (7. 5%) and Boron (5%). With delay in planting due to terminal heat stress except leaf proline content all traits leaf area index (LAI), leaf area duration (LAD), flag leaf relative water content (FLRWC), cell membrane stability, quantum efficiency of PSII (Φ PSII) and grain yield were decreased significantly. Seed inoculation with phosphate bio-fertilizer reduced harmful effects resulting from delay in planting on above traits. In between the different levels of nutrients foliar application, the combined application of Zinc + Boron as compared to the separate application for each of them was more effective in reducing the harmful effects resulting from delay in planting. But when the seeds were inoculated before planting with phosphate bio-fertilizer, the separate application Zinc element had more influence in improving the traits of LAI, LAD, FLRWC, cell membrane stability, Φ PSII, leaf proline content and increase yield of bread wheat in both optimum and late planting date.

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In this research, have been investigated the effects of endophytic fungi from Neotyphidum genius that has mandatory symbiosis with tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea schreb) and drought stress on changes in the protein profile of the tall fescue species. This process requires changes in the gene and protein expression profiles. Since these proteins have not been reported for tall fescue species. this study will be important for the drought crisis. The high-tall fescue genotypes containing endophyte were prepared from a collection of the Northwest and West Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology in Tabriz. After 20 days that plants remain in pots, water treatments containing favorable conditions or controls (100% field capacity), 14 days drought stress (25% FC) and 14 days after discharge from recovery again were imposed in the greenhouse were applied based on testing soil, after 20 days from the establishment of plants in pots. The experiment was conducted as factorial in a completely randomized design with two replications. After sampling, by using Proteomics, the proteins that changed, were determined by 2D-PLATENIUM software and separated by mass spectrometry for analysis. The results of mass spectrometry at the University of Southern Denmark showed that tensions in tall festuca plants under the conditions of drought stress in E + plants compared to E-expression proteins involved in the Calvin cycle, and three types of proteins were more involved are: Ribulose-1 and 5-Bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco enzymes) (A13 spot), Glyceral aldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (C7 spot), and Sedoheptolose-1, 7-Bisphosphatase (A1 spot). GA3P and S1. 7BP respectively expressed 0. 183 and 0. 25, in terms of stress in plants infected with endophytic fungi (E+) compared to control conditions, but 2. 4 in plants without endophyte (E-) than control conditions. On the other hand, RUBP 61. 2 time increase expression in terms of drought stress compared to control in E + plants, and decrease 0. 7 in E-plants. In general, drought stress in plants affects the photosynthesis system, which reduces the potential of the Calvin cycle in the plant, but this reduction is compensated by plant coexistence with mycorrhizal organisms such as endophyte and rhizobium.

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Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Solanaceae family that like to other plants of this family such as Atropa and Datura produces pharmaceutical tropane alkaloids hyoscyamine and scopolamine. These medicinal valuable compounds have anticholinergic effects, and antispasmodic and sedative properties. One of the most cost-effective strategies to increase production of active compounds in medicinal plants is the application of the biotic and abiotic elicitors. In this study, the effect of Piriformospora indica and Yarrowia lipolytica on the growth and production of tropane alkaloids and also antioxidant enzymes activity was investigated. Henbane plantlets were placed in two mediums with fungus or yeast for two weeks. The results showed that the growth and antioxidant enzymes activities were increased in plants that were treated with fungus and yeast in compare with control plantlets. Hyoscyamine content in shoot and scopolamine content in both root and shoot of the fungus treated plantlets were significantly increased in comparison to control. Also, the amount of scopolamine in roots and especially shoots of treated plants with yeast was significantly elevated in comparing with control. Therefore, P. indica and Y. lipolytica, can be used as appropriate biotic elicitors, for increasing biomass and pharmaceutical secondary metabolites in Henbane.

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In order to study the effects of bio fertilizers application on quantitative and qualitative yield, proline content and activity of some antioxidant enzymes in sunflower (Helianthus annus L. var. Urofelor) in different irrigation withholding levels, a factorial experiment was conducted based on randomized complete block design with three replications in research farm of faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili in 2015. Treatments were included bio fertilizer application in four levels [no bio fertilizer as control, Azotobacter chrocoocum strain 5, application of mycorrhiza (Glomus mosseae), Azotobacter chrocoocum+ Glomus mosseae] and three irrigation levels (full irrigation as control, irrigation withholding at 50% grain filling period; irrigation withholding at 50% flowering stage). Results showed that maximum efficiency of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm) (0. 64) was obtained in full irrigation and both application of Azotobacter+Glomus. Comparison of means showed that maximum of proline content and antioxidant enzymes activity such as catalase, peroxidase, and polyphenol oxidase were obtained in irrigation withholding at 50% flowering stage and both application of Azotobacter+Glomus. Maximum of oil percentage (43. 33 %) and chlorophyll content was obtained in full irrigation. Whereas, the highest soluble sugars was obtained under irrigation withholding at 50% flowering stage. Both application of bio fertilizer increased chlorophyll content, soluble sugars and oil percentage about 30. 16%, 33. 23% and 9. 25% in comparison with control. Full irrigation increased chlorophyll content and oil percentage about 42% and 16. 85% in comparison with irrigation withholding at 50% flowering stage. The highest of grain yield (2743. 5 kg. ha 1) was obtained at application of Azotobacter+Glomus and full irrigation and the lowest of it (1696. 5 5 kg. ha 1) was belonged to irrigation withholding at 50% flowering stage and no bio fertilizers. Under irrigation withholding condition at 50% flowering and grain filling period stages and without application of Azotobacter+Glomus decreased grain yield about 24. 54 and 60% in comparison with full irrigation. Under irrigation withholding condition at 50% flowering and grain filling period stages, both application of Azotobacter+Glomus increased grain yield about 13. 3 and 23. 52% respectively in comparison with control at the same irrigation withholding level. Based on the results, it seems that both application of Azotobacter+Glomus can be as a proper method for improving of grain yield of sunflower under water irrigation withholding condition.

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The fig, a sub-tropical crop, consumes as a table fruit as well as a dry product. Since, salinity is the serious concern of fig production, during 2016-2018, seven fig cultivars (‘ Sabzʼ , ‘ Siyahʼ , ‘ Shah Anjirʼ , ‘ Atabakiʼ , ‘ Kashkiʼ , ‘ Matiʼ and ‘ Barʼ ) were subjected to saline water (0. 5, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 dSm-1). Then, potein, proline, photosynthetic pigments, superoxide dismutase, catalase, guaiacol peroxidase and ascorbate peroxidase content were compared to introduce the most salt-tolerant cultivar. The results indicated, salinity caused an increase in total protein, proline and activity of antioxidant enzymes, but a decrease in chlorophyll (a, b, total) and carotenoids pigments. According to the results “ Siyah” and “ Sabz” cultivars were the most salt-tolerant and “ Shah Anjir” was the most salt-sensitive cultivar. The ‘ Atabakiʼ , ‘ Kashkiʼ , ‘ Matiʼ and ‘ Bar anjirʼ were placed between them

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Salinity is one of the major challenges to increasing crop productivity. Besides these, in order to investigate of proline and salicylic acid in the modulation of salt stress on soybean (Glycine max L. ), an experiment was conducted as split plot arrangement in a randomized completely design with four replication in 2016 in College of Agriculture, Shahrekord University. Main plot included three level irrigation by saline water with electrical conductivity 2 (control), 5 and 10 dS m-1 NaCl) and sub plot in four level of foliar applied (10 mM proline, in combination with 10 mM proline + 3 mM salicylic acid, 3 mM salicylic acid and sprayed with water (control)). The results showed that the 5 and 10 dS m-1 NaCl lead to increased and decreased of photosynthetic pigments compared with the control, respective. Proline and soluble sugars were increased under salt stress, while membrane stability index and relative water content decreased. Interaction between salt stress and foliar treatments showed that the highest increase in chl. b, carotenoid and proline were recorded in 5 dS m-1 NaCl and proline plus salicylic acid with increase of 93, 53 and 143% as compared to the control, respectively. Membrane stability index and relative water content were decreased 63 and 38% as compared to the control, respectively. So, foliar application of 10 mM proline with 3 mM salicylic acid on physiological parameters of soybean was the best treatment to mitigate the detrimental effects of salt stress. So, proline function as compatible solute in osmotic adjustment and salicylic acid with the protective role through physiological reactions under salt stress.

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High light (HL) can limit plant photosynthetic activity, growth and productivity. The HL effect was more pronounced in plants grown at low temperature. In order to determine the effects of chilling stress (4 0C) and light intensities (450 and 850 µ mol m-2 s-1) on antioxidant defense system and phenolic metabolism of Aloe vera L., an experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with four replications in a research greenhouse. The results indicated that the Aloe vera has a stronger HL tolerance. Increased tolerance in HL-treated plants was related to screening of photoradiation by phenolic compounds (but not the mechanism of ROS scavenging). Although total phenolics and flavonoids concentration as well as phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and catalase (CAT) activity responded positively to the chilling treatment, but cold stress considerably increased the rise in malondialdehyde (MDA) content (as a marker of lipid peroxidation), suggesting that Aloe vera is sensitive to chilling treatment. Additionally, chilling raised free radical scavenging activities of Aloe vera leaf gel using DPPH radical-scavenging because of an enhancement of total phenolic, and may be recommended for increasing leaf gel quality.

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In order to study was to evaluate future climate Fereydunshahr of Isfahan for the next hundred years and its effect on potato production in Fereydunshahr. To forecast future climate conditions in Fereydunshahr were collected daily climate data including maximum and minimum temperature, rainfall and sunshine hours in this region during the period 1982 to 2012. In this study was used to simulate climatic data LARS-WG model and for the simulation of tuber yield of potato cultivars SUBSTOR-Potato model. For this purpose, we employed two types of General Circulation Models ((United Kingdom Met. Office Hadley Center: HadCM3) and (Institute Pierre Simon Laplace: IPCM4)) and three scenarios (A1B, A2 and B1) for three time period as 2015 to 2045, 2046 to 2075 and 2075 to 2105 AD. The SUBSTOR-Potato model was used for simulating the baseline and future yield and growth characteristics of potato. This is one of sixteen models embedded within the DSSAT program. The precision of LARS-WG model was evaluated by root mean-squared error (RMSE) test. In order to validate growth model, a split plot experiment based on complete random block design (CRBD) in three replications for two years (2012-2013 and 2014-2015) was conducted. The treatments included seeding date as main factor in three levels (5, 15 and 30 May) and three potato cultivars (Arinda, Santeh and Agria as early, medium and late maturity variety, respectively) as subplot including. Then, using of LARS-WG model was estimated the climatic data for a sample of Fereydunshahr in three periods 2015 to 2045, 2046 to 2075 and 2076 to 2105 AD, using two general circulation models (HadCM3 and IPCM4) under three scenarios standard A2, B1 and A1B. The results showed that the model LARS-WG had acceptable potential (RMSE <30) in the simulated climate data Fereydunshahr. Data validation results of LARS-WG showed that LARS-WG is more accurately simulate the maximum temperature in comparison whit minimum temperature and rainfall. Maximum and minimum temperature increased in all general circulation models and scenarios assessed in relation to the current situation. In general, the results showed that in the future will see less rainfall and higher temperatures than the current situation for Fereydunshahr and therefore will see reduce the yield of potato in Fereydunshahr. As we observed in HadCM3 and IPCM4 models and three scenarios (A1B, A2 and B1) reduction in potato yield respectively in 2090 compared with 2030. It seems that management of planting dates can be regarded as appropriate approach to reduce adverse effects of climate change on tuber yield of potato. Evaluation of adaption ways to future climate condition clarified that either early or late seeding date of tolerant cultivars such as Arinda might be considered as a solution to face changing climate since under these seeding dates flowering stage won't occur under high temperatures. It seems that management of planting dates can be regarded as appropriate approach to reduce adverse effects of climate change on tuber yield of potato.

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Salvia leriifolia is a medicinal plant belonging to lamiaceae family. In this study, the influence of light, phenylalanine and caffeic acid on cell growth and accumulations of phenolic acids were investigated. For this propose, the leaf explants were cultured in MS medium supplemented with BAP and NAA for callus induction. A cell suspension culture of S. leriifolia derived from leaf-derived callus was established in liquid MS medium with the same hormonal content. The biomass and phenolic acids content were analyzed after 15 days of the culture. Quantitative analyses of the phenolic acids in ethanolic extracts from the biomass were conducted by applying the HPLC method. Both dry weight and phenolic acid content were increased by light irradiation. Addition of 10 mg/l phenylalanine enhanced accumulation of caffeic acid (4fold), rosmarinic acd(4fold) and Salvianolic acid(1. 6fold) compared to control. Addition of 10 mg/l caffeic acid decreased cell growth and accumulation of phenolic acids. This study will help us understand how secondary metabolism in Salvia leriifolia responds to precursors and light provide a reference for the improvement of the production of targeted compounds in the near future.

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In order to investigate the effects of different levels of drought stress and application of brassinosteroid on some growth, physiological and biochemical characteristics of wild pear (Pyrus biossieriana Buhse) seedlings, an experiment was conducted in greenhouse in factorial form based on fully random pattern with three replications. Experimental treatments included different levels of drought stress (Control, field capacities of 75, 50 and 25%) and different concentrations of brassinosteroids (0, 3 and 10 mM). In this experiment the characteristics of dry weights of leaf, root, and stem, plant height, relative humidity content, electrolyte leakage, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoid, proline, soluble suagrs, malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide were investigated. The result shown that the drought stress cause significant reduce in dry weight of leaf, root, and stem, plant height, relative humidity content, and carotenoid; but brassinosteroid resulted in significant increase in these characteristics. Interaction brassinosteroids application in 10 mM and in 25% FC of drought stress condition showed the high level of soluble suagrs, proline, and hydrogen peroxide. It seems that in stress condition brassinosteroid application improved drought tolerance of the plant by increasing the concentration of osmolites such as soluble sugars and proline and therefore it succor to maintaining osmotic pressure in cells and increasing hydrogen peroxide production.

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This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of foliar application of different K: Ca ratios (0, 0. 5, 1 and 1. 5) on growth parameters, yield and fruit quality of strawberry 'Selva' in greenhouse conditions based on completely randomized design with three replicates. Based on the results, spray application showed significant effects on the photosynthetic capacity, enzymatic and non-enzymatic anti-oxidant capacity and fruit yield. Accordingly, the maximum yield (92. 6 g/plant) and photosynthetic capacity including leaf area (2060 cm2/plant), stomatal conductance (405. 7 mmol (H2o)/m2. s-1) and chlorophyll content (18. 04 µ g/g Fw) were obtained in 1. 5 ratio in compared to 0. 5 and 1 ratios. Also, the highest enzymatic (peroxidase and catalase) and non-enzymatic (total phenol and vitamin C content) anti-oxidant capacity and total soluble solid were observed in 1. 5 ratio; while the lowest fruit weight loss was observed in the ratio contains more Ca. The results of this experiment led to conclusion that foliar application of K: Ca treatments has significant effects on growth parameters and fruit quality components as well; consequently optimum ratio of K: Ca was the best treatment. Additionally, supplemental application of optimum K: Ca ratio especially under low nutrient uptake via substrate and also at different growth stages, could be recommended.

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Wheat is the most important cereal crop in the world as well as in Iran. The studies related to the effects of global climate change on wheat production usually assess the impact of changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature on growth and yield. On the other hand, nitrogen is the most crucial plant nutrient for crop production and the proper management and improving the utilization efficiency of nitrogen fertilizers is very important. The greenhouse experiments were, therefore, conducted to assess concomitant effects of temperature and nitrogen supply on the growth and some physiological traits of Bahar bread wheat cultivar. In this experiment effects of four nitrogen levels (0, 50, 100 and 150 mg kg-1 from ammonium nitrate source, N=35%) at two environments, one with an ambient temperature of 25 ± 3° C and the other with an elevated temperature of 35 ± 3° C were tested on the wheat genotype in a completely randomized design with three replications. The results were suggestive of decreases in all measured traits with increasing temperature, except shoot nitrogen concentration. Elevated temperature reduced the shoot dry weight of plant at levels of 0, 50, 100 and 150 mg kg-1 of nitrogen fertilizer by 1. 16 g or 50%, 0. 47 g or 21%, 0. 45 g or 16% and 0. 81 g or 26%, respectively. The maximum shoot dry matter belonged to 150 mg kg-1 of nitrogen fertilizer at ambient temperature and 100 mg kg-1 of soil nitrogen fertilizer at the elevated temperature. It seems that rising temperatures will reduce the nitrogen use efficiency at the heading stage of wheat.

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This research was done to investigate the effects of Nano-iron spray, the chemical synthesis of silver nanoparticles and the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles on chamomile plant( Tanacetum parthenium). It was done in the form of a completely random factorial design with three replications in the greenhouse of the agricultural college of Zabol university. The treatments included the first factor, Water dificit stress in two levels (non-stress and moderate stress, %50 of the field capacity) and the second one included nanoparticles in three levels of Nano-iron, the chemical synthesis of silver nanoparticles and the green synthesis with the density of 30ppm and one non-Nano level. In this research, the proline traits, flavonoid, the soluble carbohydrates in stem, chlorophyll A, chlorophyll B, the total chlorophyll, the carotenoids and the amount of the parthenolide active substance were evaluated by high performance liquid chromatography. The results of the variance analysis showed that the effect of drought stress on all of the studied characteristics is significant at the %1 level. Moreover, the foliar feeding of the nanoparticles had positive and significant effects on the investigating traits. The effects of the interaction between the nanoparticles and the drought stress on the investigating traits became significant statistically. In general, it can be said that the green synthesis of nano silver spray in the photosynthetic pigments traits, the soluble sugar content, proline, flavonoids and parthenolide was variable. But, it increases the maximum economical performance of chamomile plant. (The amount of pathenolide).

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In order to study the effect of physiological and biochemical responses of tomato cv. Rio Grande to foliar spray of Megafol under water deficit stress, an experiment was carried out in a split plot based on randomized complete block design with three replicates in Research Filed of university of Zanjan as during 2015. Treatments consisted arrangement of three irrigation levels (starting irrigation at 100, 75 and 50% ETc) and 4 levels of Megafol (0, 0. 1, 0. 2 and 0. 3%). The results showed that water deficit stress significantly decreased relative water content, chlorophyll content and stomatal conductivity, but increased proline content, electrolyte leakage and catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD) enzymes activity. Foliar application of Megafol increased chlorophyll and proline content, CAT and POD enzymes activity and stomatal conductivity under water deficit stress and normal irrigation coditions, and decreased electrolyte leakage, that the 0. 2% Megafol treatment had the highest effect. The maximum CAT enzyme activity (0. 087 µ mol H2O2 g-1 FW min-1) was achieved in plants sprayed with Megafol 0. 2% under defici irrigation 50% ETc. According to the results, foliar application of biostimulants can be proposed on tomato under normal and deficit irrigation.

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Watermelon nuts is widely cultivated in Khorasan Razavi for its edible seed production. Two experiments were therefore, conducted to increase seed production in Bahonar University of Kerman Research Station in 2013 and 2014. In first year, the effects of gibberellic acid (0 and 50 mg/l) and fruit number (1, 2 and 3 fruits /plant) were studied in 4 populations. In second year, the effects of 24-epibrassiniolide (0, 0. 5 and 1 micromolar), gibberellic acid (0 and 50 mg/l), Boron (0, 0. 1 and 0. 2%) and calcium (0 and 0. 2%) were studied in one population (Japoni) on growth and seed production. Results from first year experiment revealed that GA increased the plant lenght (417 cm) compared with control (363 cm). the maximum of fresh biomass (1805 gr) and chlorophyll index (57. 5) with application of gibberellic acid in Japony population was observed. Three fruits remained per plant produced more volume (12545 ml/plant) and weight (12223 gr/plant) of the fruit and seed weight (304 gr/plant ) in Japony population. Howevere, the results from second year experiment showed that in treatments containing Br 0. 5, 0. 1% boron and 0. 2% calcium, highest leaf relative water content (67%) and lowest leaf ion leakage (30%) was found. Moreover, treatment combination of 0. 5 micromolar Br, 0. 1% boron, 0. 2% calcium and 50 mg/l GA was the most effective treatment for increasing of shoot fresh weight (2490 gr/plant), leaf chlorophyll content (28. 2 mgr/gr fresh weight), fruit volume (8486 ml/plant) and weight (8342 gr/plant) and seed weight (228 gr/plant), such that this treatment produced 3 ton/ha seed yield, compared with control which was about 1 ton/ha. This treatment is recommended for watermelon seed production.

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Early sowing in spring season is important for the use of mild conditions as well as proper vegetative growth, but the occurrence of low temperatures at the beginning of the growing season may cause the problem for plant establishment. In order to investigate the effect of methyl jasmonate (MeJA) on antioxidant enzymes and improving the resistance of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) to low temperature stress, a factorial experiment include six concentrations of methyl jasmonate (0, 1, 5, 50, 100 and 150 μ M) and three temperature levels (8, 11 and 14 ° C) was conducted in a completely randomized design. The results showed that no seeds were germinated at 8 ° C. At 11 ° C and lack of methyl jsmonate, no seeds were germinated, but the application of methyl jasmonate increased germination to 76. 66%. At 14 ° C and lack of methyl jasmonate, only 26% of the seeds are germinated. However, the application of methyl jasmonate increased germination to 100%. The highest germination rate was recorded at 1 and 50 μ M methyl jasmonate, which that at 14 ° C. The activities of superoxide dismutase and guaiacol peroxidase were very high at both concentrations of MeJA, but at 11 ° C the highest activity of these enzymes were observed at a concentration of 1 and 100 μ M of methyl jasmonate. At 14 ° C, the catalase activity was higher in methyl jasmonate treatments than the control but at 11 ° C it was more in the control than the methyl jasmonate treatments. Therefore, the valuable effect of methyl jasmonate to creating resistance to relatively cool air (above 10 ° C) has been proven. According to results of this experiment, it can be said that the application of methyl jasmonate increases the resistance of the seeds of pumpkin seeds to low temperature stress, and the earlier sowing of this plant can increase its production potential.

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In order to study the effects of biofertilizers of nitroxin (0, 2, 4 L. h-1) and biosulphur (0, 2, 4 kg. h-1) Containing “ plant growth promotor Bacteria” on quantity and quality of medicinal plant of winter cherry (Physalis alkekengi L. ) an experiment in a factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design with nine treatments (Nitroxin 2 and 4 L. h-1, Biosulphur 2 and 4 kg. h-1, Nitroxin 2 L. h-1 + Biosulphur 2 kg. h-1, Nitroxin 2 L. h-1 + Biosulphur 4 kg. h-1, Nitroxin 4 L. h-1 + Biosulphur 2 kg. h-1, , Nitroxin 4 L. h-1 + Biosulphur 4 kg. h-1 and No Biofertilizer) and three replications was conducted in agricultural faculty of Zanjan University in 2016. Results of this experiment showed that biofertilizers of Nitroxin and biosulfur had significant effect on growth indices, yield and quality of winter cherry but weight of Calyx not affected by experimental treatments. The maximum Plant height (53 cm), stem diameter (6. 1 mm), internod distance (7. 33 mm), leaf area (422. 3 cm2), number of branches (58), Aerial part fresh weight (371. 3 g), Aerial part dry weight (78 g) were obtained in integrated treatment of four liters nitroxin with four kilograms of biosulfur. The maximum fruit weight (1. 96 g), fruit diameter (1. 96 mm), total yield (6. 82 t. h-1), Chlorophyll a (4. 01 mg. g-1 leaf fresh weight), leaf nitrogen content (3. 02 percent), leaf sulfur content (0. 20 percent) were obtained in integrated treatment of four liters nitroxin with four kilograms of biosulfur. Also, the most total phenol (14. 07 mg/g fruit DW), carotenoids (12. 16 mg/g fruit FW), anthocyanins (17. 7 mg mg/g fruit DW), and physaline (1. 56 percent) obtained in treatment of four liters nitroxin per hectare. Most of the chlorophyll b (2. 76 mg/g leaf fresh weight) in integrated treatment of two kilograms per hectare of biosulfur with four liters per hectare of nitroxin. Overall, based on results it seem that biofertilizers of Nitroxin and biosulfur application can increase the economic performance, quality and quantity characteristics of winter cherry compared to control.

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Black cumin (Nigella sativa) is an annual flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae that beside medicinal value was used as food and cosmetics products. Salicylic acid is a growth regulator with phenolic nature has main role in regulation of many physiological processes and resistance to environmental stress. In order to study effect of salt stress and salicylic acid on some growth parameters including chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, carotenoid, proline, malondialdehyde (MDA), other aldehydes, gayvkl peroxidase and lipoxygenase in medicinal plant Nigella (Nigella sativa L. ), an experiment was conducted in factorial design based on complementary randomized design in 2016 at greenhouse of Ilam university. Treatments were include salinity at three level (Zero, 25 and 75 mM) and salicylic acid at three level (Zero, 0. 75 and 1. 5 mM) respectively. The results showed that salt stress decreased chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, carotenoids and a significant increase in proline, malondialdehyde (MDA) and other aldehydes. Black cumin is sensitive to salinity stress, so by applying salicylic acid antioxidant capacity of the plants were increased against stress conditions.

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In order to investigate effects of Azomite application in reducing salinity stress in basil herb, a pot factorial experiment based on completely randomized design with three replications was conducted in the research greenhouse of Agriculture Faculty, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Treatments were consisted of salinity stress at three levels (0, 50 and 100 mM) as the first factor and the application of Azomite mixed with soil before cultivation at four levels (0, 3, 6 and 9 g per kg of soil) as the second factor. Vegetative traits such as plant height, number of branches, inflorescence length, leaf length and leaf fresh and dry weight were significantly decreased with increasing salinity stress. Application of 9 g/kg Azomite at high levels of salinity stress improved these traits compared to control plants (non-application of Azomite). Also, the highest chlorophyll a content was obtained in control plants (non-salinity stress) and 50 mM salinity stress treatments with application of 9 g/kg Azomite which were 8. 33 and 7. 48 mg/g. FW, respectively. The highest antioxidant activity (90%), total phenol (0. 93 mg/g. FW) and proline (0. 4 mg/g. DW) was observed in 100 mM salinity stress treatment and application 9 g/kg Azomite. The highest relative water content (RWC) was obtained under non salinity stress conditions (control) and application of 9 g/kg Azomite. In general, it could be concluded that using of Azomit as a natural substance consistent with sustainable agriculture under salt stress conditions can increase plant growth and improve Basil's biochemical traits.

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Sarafraz Ardakani Mohammad Reza

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The interaction of hormones plays an important role in plant equilibrium, especially, when plants encountered to environmental stresses, during both vegetative and generative stages. For this purposes, the experiment was designed based on the interaction effect of exogenous treatments of individual kinetin (Kin) and 24-epibrassinolide (24-EBL) and their dual application with two level of field capacity of 100% (control) and 50% (drought stress) from the origin of post-anthesis stage in three wheat cultivars including drought-tolerant (Pishtaz), drought-semi-tolerant (Sabalan) and drought-susceptible (Gaspard) as factorial experiment based on split plot in a randomized complete design with four replications in greenhouse condition. Then, flag leaves fresh and dry weight (FW and DW, respectively) and relative water content (RWC), abscisic acid (ABA), peroxide hydrogen (H2O2) and malondialdehyde ( MDA ) levels and enzyme activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and catalas ( CAT ) were assayed and compared at post-anthesis stage. During drought stress, FW, DW and RWC, especially in the Gaspard cultivar, decreased significantly. The ABA level increased under drought stress, especially in drought-tolerant cultivar. The 24-EBL was the most effective treatment in related to increasing of FW and DW, recovery of RWC and increment of ABA level during drought stress, especially in drought-tolerant cultivar. Drought stress significantly increased the activity of SOD, APX and CAT in Pishtaz cultivar more than Sabalan and Gaspard cultivars. In contrast, less accumulation of H2O2 and MDA was observed in drought-tolerant cultivar than both drought-semi-tolerant and drought-susceptible cultivars. Despite the fact that, EBL was the most effective treatment in related to increment of antioxidant enzymes activity, Kin and EBL combination caused the most reduction of oxidative stress traits. In conclusion, Pishtaz cultivar compared to Sabalan and Gaspard cultivars benefited from hormonal treatment for increasing of antioxidant efficiency under drought stress.

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Nitrogen deficit is one of the most limiting nutrients for plant production. Therefore, identifying diazotrophic indigenous inoculants to promote nitrogen fixation have a great importance in agriculture. In the current study, a number of rhizobacteria isolated from nodules of different legumes cultured in Kerman (IRAN) province. Isolates were screened for their ability to grow on N-free media. Eight isolates showed the best growth speed on on N-free media selected for further experiments. The reminders with little speed grow on medium were discarded. The selected isolates were analyzed in vitro for diazotrophic potential tests for ammonia production. The effect of isolates on some growth parameters and nodulation of bean plants were also studied under greenhouse conditions by 10 treatments including N and N-free groups. All selected isolates significantly (P<0. 01) enhanced growth parameters of bean plants above the un-inoculated N-free control. Chlorophyll a was also raised in the presence of rhizobacteria inoculation which the content was as much as the group treated by mineral N application. Its total chlorophyll content was also the highest after mineral N treated group. Among isolates, MPV2 followed by GMS with the highest number of root nodulation showed the greatest impact on growth characteristics such as plant height and leaf water content. MCA and GMS isolates had the most nitrogen content in plants comparing to the rest of groups. It can be concluded from the results that MPV2, GMS and MCA, respectively collected from root nods of Phaseulus vulgaris, Medicago sativa and Cicer arietinum plants are good candidates for improving bean plants growth production as N-fixator biofertilizers. However, the beneficial of these isolates should be screened under field conditions for P. vulgaris plants.

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