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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The Trilogy of Mindfulness, the Human Side of Organizations and Creative Thinking in Kazuo Ishiguro’ s The Remains of the Day


RAMIN ZOHREH | Sadat Hosseini Khajooee Seyed Hossein | Issue Writer Certificate 




 The goal of this s tudy is to analyze through Drake’ s model of the human side of organizational principles, The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro. The novel will be analyzed using Barthes’ s literary codes which originate from Taoism and Zen philosophy as sources of creative thinking. Ishiguro novels foreground the behavioral and Classical Organizations, hence welcome a comprehensive s tudy between literature and social sciences. The role of humanis tic organizations in providing a better chance of growth both for the organization and its human compartments has exceeded the boundaries of social sciences and management, as behavioral approach of leading organizations has become a major development in honoring personal identity. Michael Drafke has determined the kind of proper interaction between decision-makers and subordinates in field researches. These theories of the human side of organizations are mos tly for behavioral management, a short coming in the literature have been addressed. The epis temology and ontology of the behavioral approach have been to the benefit of decision-makers and subordinates. In The Remains of the Day, the dominant organizational implications are classical. The core claim of this s tudy is that it informs a blending of behavioral and classical approaches to be implemented between decision-makers and subordinates who are unequal educationally and characteris tically as a pragmatic s trategy. This s tudy concludes that an appropriate blending of these two approaches can have pragmatic results to pave the way for implementing a full behavioral approach that is able to es tablish an equilibrium between humanity and organization. Introduction Organizations have to be reformed in order to fulfil the mos t important requirements of humanity for the sake of empowerment of the human side of organizations. The gradual change from classical view of Organizational Decision Making to behavioral cooperation for the same goal has been in this direction. Ishiguro’ s novel is written in an expanded humanis tic tradition to demons trate a new approach towards Drafke’ s organizational principles. Background of Study Rothfork in Confucianism in Kazuo Ishiguro’ s The Unconsoled has considered "innovation as a byproduct of Confucianism and personal identity as a fleeting phenomenon that can be defined by social roles" (3). Watts considers Taoism as the generating force behind any innovative movement and regards Confucianism a dry and heavy school of thought. In the present novel these two philosophies of thought have found a place to interact with each other as Lord Darlington and S tevens as Confucian school followers and Miss Kenton and Mr. Farraday as Taois ts. Mohagheghe Neishabori and Ilkhani and Sokhanvar in Power Analysis from Foucault’ s Viewpoint on the Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro has considered S tevens a normalized individual that los t his individuality under the pressure of external power. Miss. Kenton has been a resis ting individual based on Foucault’ s categorization, but this resis tance has been in the context of dominant power. According to this s tudy Miss Kenton is Taois tic in her approach, however the dominant power of Confucian thought could not let her innovation glorify. Method and Discussion The theoretical s tructure which is used here is the human side of organization principles by Drafke and the analysis of the novel would be by Barthes’ s literary codes to the recognition of the favorite managerial device that has been preferred. The winning of Darlington Hall by Mr. Farraday can be the symbol of behavioral organizational management’ s triumph over classical one. S tevens’ s neglecting in attending the deathbed of his father implies the disregard of a classical manager to the fate of one’ s close relatives and one’ s subordinates consequently. Conclusion Organizations whether behavioral or classical need to be reformed according to humanis tic requirements to the extent that the survival of the organization be not at s take. It seems due to proofs which are presented, a combination of the two managerial devices can be the bes t s trategy for handling organizations more humanis tically and a better fate for organizations and individuals can be achieved.


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    APA: Copy

    RAMIN, ZOHREH, & Sadat Hosseini Khajooee, Seyed Hossein. (2021). The Trilogy of Mindfulness, the Human Side of Organizations and Creative Thinking in Kazuo Ishiguro’ s The Remains of the Day. CRITICAL LANGUAGE & LITERARY STUDIES, 17(25 ), 117-138. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/367699/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    RAMIN ZOHREH, Sadat Hosseini Khajooee Seyed Hossein. The Trilogy of Mindfulness, the Human Side of Organizations and Creative Thinking in Kazuo Ishiguro’ s The Remains of the Day. CRITICAL LANGUAGE & LITERARY STUDIES[Internet]. 2021;17(25 ):117-138. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/367699/en

    IEEE: Copy

    ZOHREH RAMIN, and Seyed Hossein Sadat Hosseini Khajooee, “The Trilogy of Mindfulness, the Human Side of Organizations and Creative Thinking in Kazuo Ishiguro’ s The Remains of the Day,” CRITICAL LANGUAGE & LITERARY STUDIES, vol. 17, no. 25 , pp. 117–138, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/367699/en

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