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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Evaluation the Desirability of Designing of Residential Spaces for Physically-Movement Disabilities with the Approach of Disabilities Friendly City, Case Study: Yazd City




Physically-Movement Disabilities part of the community who are, like other citizens, need the desirability of designing of Residential Spaces are. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to Evaluation the Desirability of Designing of Residential Spaces for Physically-Movement Disabilities with the Approach of Disabilities Friendly City in Surface Yazd city is. This research in terms of applied purpose, in terms of nature and method, descriptive of survey type is. Field studies with questionnaire by 157 people Physically-Movement Disabilities (Based on Morgan table) Randomly in the Surface Yazd city have been completed. To evaluate and rank the indicators Technique of UTA and for analyze the data to statistical tests in SPSS software were used. Based on the results Technique of UTA and weighting of the relevant indicators performed by Fuller Hierarchical Hierarchy Process, it was found that the safety criterion with weight of 0/437 is in the first rank and the accessibility criterion with weight of 0/183 is in the last rank. Pearson correlation analysis revealed that between income level of people with disabilities, their length of stay in Residential Spaces and the level of their living space with their level of satisfaction there is no significant relationship, But between living standards with the level of satisfaction of the disabled there is a relationship. Regression analysis also shows that compliance with living standards is the first priority regarding the level of satisfaction of the disabled and the Surface of residential infrastructure, income and length of stay have the second, third and fourth priority, respectively. Finally, it can be concluded that the desirability of designing of Residential Spaces for physical-Movement disabilities can lead to the creation of a disability friendly city in Surface city Yazd. Introduction: Location is one of the most important parts of the human environment. A well-designed environment and living space is of great importance for the disabled and disabled. The Disabled Friendly City provides the community with many techniques and methods to provide a comfortable and safe life for the disabled. In Iran, the needs of people with disabilities are often not fully met in new buildings, and most of the buildings are designed for healthy and capable individuals who have no adaptation and proportion to the disability of disabled people and cannot be used. Methodology: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of nature and method it is a descriptive survey. Data were collected through library, documentary and survey methods. The statistical population of the study is Yazd's Disability Society and according to Morgan table, 157 persons are considered as sample according to the number of referrals per month to the Disabled Communities in Yazd. In this study, simple random sampling method was used. Initially, the necessary referrals were made with the individuals, for better cooperation, the subject and purpose of the research were clearly stated. The questionnaire was used to measure the accessibility of people to their living spaces and the size and dimensions of the spaces as well as the presence or absence of some spaces and facilities. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0/78 to determine the reliability of the instrument, indicating acceptable reliability of the questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire tool was confirmed by using the experts' opinions and summarizing the dimensions, components and variables influenced by Delphi and Pre-Test. Results and discussion: Taken together, the results of this study are consistent with those of Kayama et al. (2019), Saita et al. (2019), Gorji Azandriani and Shirzad Nazarloo (2018), Ziyari and Karamuziyan (2018), and Soleimani et al. (2018). Attention to physical and physical disabilities should be built to support a disabled community, protect and protect urban parks, pay attention to their citizenship rights, maximize compliance with national and international standards and criteria, and appropriate walks for the disabled. It has been concluded that adherence to the standards of urban planning and architecture in designing Khtmanha is required. Consistent with the research of Kim Boa and Lee Yunsuk (2015), Shahram and Zieynal (2015) and Majidi (2012), housing design should be aware of the needs of people with disabilities, housing design guidelines, and utility, because in this study Due to the needs of people with disabilities in Yazd, the city has designed and designed housing. Conclusion: Analysis of the presence or absence of correlation between the variables of income, length of stay in residential areas and the level of living infrastructure with the level of satisfaction of disabled people showed that there was no significant relationship between these variables. Finally, it was found that there is a significant relationship between the two variables of meeting the required standards in living space with the level of satisfaction of the disabled. Adherence to standards in the living space enhances the comfort of the handicapped and indicates a direct correlation. Regression test also shows the relation between compliance with living standards and level of satisfaction with the disability. Regression analysis (ANOVA) was used to correlate the desirability of designing Residential Spaces for physically-disabled people with disability-friendly cities. Therefore, it can be analyzed whether the utility design of Residential Spaces for persons with disabilities is in accordance with the law of engineering and building control such as adequate parking where the mouth of the car stop should be 3/50 meters wide, suitable for sanitary facilities which should be 1/50 × 1/70 meters or Its layout is such that it is possible to maneuver a wheelchair and. . . with regard to disability-friendly city indicators can lead to the creation of a disability-friendly city in Yazd. This means that as the desirability of designing Residential Spaces for the disabled in Yazd increases, a positive and meaningful relationship is created to create a disability-friendly city.


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    APA: Copy

    REZAEI, MOHAMMAD REZA, & Hajforoush, Shahabadin. (2021). Evaluation the Desirability of Designing of Residential Spaces for Physically-Movement Disabilities with the Approach of Disabilities Friendly City, Case Study: Yazd City. HUMAN GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH QUARTERLY, 52(4 ), 1433-1452. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/370924/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    REZAEI MOHAMMAD REZA, Hajforoush Shahabadin. Evaluation the Desirability of Designing of Residential Spaces for Physically-Movement Disabilities with the Approach of Disabilities Friendly City, Case Study: Yazd City. HUMAN GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH QUARTERLY[Internet]. 2021;52(4 ):1433-1452. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/370924/en

    IEEE: Copy

    MOHAMMAD REZA REZAEI, and Shahabadin Hajforoush, “Evaluation the Desirability of Designing of Residential Spaces for Physically-Movement Disabilities with the Approach of Disabilities Friendly City, Case Study: Yazd City,” HUMAN GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH QUARTERLY, vol. 52, no. 4 , pp. 1433–1452, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/370924/en

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