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Analysis of poetry and its mystical-virtuous functions in the Asrar al-tawhid




 Introduction Abu Sa'id Fazlullah bin Ahmad is known as Abu Sa'id Abu al-Khair of the great fourteenth and first half-century mystics of the fifth century AH. Mohammad ibn Monavar, a descendant of Abu Sa'id Abu al-Khair, wrote the book of'Asrar Al-Tawhid 'in the description of his ancestor, since there was no written written about Abu Sa'id From the oral sources of those days, he sometimes spoke with some intermediaries and arranged anecdotes and arranged the book of Sarah al-Wahid in three phases. The writer has used discipline and prose with literary skills and attitudes, and this has doubled the attractiveness of his work. "It seems that Abu Sa'id seems to be the first among Sufis who has committed his Sufi beliefs to the Persian and sometimes to the Shi'a order, and in this regard he must be rightly regarded as the leader of Sana'a, Attar and Jalal al-Din Muhammad Balkhi. What robes associated with the death of Abu al-Khair are among the first Sufi poetry of Persia and even some reasons why Hakim Omar Khayyam followed Abu Sa'id in writing Persian language in Persian. "(Salmi, 1995: 37). The lyrics of Asrar Al-Tawhid have simple, soft and subtle language, and represent a part of the history of the development of language in the fifth and sixth century AH. "The spiritual heritage is more healing in his mystical teachings, and in his amazing behavior throughout his life, but in the history of Iranian culture, his name has always been repeated in the leading Persian poets along with Khayyam, Baba Taher, Rumi and Attar. . . Due to his poetry of excessive friendship and a few poems, the people also rank him in the poetry world, which has received a lesser amount of poetry than any other poet, and translated the verses associated with him beyond the scope of poetry, They are sacred (Shafiei Kadkani, 2005: 20-19). The combination of order and prose in the Book of Wisdom is one of its most important features. ". . . Although the poet himself is not so poetic But poetry throughout his life from childhood to old age and lyrics, there was a lot of memorization. The poem was always the tongue of his tongue, and he often told poetry instead of the hadiths on the manger, so that on the grave he carved two pieces of Arabic poetry that he read and liked very much "(111) The problem in this essay is that the study of the functions of poetry reveals its role and importance and gives a new insight into the position of poetry towards lovers of art and art. The poetry of each poet contains the views, the history of mankind, civilization, society, culture, art and. . . His age is his life, which, in addition to showing the position of poetry among the tribes, examines and analyzes the form and structure of the functions of poetry. it shows. The most important questions in this research are one of why the use of poetry along with prose in the Secretariat? And what other features of the poetry of Asrar Al-Tawhid are and how many? The main objectives of this research are to recognize the function of poetry in the art of worship and to study the literal and spiritual functions of poetry in it and try to measure the use of the author of poetry and explain the frequency of each of the functions by descriptive-analytical method. Research methodology In this research, according to the purpose and hypotheses presented by the descriptive-analytical method, we examine the poetic functions and frequencies of using the poetry and its types of functions, and attempts to perform narrative, mystical-ghana, arrays, interpretations, reasoning and Explaining the deductive of poetry during prose in Salvador. Discussion The secrets of Sheikh Abu Said are among the most important mystical sources in which moral and literary beauties are interwoven. Variety of vocabulary, rhetorical methods, combinations, attention to the techniques of fiction, the mention of evidence and examples of the poems of the earliest times can be considered as one of the reasons for the special significance of the Secularity. This valuable mystical work can be cited in various aspects of mystical, social, historical, geographical and literary. The use of poetry as a prose is a method most of the poets and writers have used in their works for a long time as a tool for the attractiveness of the work and the power of speech and influence. The intensity of emotion and meanings in the poet's mind makes it possible to transcend the normal language and to develop the phenomenon that has formed in his mind and thought, through the help of literary industries, semantic aspects and. . . in poetry and by creating creativity and Innovating and creating new images and themes, entering various arenas of imagination and. . . creating literary language and personal style that recognizes these features is important. The exact date of the poetry's entry into prose and the combination of these two with each other is clearly not clear. "The presence of poetry in Persian prose began in the period of simple prose perfection, almost simultaneously with the second half of the 5th century AH, and began to imitate Arabic literary works. The tendency to the verbal and spiritual industries of the word as a result of the inherent evolution of prose, the influence of political and social factors, the domination of Persian poetry on the literary fields and the diversity of rhetorical sciences led to the evolution of prose and its movement towards technicalism. "(Tamimdari, 2000: 125) Examines the functions of poetry, its role and importance, and a new attitude about the position of poetry to lovers of art and literature. The poetry of each poet contains the views, the history of mankind, civilization, society, culture, art and. . . His age is his life, which, in addition to showing the position of poetry among the tribes, examines and analyzes the form and structure of the functions of poetry. it shows. Although it is a verse written by Abu Saeed that there is no consensus between critics and the owners of thought, and not a sign of it, the poems that came from this book are valuable treasures that ultimately Courage and creativity, and can be considered as one of the most beautiful mystical quatrains. Conclusion The extent of the poetic functions and the diversity of themes in the Asrar Al-Tawhid clearly illustrates the significance and position of poetry in this work. The narrator has used all of the verbal and spiritual functions of the poem in the context of his work. In this precious mystical work of poetry, with narrative functions, literary arrays, descriptive-interpretive, argumentative, deductive and mystical-lyrical, is used. The author's purpose is to use these functions of poetry in prose text in addition to the power of the influence of poetry in comparison with prose, overtaking of poetry is also in understanding the concepts of prose. It is also the combination of order and prose to distract the text from its monotony of prose and tantalizing it and double the attractiveness of its work, and by creating this movement, the poetic abilities In the function of narrative poetry, part of the narrative of his story along with prose in the form of poetry expression It makes its ethical, educational, and mystical teachings more understandable and engaging with poetry. It uses poetry for literary function, thus adding to its aesthetic aspect. Some of the anecdotes used to elaborate their words, themes, and the characters of the anecdotes, and explain them to the descriptive-interpretive work of poetry to persuade the reader. Also, in order to prove and confirm his words, a poem as a proof and reason because the reasoning for poetry is one of the most important methods of proof of the word. In some anecdotes, the poem is used to express the final result of a carving.


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    APA: Copy

    Ansarimoghaddam, Zohreh, Ashraf Zadeh, Reza, & Taghavi Behbahani, Seyed Majid. (2021). Analysis of poetry and its mystical-virtuous functions in the Asrar al-tawhid. JOURNAL OF LYRICAL LITERATURE RESEARCHES (JOURNAL OF PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE), 18(35 ), 27-46. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/372398/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Ansarimoghaddam Zohreh, Ashraf Zadeh Reza, Taghavi Behbahani Seyed Majid. Analysis of poetry and its mystical-virtuous functions in the Asrar al-tawhid. JOURNAL OF LYRICAL LITERATURE RESEARCHES (JOURNAL OF PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE)[Internet]. 2021;18(35 ):27-46. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/372398/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Zohreh Ansarimoghaddam, Reza Ashraf Zadeh, and Seyed Majid Taghavi Behbahani, “Analysis of poetry and its mystical-virtuous functions in the Asrar al-tawhid,” JOURNAL OF LYRICAL LITERATURE RESEARCHES (JOURNAL OF PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE), vol. 18, no. 35 , pp. 27–46, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/372398/en

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