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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Analysis of the role of inter-agency Synergy in Urban regeneration by Using the Network Analysis Approach (Case study: district 8 of Shiraz municipality)




 The urban management system is successful when its management bodies can coordinate and collaborate between their separate and independent units as well as among other management bodies. In this regard, the Synergy approach is considered as one of the results of governance and basis of integrated urban management. Considering the problems of urban decline in the district eight of Shiraz municipality and the ineffectiveness of the plans to reduce these problems, this study seeks to investigate the institutional setting of the regeneration as a step towards the reduction of urban decline in this historical area. The purpose of this study is to examine the interagency Synergy related to the regeneration institutions of the case area in order firstly to get an accurate understanding of the status of the relationships of relevant institutions with each other and also, the problems of coordination of trustee institutions will be examined. Introduction The Eight Municipality of Shiraz, known as the historicalcultural district of the city, today faces various social, economic, physical and environmental problems and suffers from the phenomenon of urban decline, so over the past few years, there have been numerous studies and programs to reduce the urban decline and redevelopment of the region. However, the programs presented have not been realized in many cases or have not been successful in practice. Several factors are involved in the failure to implement urban regeneration plans in this area but one of the important factors in this regard has always been the weakness of the institutional framework in managing and organizing such plans. Reproduction projects show that existing studies often focus on physical problems and institutional framework for the realization of regeneration and the effective factors in managing this approach has been very little considered. Therefore, this research attempts to reduce the urban decline in the historical region by studding the institutional framework and, in particular, the institutional relationship in urban regeneration. This research answers the following questions: Question 1: Are relationships between the trustee organizations of regeneration effective enough to regenerate the historical area of Shiraz? Question 2: Is there a significant relationship between institutional Synergy indicators? Question 3: What are the problems of interagency Synergy in related to regeneration of the case regional? Methodology The present research has a theoreticalpractical nature and has been done through descriptiveanalytic method. Required data were collected using questionnaires and interviews. The statistical population of the study includes managers, staff and members of active institutions in the case area, which play a role in regenerating the area. The network analysis method has been used to analyze the data of the questionnaire in order to examine the pattern of interrelationship between the relevant institutions of regeneration and by using the UCINET software; the Institutional Network metrics were extracted. Also, by analyzing the qualitative content of the findings from the interviews, interagency synergistic problems were identified. Results and discussion • Evaluation of Institutional Indicators of regeneration a. Density: The density at the total level of the partnership link is 32. 7%. This amount is 41% in the trust network and 28. 2% in the information network. b. Measure of reciprocity: This indicator indicates the number of crosslinks available to the number that should exist. In this regard the municipality organization has a partnership, trust and more informed communication with other recreational institutions (85%, 65%, and 80%). c. Measure of Transitivity: The Measure of Transitivity of the trust network is 25. 36%, the transitivity in the participation network is 22. 22% and in the information network is 17. 85%. It means that, as much as these rates, it is possible to create the participation of each actor with the third actor, the trust of each actor to the third actor, and the availability of information resources to each third party. d. Centrality Degree: Network centrality based on internal links in related to participation is 49% which shows the authority and influence of the central institutions in the network. Based on the centrality degree of the internal links of the partnership network, the reputation of the central institutions in this network is 49%. Central institutions have received a lower level of trust from other institutions (32. 5% based on internal links) and also have a lower level of trust to other actors in the network (22% based on external links). The degree of centrality across the entire information network, based on external and internal links, is both 35 percent that is similar and shows that the level of influence of central actors in this network is less than average in terms of reputation and authority. Investigating the Relationship between Synergy indicators: The significance level of correlation between the two links of trust and participation is zero (sig= 0. 001), which indicates that the correlation of the two links is significant. Also there is significant relationship between participation as independent variable and information as dependent variables. Recognition the issues of interinstitutional Synergy in the regional regeneration network Interviews were conducted to identify problems faced by institutional Synergy. Some of the factors contributing to the institutional Synergy that were extracted from the interviews are as follows: Coordination mechanisms Conflict of interest and attitude Legal arrangements Centrality Conclusion. The following mechanisms can improve the conditions for improving institutional coherence in the regional regeneration network: Increasing the implementation of interagency agreements and adopting legal requirements in this area. Establishing regulations to oblige institutions to coordinate and work together Establishment of intelligent information system, registration of documents and approvals for the transfer of interorganizational information and strengthening of institutional relations in the fields of information acquisition and thematic knowledge of the region. Organizing regular working groups and specialized councils and actively participating institutions.


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    APA: Copy

    IZADI, PEGAH, HADIYANI, ZOHREH, HAJINEJAD, ALI, & GHADERI, JAFAR. (2020). Analysis of the role of inter-agency Synergy in Urban regeneration by Using the Network Analysis Approach (Case study: district 8 of Shiraz municipality). HUMAN GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH QUARTERLY, 52(1 ), 241-261. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/374487/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    IZADI PEGAH, HADIYANI ZOHREH, HAJINEJAD ALI, GHADERI JAFAR. Analysis of the role of inter-agency Synergy in Urban regeneration by Using the Network Analysis Approach (Case study: district 8 of Shiraz municipality). HUMAN GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH QUARTERLY[Internet]. 2020;52(1 ):241-261. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/374487/en

    IEEE: Copy

    PEGAH IZADI, ZOHREH HADIYANI, ALI HAJINEJAD, and JAFAR GHADERI, “Analysis of the role of inter-agency Synergy in Urban regeneration by Using the Network Analysis Approach (Case study: district 8 of Shiraz municipality),” HUMAN GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH QUARTERLY, vol. 52, no. 1 , pp. 241–261, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/374487/en

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