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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Introducing Specific Futsal Aerobic and Anaerobic Performance Evaluation Test




 The lack of a Futsal specific Test to evaluate the performance (aerobic and anaerobic) of Futsal players is quite evident. The purpose of this study was to design and measure the Validity and Reliability of a specific performance evaluation Test for Futsal players. 84 male students who members of the university Futsal team volunteered to participate in this study (age: 22 ± 2. 04 years, BMI: 22. 3± 2. 06 kg/m2). To design the Test, the most important Futsal techniques and drills were identified based on scientific literature, opinions of coaches, and conditioning and exercise physiology experts. In the end, dribbling, passing, shooting, ball control, jumping, speed running, backward and sideways running were selected, so that the movement pattern was similar to a real Futsal game. Then, these selected skills and drills were designed in a tandem and along the route. To categorize the players and evaluate their performance, three coaches were asked to score the subjects from 0 to 100 in three different official games. In order to predict the performance by using each item of the Test and total score of the Test, multiple and simple regression equations were used, respectively. Validity and Reliability of the Test were calculated by the use of Spearman correlation coefficient and ICC, respectively. The results showed that there is a negative and significant correlation between coaches scores and the Test record (r=0. 91, P<0. 05). Also, multiple linear regression equation showed that almost all Tests drills are valid predictors of final record. Test-reTest Reliability showed high stability between result of the Test. In conclusion, the new Test has a high Validity and Reliability to evaluate the performance of Futsal players and can be used by coaches and teachers.


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    APA: Copy

    HOSSEINI KAKHAK, S.A.R., JALALI, M., HAMEDINIA, M.R., Hoff, j., & Jabbari Nooghabi, M.. (2019). Introducing Specific Futsal Aerobic and Anaerobic Performance Evaluation Test. SPORT PHYSIOLOGY (RESEARCH ON SPORT SCIENCE), 11(41 ), 153-168. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/376983/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    HOSSEINI KAKHAK S.A.R., JALALI M., HAMEDINIA M.R., Hoff j., Jabbari Nooghabi M.. Introducing Specific Futsal Aerobic and Anaerobic Performance Evaluation Test. SPORT PHYSIOLOGY (RESEARCH ON SPORT SCIENCE)[Internet]. 2019;11(41 ):153-168. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/376983/en

    IEEE: Copy

    S.A.R. HOSSEINI KAKHAK, M. JALALI, M.R. HAMEDINIA, j. Hoff, and M. Jabbari Nooghabi, “Introducing Specific Futsal Aerobic and Anaerobic Performance Evaluation Test,” SPORT PHYSIOLOGY (RESEARCH ON SPORT SCIENCE), vol. 11, no. 41 , pp. 153–168, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/376983/en

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