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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Explanation of the Iranian New Towns First Generation Management with approach Good Urban Governance from the Point of View of Country Subdivisions




 The new Town is not an abstract concept, and the first thing to address is that we cannot study a city without considering the system in which the city is flowing. The set of governing conditions, including the communication system, the path of value added exchanges, the governing political thought, the existing cultural values, ideology, natural conditions, regional, country position in the world system, etc. act as a system that makes the success, efficiency and adequacy of the new city shapes Iran. The reality of the new town in Iran is such a complex. Currently, out of the first 5 new cities of Iran, 5 are among the official cities of the country and have a municipality, out of which 5 are the only new campus city center campus. The main purpose of this study is to explain the management of the first generation of new cities in Iran from the perspective of national divisions. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive and analytical in terms of method. This research is conducted in two parts. In the first section, after reviewing the basics and defining the study indices and using Eviews software and using spatial statistics techniques, the research indices were tested and quantified. Population dispersal as well as the effect of fitting the city's position (political and administrative position) on the urban-regional system are associated with population recruitment and repulsion. In the second part of the research, the indicators of Good Urban Governance as a guiding theory in different sources were firstly studied and the 9-stack indices were studied. Then, according to the opinions and suggestions of 7 experts based on Delphi technique, the research indices were adjusted to 20 items using purposive sampling. Data were collected using questionnaire and survey, and k-s1 test was used for proving the normality of the variables and data analysis. Based on the most significant results based on the Likert spectrum among the 2 indices based on the 5 indices, the utilization of the potentials of the city and region was determined from the effectiveness and efficiency index with a mean weight of 4. 20. Therefore, it is clear that this statement is of great importance in explaining the management of Iran's new towns from the perspective of national divisions and presenting a proposed model. This rating is consistent with the main criterion for evaluating the good governance model of a city that is effective. In the proposed model, in order to exploit the potential of the city and region, the new town managers (12 new towns) should better emphasize the importance of their city from different demographic dimensions and so that as a new campus city, the first priority is to divide the state into their own.


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    APA: Copy

    negahban marvi, mohammad, EGHBALI, NASER, & Hataminejad, Hosein. (2020). Explanation of the Iranian New Towns First Generation Management with approach Good Urban Governance from the Point of View of Country Subdivisions. GEOGRAPHY AND TERRITORIAL SPATIAL ARRANGEMENT, 10(35 ), 1-26. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/380216/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    negahban marvi mohammad, EGHBALI NASER, Hataminejad Hosein. Explanation of the Iranian New Towns First Generation Management with approach Good Urban Governance from the Point of View of Country Subdivisions. GEOGRAPHY AND TERRITORIAL SPATIAL ARRANGEMENT[Internet]. 2020;10(35 ):1-26. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/380216/en

    IEEE: Copy

    mohammad negahban marvi, NASER EGHBALI, and Hosein Hataminejad, “Explanation of the Iranian New Towns First Generation Management with approach Good Urban Governance from the Point of View of Country Subdivisions,” GEOGRAPHY AND TERRITORIAL SPATIAL ARRANGEMENT, vol. 10, no. 35 , pp. 1–26, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/380216/en

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