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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Reflection of the theme of "Iblis's warning" in the Persian novel with emphasis on the novels of Yakolia va tanhaai e u( Yeklia and her loneliness) and Malakoot( the kingdom)




Yakolia va tanhaai e u( Yeklia and her loneliness)Q2
Malakoot( the kingdom)Q2


 The issue of Satanchr('39')s warning and defense from him is one of the most controversial mystical issues, which is somehow linked to the story of the creation and position of Satan in the system of existence. In some Persian novels, a picture of Iblis is presented, which in some ways is reminiscent of what is stated in mystical texts. The main focus of the present study is to examine the content of Satanchr('39')s warning in the novels of the Yakolia va tanhaai e u( Yeklia and her loneliness), Malakoot( the kingdom). Examining the manifestations of this belief in these novels and its relevance to the ideas of some Sufi books both better illustrate the themes of these novels and show the level of connection between these works and traditional literature and their effectiveness from past texts. The study found that the authors were more or less frustrated by the frustration of the socially unsatisfactory atmosphere and the inability to change and rectify the situation, as well as under the influence of ancient, deterministic texts. They have considered the distress and corruption of their time to be inevitable, and by proving the ignorance and innocence of the devil, they have considered his existence necessary for todaychr('39')s life. In two novels, Yaklia and his loneliness, and the kingdom the Satanchr('39')s helplessness in performing his duties, his companionship in Godchr('39')s predetermined goal, his presence at the same time as abandonment, Satanchr('39')s complaint of his destiny, his impatience to perform his duties, his nostalgia for his former position and his love to God is worth considering and paying attention.


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    APA: Copy

    Farhadi, sudabeh, HOSSEINI, SAYED MOHSEN, ROUZBEH, MOHAMMAD REZA, & NOORI, ALI. (2020). Reflection of the theme of "Iblis's warning" in the Persian novel with emphasis on the novels of Yakolia va tanhaai e u( Yeklia and her loneliness) and Malakoot( the kingdom). LITERARY RESEARCH, 16(66 ), 121-141. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/396119/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Farhadi sudabeh, HOSSEINI SAYED MOHSEN, ROUZBEH MOHAMMAD REZA, NOORI ALI. Reflection of the theme of "Iblis's warning" in the Persian novel with emphasis on the novels of Yakolia va tanhaai e u( Yeklia and her loneliness) and Malakoot( the kingdom). LITERARY RESEARCH[Internet]. 2020;16(66 ):121-141. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/396119/en

    IEEE: Copy

    sudabeh Farhadi, SAYED MOHSEN HOSSEINI, MOHAMMAD REZA ROUZBEH, and ALI NOORI, “Reflection of the theme of "Iblis's warning" in the Persian novel with emphasis on the novels of Yakolia va tanhaai e u( Yeklia and her loneliness) and Malakoot( the kingdom),” LITERARY RESEARCH, vol. 16, no. 66 , pp. 121–141, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/396119/en

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