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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Analyzing the characteristic features of diaiogism perspective in contemporary iranian female writers books (40 SH-80 SH)




 Research in the stylistic characteristics of a writer with a conversation approach can lead to a better understanding of the literary work’ s space. In a conversational text, all sounds are heard, and the writer’ s voice is not dominant, but the author gives all voices equal opportunity, and all sounds with equal and opposite sounds equal to the ear. The novel is the best background for the creation of the conversational space. This research has examined five contemporary index novels (“ Savushun” by Simin Daneshvar, “ Gypsy by the fire” by Moniro Ravanipor, “ Touba and the Meaning of Night Novel” by Shahrnush Parsipur, “ We get used to it” by Zoya Pirzad, “ Idrissi's house” by Ghazaleh Alizadeh) in order to explore conversation elements with descriptive-analytical method and in documentary-library method. In response to the main question of this research, can the conversation be a personal style trait for these authors? It should be said that these authors have created a dialogic and multi-voiced approach using a variety of techniques such as angle of view rotation, cross structure, genre of magical and intertextual realism, polyphony and multilingualism. The most commonly used polyphonic component is the style component, which directs the dominant discourse of the text to the author's view and reduces the burden of conversation dialogue. The intertextual conversation of these novels together is the discourse of resistance and the voice of protest against traditional and patriarchal discourse.


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    APA: Copy

    Kashizadeh, Maliheh Al Sadat, Farzad, Abolhosein, & TAHMASBI, FARHAD. (2020). Analyzing the characteristic features of diaiogism perspective in contemporary iranian female writers books (40 SH-80 SH). JOURNAL OF STYLISTIC OF PERSIAN POEM AND PROSE (BAHAR-E-ADAB), 13(6 (52) ), 103-123. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/399398/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Kashizadeh Maliheh Al Sadat, Farzad Abolhosein, TAHMASBI FARHAD. Analyzing the characteristic features of diaiogism perspective in contemporary iranian female writers books (40 SH-80 SH). JOURNAL OF STYLISTIC OF PERSIAN POEM AND PROSE (BAHAR-E-ADAB)[Internet]. 2020;13(6 (52) ):103-123. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/399398/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Maliheh Al Sadat Kashizadeh, Abolhosein Farzad, and FARHAD TAHMASBI, “Analyzing the characteristic features of diaiogism perspective in contemporary iranian female writers books (40 SH-80 SH),” JOURNAL OF STYLISTIC OF PERSIAN POEM AND PROSE (BAHAR-E-ADAB), vol. 13, no. 6 (52) , pp. 103–123, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/399398/en

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