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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Quranic Intertextuality in Baba Afzal Kashani’ s Literary Works (Based on Gerard Genette’ s Theory)




 With the arrival of Islam in Iran Quranic teachings in the individual and social life of Muslims took a special role followed by Quranic verses and hadiths in the literary and mystical texts of the people of this land, reflected and the writers and poets of your word decorated with Quranic themes and in various ways showed their writing power. Interpersonalism is one of the structuralists issues according to it, any text of the texts before itself has been influenced; therefore, the authors do not create the original effect; but it also extracts its features from the texts before it. Baba Afzal Kashani is a wise and spiritual ontologist; one of the aspects of his thoughts on human thinking and ontology and many of his topics are inspired by the verses of the holy Qur'an the word's of revelation in the works of this great wise have left many spiritual and verbal influences; as discussed in the essay by Baba Afzal Kashani (madaregolkamal and gavdanname), this influence on the depth of his thoughts is an excellent expression and a feature of his style of writing. The present research project is analytically-descriptive and uses library resource's, has examined the influence of Baba Afzal Kashani on the Qur'an and narration the results of the studies show that he has expressed his mystical thought's, using the Quran and narrative, and has created a deep link between Quranic thought's and literary-mystical thought's given the division of Gé rard Genette from Intertextuality, Baba Afzal to the forms, straight (Revealing), and Non-explicit (Hidden and deliberate) and implied, the Quran and narration both in content and in the structure of the treatises have been influenced.


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    mokhtari, masroureh, & Kazempour, Mahsa. (2021). Quranic Intertextuality in Baba Afzal Kashani’ s Literary Works (Based on Gerard Genette’ s Theory). RELIGION & MYSTICISM, 17(68 ), 41-60. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/399909/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    mokhtari masroureh, Kazempour Mahsa. Quranic Intertextuality in Baba Afzal Kashani’ s Literary Works (Based on Gerard Genette’ s Theory). RELIGION & MYSTICISM[Internet]. 2021;17(68 ):41-60. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/399909/en

    IEEE: Copy

    masroureh mokhtari, and Mahsa Kazempour, “Quranic Intertextuality in Baba Afzal Kashani’ s Literary Works (Based on Gerard Genette’ s Theory),” RELIGION & MYSTICISM, vol. 17, no. 68 , pp. 41–60, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/399909/en

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