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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The Review and Criticism of the Interpretation of Khaje Nasir Al-Tosi for “ Neil” about Pleasure in Avicenna’ s Al-Isharat wa’ l-Tanbihat




Avicenna in al-Ishā rā t wa-l-tanbī hā t has described Pleasure as Perception and reaching to something which is perfection for the perceiver. In this book that is one of his last books, he has used a special word “ Neil” that has not been used in other his texts. So, it seems that the meaning and concept of this word is very important. Fakhr Razi one of his text commentators has claimed that this word had been pointless, so omitting it cannot be an impediment to understanding the concept of this text. Another one, Khajeh Nasir Tusi believed achieving the essence of what is perceived is the meaning of this word. In his point of view, the Pleasure has been perceived when the perceiver can achieve the essence of what is perceived. Whereas that’ s a contradiction with the Avicenna’ s philosophy, because achieving the essence of things in the sense-Perception is impossible. It means that the mediation of the five senses and going through different mental stages make Perception of sense things. Although the description of Khajeh Nasir has been used in some contemporary investigation it should be reviewed and criticized. Therefore, for finding the best description of “ Neil” , it is necessary to review this text by the descriptive-analytical method and also other his Pleasure’ s texts in other his books. The results of this research show that based on Avicenna’ s thought, the interpretation of “ Neil” to the knowledge by the presence or the presence Perception for a sense Pleasure is not acceptable.


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    APA: Copy

    BAHRAMI, MAHDI, HEKMAT, NASROLLAH, & Mousavi Gilani, Seyed Razi. (2020). The Review and Criticism of the Interpretation of Khaje Nasir Al-Tosi for “ Neil” about Pleasure in Avicenna’ s Al-Isharat wa’ l-Tanbihat. KNOWLEDGE (JOURNAL OF HUMAN SCIENCES), 13(82/1 ), 101-118. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/402104/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    BAHRAMI MAHDI, HEKMAT NASROLLAH, Mousavi Gilani Seyed Razi. The Review and Criticism of the Interpretation of Khaje Nasir Al-Tosi for “ Neil” about Pleasure in Avicenna’ s Al-Isharat wa’ l-Tanbihat. KNOWLEDGE (JOURNAL OF HUMAN SCIENCES)[Internet]. 2020;13(82/1 ):101-118. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/402104/en

    IEEE: Copy

    MAHDI BAHRAMI, NASROLLAH HEKMAT, and Seyed Razi Mousavi Gilani, “The Review and Criticism of the Interpretation of Khaje Nasir Al-Tosi for “ Neil” about Pleasure in Avicenna’ s Al-Isharat wa’ l-Tanbihat,” KNOWLEDGE (JOURNAL OF HUMAN SCIENCES), vol. 13, no. 82/1 , pp. 101–118, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/402104/en

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