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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Druj in the Religion of Mazdayasna and Pre-Aryan Myths: A Structural Analysis


Esmaeilnia Ghanji Hojatolla | Shamyan Hasan | Noori Khoshroodbari Mohammad Ali | Issue Writer Certificate 




 In the eyes of pre-Islamic Iranians, lie or Druj was so disgusting and ugly that the demon of Druj was considered an assistant to the devil and sometimes it was imagined as Ahriman himself. The present article tries to study the root of the word “ druj” in the Avestan language by using descriptive-analytical method. By delving into the lexical structure on the one hand, and exploring comparative concepts on the other hand, it is attempted to give a different perspective on the subject. From this perspective and with regard to the discursive discontinuities, Druj as a demonic concept is compared to the goddesses of the Pre-Aryan period, and by reflecting on the functions of the ancient goddesses, such as Mitra, Anahita, etc., it is tried to describe the semantic and linguistic changes of the term. The main emphasis in this study is on the feminine identity of the concept. According to the characteristics of the ancient goddesses and of a female-dominated society, the feminine aspect of Druj is inferred. The studies show that some of the female archetypes in the religion of Mazdayasna have changed their nature. The archetypes that were in opposition to this religion, manifested in the form of demonic beings and Druj is one of these beings.


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    APA: Copy

    Esmaeilnia Ghanji, Hojatolla, Shamyan, Hasan, & Noori Khoshroodbari, Mohammad Ali. (2021). Druj in the Religion of Mazdayasna and Pre-Aryan Myths: A Structural Analysis. MYTHO-MYSTIC LITERATURE JOURNAL (PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE JOURNAL), 16(61 ), 13-42. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/407146/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Esmaeilnia Ghanji Hojatolla, Shamyan Hasan, Noori Khoshroodbari Mohammad Ali. Druj in the Religion of Mazdayasna and Pre-Aryan Myths: A Structural Analysis. MYTHO-MYSTIC LITERATURE JOURNAL (PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE JOURNAL)[Internet]. 2021;16(61 ):13-42. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/407146/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Hojatolla Esmaeilnia Ghanji, Hasan Shamyan, and Mohammad Ali Noori Khoshroodbari, “Druj in the Religion of Mazdayasna and Pre-Aryan Myths: A Structural Analysis,” MYTHO-MYSTIC LITERATURE JOURNAL (PERSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE JOURNAL), vol. 16, no. 61 , pp. 13–42, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/407146/en

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