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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Critical Analysis of Burqa‘ i’ s Criticism on Rejecting Invocation on the Ahlulbayt(peace be upon them)






 Burqa‘ i is among those figures who have distanced themselves from true Shia beliefs by exoteric interpretation of the Qur’ an, and have criticized the beliefs of Shi’ ism with an extreme Wahhabi approach. This research, using analytical – descriptive method, has analyzed and criticized his reasons in rejecting Tawassul (invocation) of the Ahlulbayt (peace be upon them). He considers Tawassul as a clear baseless innovation using some verses of the Qur’ an and hadiths as his base of argument like: “ Any request or focus on other than God being an act of polytheism” , “ Lack of God’ s need on a successor” , “ Prophets and Imams’ lack of information on the people of the world after their death” , “ Lack of Qur’ an’ s command or the Ahlulbayt on Tawassul” , “ Lack of connection between example and content of the term ‘ Vasila’ in verse 35 of chapter Al-Ma'idah” , and “ Tawassul not having the capability of being tested” . However his methodological mistakes include “ lack of comprehensive view and lack of complete research on the views” , “ lack of focus and complete understanding of the context” , and “ lack of thorough understanding of technical terms and setting baseless equal meanings” , which has made his view unacceptable according to reason and narration.


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    KHANI MOGHADDAM, MAHYAR, & Nabavi, Seyyed majid. (2020). Critical Analysis of Burqa‘ i’ s Criticism on Rejecting Invocation on the Ahlulbayt(peace be upon them). THEOLOGY JOURNAL, 7(12 ), 47-74. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/408132/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    KHANI MOGHADDAM MAHYAR, Nabavi Seyyed majid. Critical Analysis of Burqa‘ i’ s Criticism on Rejecting Invocation on the Ahlulbayt(peace be upon them). THEOLOGY JOURNAL[Internet]. 2020;7(12 ):47-74. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/408132/en

    IEEE: Copy

    MAHYAR KHANI MOGHADDAM, and Seyyed majid Nabavi, “Critical Analysis of Burqa‘ i’ s Criticism on Rejecting Invocation on the Ahlulbayt(peace be upon them),” THEOLOGY JOURNAL, vol. 7, no. 12 , pp. 47–74, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/408132/en

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