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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



Information Journal Paper






 This research has surveyed the stories in "TOTI-NAMEH" from a variety of different aspects. "TOTI-NAMEH" is a series of lyrical prose and allegorical stories related like "A Thousand and One Night" stories. Most of the story features can be traced in the "TOTI-NAMEH" stories; such as emphasis on INCIDENT, the existence of supernatural factors, loose connection between the cause and the effect within the events, absolutism, ending with moral conclusions, the inalterability of CHARACTERs, the quality of narration and also having an assumption about the setting including both the time and place. The tone of all the stories is serious and there is actually no sign of humor and wit in them. TOTI-NAMEH is combined of 100 stories. About 521 CHARACTERs are used in these stories; while 67.5% are general and 32.5% of them are specific ones. Most of the CHARACTERs are chosen from the animal species (22.5%) and then the important individuals with a high position possess the second place with 19%. The NARRATORs and storytellers in "TOTI-NAMEH" stories include; the parrot (the Persian name is Toti) which relate about 57% of the stories. Animals such as shark, snake and jackal etc make up 11% of the stories, humans such as the monk; minister and king etc narrate 18% of the stories, whereas the NARRATOR of about 6% of the stories is unknown. Among the 100 stories, 69% enjoy ACTION while the other 31% lack any specific ACTION at all. Also about 54% of these stories bear moral conclusions and advice, while the rest don't bear this CHARACTERistic. Thirty five percent of these stories point to supernatural INCIDENTs, fifteen percent have a particular time setting, but eighty five percent of them lack any specific refer to the time. In addition, about 50% of these stories possess a place setting, though the other 50% do not mention any certain place for their setting. This survey has revealed the findings through charts and tables for a more clear and tangible understanding.




APA: Copy

NABILU, A.R., & AKBARI, MANOUCHEHR. (2008). THE ANALYSIS OF STORY ELEMENTS IN "TOTI-NAMEH". LITERARY RESEARCH, 5(18), 141-163. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/54142/en

Vancouver: Copy

NABILU A.R., AKBARI MANOUCHEHR. THE ANALYSIS OF STORY ELEMENTS IN "TOTI-NAMEH". LITERARY RESEARCH[Internet]. 2008;5(18):141-163. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/54142/en

IEEE: Copy

A.R. NABILU, and MANOUCHEHR AKBARI, “THE ANALYSIS OF STORY ELEMENTS IN "TOTI-NAMEH",” LITERARY RESEARCH, vol. 5, no. 18, pp. 141–163, 2008, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/54142/en

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