Information Journal Paper
Copy. (2019). Parent participation in a support group for families with transgender and gendernonconforming children: “ Being in the company of others who do not question the reality of our experience”. Int J Transgender Health, 4(1), 168-175. SID.
Copy. Parent participation in a support group for families with transgender and gendernonconforming children: “ Being in the company of others who do not question the reality of our experience”. Int J Transgender Health[Internet]. 2019;4(1):168-175. Available from:
Copy, “Parent participation in a support group for families with transgender and gendernonconforming children: “ Being in the company of others who do not question the reality of our experience”,” Int J Transgender Health, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 168–175, 2019, [Online]. Available: