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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Comparative Analysis and Evaluation of the Views of Residents and Local Managers on the Issue of Viability in the Villages Around the City of Varamin




 Introduction Today, Peri urban villages have many opportunities, constraints, opportunities and challenges due to the spatial proximity and spatial-physical dependence to the city which these factors are not so severe in other villages. Establishment around the city and the use of appropriate communication networks will allow the use of urban infrastructure and services in the economic and cultural-social fields for these villages. Job vacancies, mainly in the service sector, provide a source of income and work for villagers located around towns, so that a group of these villages have found a "dormitory" function. The set of these factors makes the living conditions, or, in other words, the viability of the urban villages, have a unique and status. The purpose of this research is to identify the key factors affecting the livability of Peri urban villages from the people’ s and local manager’ s point of view and a comparative study of the attitudes of the two groups. The study area in this study is Peri urban villages in Varamin township. Awareness of the extent of the differences between the attitudes of people living in villages with the existing attitudes of Dehyars as local government custodians in villages can provide a clear vision for recognizing the priorities of people and authorities and bringing them closer to the extent possible. Methods and Material The research methodology in this study. With respet to the nature and objectives of the topic "Explanation the livability of Peri urban villages” and in relation to the research hypothesis test, is descriptive-analytical method. In this research, Cochran method is used for sampling. The statistical population of this research is households living in Peri urban villages in Varamin township. Based on the number of households in these villages, 400rural household questionnaires completed and their results were entered into SPSS software. What has always been considered in this research is attention to the criteria that have been specific and cause differentiation of Peri urban villages from other villages in the study area. The method of data collection according to the nature of the study was in both library and field, and according to the necessity in each stage of the research, either of these two methods or both have been used. Results and Discussion The results of employment and income, housing, public transportation and infrastructure services from the viewpoint of tenants indicate a significant difference between the economic criteria and the average of the items. Economically, the difference between the views of the people and local managers is very slight and deniable. The results of the social criteria of public education, health, participation and solidarity, continuity and sense of place, personal and social security, recreation and leisure indicate a significant difference between the economic indicators and the average of the items. But the findings indicate a significant difference between the average level of social criteria and Dehyars viewpoint. The environmental dimension of habitat includes three criteria for green and open spaces, pollution and landscape. The findings indicate a significant difference between the economic indicators and the average of the items. But the findings indicate a significant difference between the economic indicators and the average of the items from the viewpoint of the tenants. From the perspective of the environmental capability of living in Peri urban villages, as well as the economic criterion, there is no significant difference between people and local management, which reflects the depth and breadth of the environmental problems of villages. Conclusions Dehayari, as the main organization of rural management in Iran, plays an important role in providing public services and organizing rural life Whether rural Dwellers have different views from people on the livability of villages may not be a big problem in their own right, it can be a warning sign for institutions and oversight bodies to continuously evaluate the performance of their tasks in carrying out their duties. Peri urban villages are the backyard of urban perpetrators because of their proximity to cities, and they host a lot of urban problems. Those Dehraris which conduct surveys and awareness of villagers' views and tendencies toward their performance, they become acquainted with issues and problems and can work to solve or reduce these issues. Without continuous knowledge of the extent to which progress is being made and the achievement of goals, and without identifying the challenges faced by the local management and gaining feedback, and being aware of the extent to which policies are being implemented and identifying those areas that require serious improvement, continuous improvement will not be possible.


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    APA: Copy

    KHORASANI, MOHAMAD AMIN. (2018). Comparative Analysis and Evaluation of the Views of Residents and Local Managers on the Issue of Viability in the Villages Around the City of Varamin. GEOGRAPHY AND DEVELOPMENT, 16(51 ), 261-280. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/76945/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    KHORASANI MOHAMAD AMIN. Comparative Analysis and Evaluation of the Views of Residents and Local Managers on the Issue of Viability in the Villages Around the City of Varamin. GEOGRAPHY AND DEVELOPMENT[Internet]. 2018;16(51 ):261-280. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/76945/en

    IEEE: Copy

    MOHAMAD AMIN KHORASANI, “Comparative Analysis and Evaluation of the Views of Residents and Local Managers on the Issue of Viability in the Villages Around the City of Varamin,” GEOGRAPHY AND DEVELOPMENT, vol. 16, no. 51 , pp. 261–280, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/76945/en

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