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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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A Critical Approach to Political Goals and Objectives in the Mapping Process with a View of Iran




 Introduction Geography is the knowledge of environmental studies and the study of various types of human relationships in their surroundings. And the map is the most important tool in knowing this science and the best way to display it's information and science (Ganji, 2001: 435). The maps have had a significant contribution to the transfer and induction of the demands and policies of the interests and influencing and beneficent and interested Powers and has always been effective tools and implement in gaining political Power, the main reason for this claim is the coming into existence of various governments throughout history. These Powers and governments, according to their intentions and political will, have designed and developed a variety of maps. In some of these maps, the map designers themselves have acknowledged that they were pursuing specific goals or in some of them, more than others, they were more capable of exercising Power and inducing politics. Designer and map designer choices have had a significant impact on the creation, information and detail of the maps. The maps, as usual, should reflect the natural and human data as well as the findings of the cartographers on the effects and phenomena on earth; but in reality, they are not, and in some cases, accompanied by these facts, goals and objectives of political, military and … following. The inseparability of the map of human life, as well as the widespread use, has made the many hidden and hidden angles less worthy of consideration. In Iran, with a quick look at this find that tribal bias and ethnicity are evident in the design of the maps, and the intentions of the plan have, in a more orchestrated way, been indicative of the superiority and majority of a nation on the land of Iran. In the case of the Iranian Persian Gulf, this is a transnational issue. The controversy over its political motives has always been at the forefront of news and political tensions between Iran and the Persian Gulf States. Although the maps were simple and simple from the beginning, and they were primarily aimed at guiding and displaying the effects of the earth, and in general generally useful and used by the public, but over time, various types of maps were drawn that the greed for the wealth of Cartography ethnic bias, political reflection and Power of the Powerful with their political goal and political pre requites are evident. This research seeks to answer the following questions: 1-What is the reason for significant and discernable differences in the maps? 2-How can political goals and goals in maps be able to bring specific meanings to the minds of the audience? Methods and Materials The research methodology in this article is descriptive and analytical and its data collection has been done through books and articles available. Regarding the subject of the research, a critical approach to political goals and objectives in the design process of the map, there are few resources in this regard. Results and Discussions Cartography as a science of mapping has always been the focus of attention of Power and politicians throughout history. Old civilizations and ancient rulers in some cases recognized the importance and position of the map in their national interest, Indian Cartography also influenced Tibetan Cartography and the Islamic world, and in turn was influenced by British cartographers. (Gole, 1990: 99-105). In India and in the ninth century, the Islamic geographers corrected Ptolemy's work and improved the Indian Ocean position in the form of an open water mass, rather than a closed sea that had already been shown by Ptolemy (Schwartzberg, 2008: 33). In Greece and Rome, Anaxi Mender, in collaboration with Hecateais, built a map of the universe based on scientific geography. This map is the first map of a scale in which Greece was identified in the middle and other parts of Europe and Asia-Pacific in relation to Greece around it (Fani, 2006: 37). In the third to fifteenth centuries, the absolute authority of the Church on all aspects of life in Europe and the Roman Empire had made maps drawn from Christian beliefs about the world centered on Jerusalem (Jerusalem) and had little resemblance and similarity to realities of Earth. (Mirahidar and Hamidinia, 2007: 149). As Brian Harley says, Cartography has always been “ the science of the princes” . In the Muslim world, Caliphs and later Sultans were known and famous for the sake of the protecting of the mapping and map design policies. (Amiri and Afzali, 2015: 6). The map is widely used in psychological warfare too. During the cold war in the 1950s and 1960s, the United States and the former Soviet Union used maps to influence their people in the face and terms of imminent dangers from the opposite side by orientation from Europe or the Arctic, threats did not take place. US maps based on the blockade and siege of the former Soviet Union were designed to eliminate the dangers. Maps continue to play an important role in trying to build and shape public opinion about the political process. In the Vietnam War, the Treaty of the Panama Channel, the closure and blockade of the Straits of Tiran by Egypt, the nationalist liberation wars, the Argentinean and Chilean conflicts over the Beagle Channel, and many other important wars and battles which occurred on the ground, it was visible on the map (Henrikson, 1994: 9. 2). Conclusions All maps have not been mapped and designed for the ultimate and true purpose i. e. the providing of information and data to the audiences and visitors. As we can see from the title of the article, factors such as ruling Power, policy of statesmen and politicians in the direction of the map devation from their mission have caused the map affected by the abovementioned factors to undergo transformations in order to prepare and map the objectives of the orders and, possibly, Come along with the aspirations of a country. It could be argued that the prospect of politicians' political intentions and goals by having their sovereignty to achieve their countries and their territorial development has been a source of a sense of pride and joyfulness of the peoples of their homeland, and of undermining motherhood and homeland. In line with the abovementioned statement and claiming its claim, it should be demanded by the right of the Iranian government and people to emphasize the naming and addressing of waters in neighboring countries called the Persian Gulf which has always been the focus of the debate between Iran and the Arab states of the Persian Gulf region due to its name and political aspect. As you know, the name of the Persian Gulf includes an emotional and patriotic sense and emotion that the reader appreciates with his name and its vast and massive map on the map. All of these are psychological factors in the map, created by political and Power factors in society that do not in any way consider denying it and depriving it of their territorial right.


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    APA: Copy

    HEIDARIFAR, MOHAMADRAOOF, PAHKIDEH, EGHBAL, & Ranjbar SarTakhti, Akbar. (2018). A Critical Approach to Political Goals and Objectives in the Mapping Process with a View of Iran. GEOGRAPHY AND DEVELOPMENT, 16(52 ), 227-246. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/77316/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    HEIDARIFAR MOHAMADRAOOF, PAHKIDEH EGHBAL, Ranjbar SarTakhti Akbar. A Critical Approach to Political Goals and Objectives in the Mapping Process with a View of Iran. GEOGRAPHY AND DEVELOPMENT[Internet]. 2018;16(52 ):227-246. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/77316/en

    IEEE: Copy

    MOHAMADRAOOF HEIDARIFAR, EGHBAL PAHKIDEH, and Akbar Ranjbar SarTakhti, “A Critical Approach to Political Goals and Objectives in the Mapping Process with a View of Iran,” GEOGRAPHY AND DEVELOPMENT, vol. 16, no. 52 , pp. 227–246, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/77316/en

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