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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Spatial Analysis of Precipitation Persistency in Kurdistan Province




 Introduction Precipitation is the critical atmospheric parameter and major component of the global water and energy cycle which have high variations in time and space and have direct effects on the availability of water resources and agriculture. Spatial analysis of Precipitation is essential for land use planning design and management of water related activities (Darand and Mansouri Daneshvar, 2014). The aim of this research is spatial analysis of persistency of Precipitation in Kurdistan Province with complicated terrain, which elevation differs from 710 m in the southwest and northwest and 3220 m in central parts of the study region. The Precipitation amount highly varies over the study region and is very irregular at both intra-annual and inter-annual timescales. The long-term mean annual Precipitation of the study area varies between 260 mm in the east and 860 mm in the west with decreasing trend from west to east (Darand and Mansouri Daneshvar, 2015). Therefore, the accurate knowledge of the spatial and temporal variations of Precipitation persistency is of great importance for operational applications such as the proper management of water resources, the design of water conveyance and flood protection structures, agriculture, the management of agricultural development, such as irrigation planning, and land use planing. Methods and Material In order to doing this study, daily Precipitation data from 188 synoptic, climatology and rain gauge over and out of Kurdistan Province from Energy ministry and meteorology organization during 1/1/1950 to 30/10/2010 have been used. For every day one digital map in dimension 6*6 km has been created by Kriging method. Then data of 811 pixels that covers whole of the province extracted from daily maps. One data base 18203*811 created that located on the rows, days and over the columns, pixels. For each pixels, portion of Precipitation Persistence in total rainy days and amount of Precipitation accompany with spatial Precipitation persistency important have been calculated. Results and Discussion The results of this study showed that Precipitation persistency over province is between 1 to 37 days. Persistency of 1 to 9 days over whole province has been observed. The long persistency in semi western parts of province is more frequent. The short persistency (1 to 2 days) assigns to high percent of rainy days and is more partnership in amount of Precipitation in semi eastern parts of province. The spatial importance of persistency shows significant importance of this Precipitation for semi eastern parts of province. Increase in persistency result in decrease partnership in total rainy days. In semi western parts of province long time persistency (4 to 9 days) have high partnership in total rainy days and amount of Precipitation while spatial Precipitation persistency is maximum for other parts of province. This shows that long time Precipitations persistency is regular for semi western parts of province and extreme for central and semi eastern parts of province. The results of this investigation indicate the imporatant role of topographic configurations in the spatial distribution of Precipitation persistency over Kuridistan province. Conclusions The long time persistency of Precipitation in western parts of the study region is contributed to barrier role of mountains in western and central parts which reduce the precipitable power of attmospheric systems for dry eastern parts. This results are in agreement with findings of Nazaripour and Mansouri Daneshvar (2014) for Iran who found the one-day Precipitation contribution of rainfall amounts in dry eastern parts of Iran is more than the rainy western parts. The occurrence of long time persistency of precipitaions is regular for rainy western parts of study area while is important for dry eastern parts. Temporal analysis of this study implys the importanant role of short one-day Precipitation persistency in dry warm months summer Precipitation amount while longer two and three-days Precipitation persistency in rainy cold months of year have the highest contribution in total precipitaion. The main causes of this irregularity are the geographical location and the general atmospheric circulation which domiance over study region during different months of year.


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    APA: Copy

    DARAND, MOHAMAD. (2018). Spatial Analysis of Precipitation Persistency in Kurdistan Province. GEOGRAPHY AND DEVELOPMENT, 16(52 ), 247-266. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/77317/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    DARAND MOHAMAD. Spatial Analysis of Precipitation Persistency in Kurdistan Province. GEOGRAPHY AND DEVELOPMENT[Internet]. 2018;16(52 ):247-266. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/77317/en

    IEEE: Copy

    MOHAMAD DARAND, “Spatial Analysis of Precipitation Persistency in Kurdistan Province,” GEOGRAPHY AND DEVELOPMENT, vol. 16, no. 52 , pp. 247–266, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/77317/en

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