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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Geomorphological Study of Formation and Development of Sand Ramps Case study: Ebrahimabad Plain-Mehriz




 Introduction Sand Ramps is a kind of sedimentary accumulation found at the foot of the slopes of some desert and semi-desert region in the world. The landform, unlike sand dune, are complex which are formed and developed under the influence of various processes. In fact, Sand sediments carried by the wind are placed after confront with a mountain barrier. So, the formation of the Sand Ramps is due to the large volume of fine sand, wind and large walls of high mountains against wind. Although the Sand Ramps is similar to other wind cumulative landforms in terms of diameter and thickness of sediments, But it is Unique according to dynamics, morphology, material composition, and also processes affecting their genesis and development, and it is very different from other wind landforms. While other wind landforms are formed on smooth and plain surfaces, the Sand Ramps are often created at the foot of the slope and on the slopes of the mountains. The main goal of this study is to investigate about creation and evolution of Sand Ramps in eastern slopes of the Shirkouh Mountain in Ebrahimabad Plain in the west of Mehriz city. The plain has an area about 190 square kilometers and located geographically between54° 14´ to 54° 25´ eastern longitudes and 31° 18´ to 31° 30´ northern latitudes. Methods and Material The present research is based on surveys and field studies. However, for doing it, we have used of geology map (1: 100000), topography map(1: 50000), Digital elevation model, Google earth images(2016), and some softwares like ArcGIS 10. 3, Surfer 13, Gradistat 4, Wind rose, Excel, Corel DRAW X6 to analyze data and also drawing maps and graphs. Thus, we digitized maps using GIS and make basis layers. After reviewing the data and preliminary maps, we visited the study area and took 11 sedimentary samples includes 5 samples along the longitudinal profile from an altitude 1550 to 1650 meters and 6 other samples in a sedimentary cut at a depth of 220 centimeters of earth surfaces. Then the taken sediments transferred to the laboratory for granulometry. After test, the statistical parameters of sediments including mean, middle, mode, sorted, tilting and sediment elongation were analyzed using Gradistat software and drew their cumulative and skew diagrams. Also, to determine the direction and speed of the winds, we drew the annual and seasonal Windroses based on the data of Mehriz station of climatology. In addition, according to results of others' studies, the relationship between the diameter of the sands and wind speed and intensity with the amount of transport of sediments were measured. Results and Discussion In this research, for analyzing the winds (speed and direction) of the study area, we used 15-yearold statistics of Mehriz's Climatology Station. Accordingly, the direction of the prevailing wind is North-South and is often influenced by local topographic conditions. The maximum wind speed is around 42 km / h. the speed has low frequency and more occurs in the spring and winter seasons. In addition, the wind directions changes in different seasons. Because severe winds with high speed blow in spring and winter, and they have also southwestern-northeastern direction. So, naturally, gravel should be placed in this direction. In addition, for the study of sedimentology of the Sand Ramp, the sediment samples were taken along longitudinal and depth profiles. Analyzes of granulometry and drawing their different diagrams showed with moving as far as high altitudes, sediments had been sorted and became smaller. granulometry analysis of deep sediments also showed that the sedimentary samples have different characteristics at different depths; so that the average diameter of particles is very high at 1. 5 m depth and it's more than 4 millimeters. Conclusions The investigation of the prevailing and even minor winds with the Sedimentation of Sand Ramp showed that the main skeleton of the Sand Ramp is not justified by any direction of the winds. Also, an examination of the mean diameter of sands, both along the longitudinal profile and deep profile, indicates that Most of the sediments are not transferable with current winds conditions. Therefore, assuming that the current winds have not played a major role in the creation and evolution of the Sand Ramp, Winds should have more power and intensity in the past and its direction should be along the northwest-southeast. However, most of the sediment particles are larger than 2 mm in diameter and the winds were by no means capable of moving them. On the other hand, sediments have located on the slopes more than 20% Hence, it can be guessed that the majority of Ebrahimabad Plains Sand Ramps is the result of the descending process of sands after their physical weathering during quaternary cold periods. Presence of a very large stones of conglomerate inside the sediments and their permanent physical degradation confirm this hypothesis. But after primary formation of the landform, winds have interfered and transferred finer grain of sand from plain upwards and after clashed with the mountain deposited.


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    APA: Copy

    Sharifipichun, Mohamad, ZARE, FATEMEH, & TAHERINEJAD, KAZEM. (2018). Geomorphological Study of Formation and Development of Sand Ramps Case study: Ebrahimabad Plain-Mehriz. GEOGRAPHY AND DEVELOPMENT, 16(52 ), 117-140. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/77322/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Sharifipichun Mohamad, ZARE FATEMEH, TAHERINEJAD KAZEM. Geomorphological Study of Formation and Development of Sand Ramps Case study: Ebrahimabad Plain-Mehriz. GEOGRAPHY AND DEVELOPMENT[Internet]. 2018;16(52 ):117-140. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/77322/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Mohamad Sharifipichun, FATEMEH ZARE, and KAZEM TAHERINEJAD, “Geomorphological Study of Formation and Development of Sand Ramps Case study: Ebrahimabad Plain-Mehriz,” GEOGRAPHY AND DEVELOPMENT, vol. 16, no. 52 , pp. 117–140, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/77322/en

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