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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


ENGLISH: A Study on Isolation and Molecular Identification of Bordetella avium from Iranian Commercial and Backyard Broiler Turkeys within 2016-2018 (FRENCH: Une É tude sur l'Isolement et l'Identification Molé culaire de Bordetella avium Provenant de Dindes Commerciales et de Basse-cour Iraniennes entre 2016-2018)




Phylogenetic tree (FRENCH:Identification molé 


 ENGLISH: Bordetellosis or Turkey coryza, caused by Bordetella avium, has been an issue for Turkey industry since its first description in 1967 when it was reported for the first time. Bordetella avium causes a highly contagious upper respiratory disease in Turkeys. Therefore, this study aimed to isolate and characterize this species from commercial and backyard Turkeys in Tehran, Isfahan, and Northern provinces of Iran. For the purpose of the study, 625 tracheal swabs were taken from 425 commercial poults and 200 backyard poults aged 2-6 weeks from September 2016 to September 2018. The swabs were immediately plated on MacConkey and blood agar plates and then pooled (5 swabs/pool) in tubes, containing 2 mL distilled water, to perform direct polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the identification of B. avium. A total of 17 swab pools were found to be positive for B. avium. A subset of seven positive samples were sequenced for the flanking region of piuA gene. The analysis of the sequences indicated that the sequences were 98%, 96%, and 98% similar to B. avium 197N (AM167904. 1), 4142 (AY925058. 1), and 4156 (AY925068. 1) sequences, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, the current study is the first attempt toward the molecular detection and characterization of B. avium in Iran. It is highly recommended to perform further studies to isolate, characterize, and differentiate the regional isolates in order to help the developing Turkey industry of Iran meet the increasing demands for protein in the diet of the citizenry. FRENCH: Ré sumé : La bordé tellose ou coryza de la dinde, causé e par Bordetella avium, repré sente un problè me pour l'industrie de la dinde depuis sa premiè re description en 1967. Bordetella avium provoque une maladie des voies respiratoires supé rieures trè s contagieuse chez les dindes. Par consé quent, cette é tude visait à isoler et caracté riser cette espè ce chez les dindes commerciales et de basse-cour à Té hé ran, Ispahan et les provinces du nord de l'Iran. A cet effet, 625 é couvillons traché aux ont é té pré levé s sur 425 dindonneaux commerciaux et 200 dindonneaux de basse-cour â gé s de 2 à 6 semaines entre septembre 2016 et septembre 2018. Les é couvillons ont é té immé diatement é talé s sur des plaques de MacConkey et de gé lose au sang, puis regroupé s (5 é couvillons/pool) dans des tubes, contenant 2 ml d'eau distillé e, pour effectuer une ré action en chaî ne par polymé rase (RCP) directe pour l'identification de B. avium. Au total, 17 pools d'é couvillons é taient positifs pour B. avium. Un sous-ensemble de sept é chantillons positifs a é té sé quencé pour la ré gion flanquante du gè ne piuA. L'analyse des sé quences a indiqué que les sé quences é taient 98%, 96% et 98% similaires aux sé quences de B. avium 197N (AM167904. 1), 4142 (AY925058. 1) et 4156 (AY925068. 1), respectivement. Au meilleur de nos connaissances, cette é tude repré sente la premiè re tentative de dé tection molé culaire et de caracté risation de B. avium en Iran. Nos ré sultats recommandent fortement la mise em place d'autres é tudes afin d’ isoler, caracté riser et diffé rencier les isolats ré gionaux pour l'industrie en dé veloppement de la dinde d'Iran à ré pondre aux demandes croissantes de proté ines dans l'alimentation des citoyens.


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    APA: Copy

    EHSAN, M., HASSANZADEH, M., Barrin, A., BOZORGMEHRI FARD, M.H., ASKARIBADOUEI, M., GHALYANCHI LANGEROUDI, A., Temple, L., & Turkyilmaz, S.. (2020). ENGLISH: A Study on Isolation and Molecular Identification of Bordetella avium from Iranian Commercial and Backyard Broiler Turkeys within 2016-2018 (FRENCH: Une É tude sur l'Isolement et l'Identification Molé culaire de Bordetella avium Provenant de Dindes Commerciales et de Basse-cour Iraniennes entre 2016-2018). ARCHIVES OF RAZI INSTITUTE, 75(2), 179-186. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/776004/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    EHSAN M., HASSANZADEH M., Barrin A., BOZORGMEHRI FARD M.H., ASKARIBADOUEI M., GHALYANCHI LANGEROUDI A., Temple L., Turkyilmaz S.. ENGLISH: A Study on Isolation and Molecular Identification of Bordetella avium from Iranian Commercial and Backyard Broiler Turkeys within 2016-2018 (FRENCH: Une É tude sur l'Isolement et l'Identification Molé culaire de Bordetella avium Provenant de Dindes Commerciales et de Basse-cour Iraniennes entre 2016-2018). ARCHIVES OF RAZI INSTITUTE[Internet]. 2020;75(2):179-186. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/776004/en

    IEEE: Copy

    M. EHSAN, M. HASSANZADEH, A. Barrin, M.H. BOZORGMEHRI FARD, M. ASKARIBADOUEI, A. GHALYANCHI LANGEROUDI, L. Temple, and S. Turkyilmaz, “ENGLISH: A Study on Isolation and Molecular Identification of Bordetella avium from Iranian Commercial and Backyard Broiler Turkeys within 2016-2018 (FRENCH: Une É tude sur l'Isolement et l'Identification Molé culaire de Bordetella avium Provenant de Dindes Commerciales et de Basse-cour Iraniennes entre 2016-2018),” ARCHIVES OF RAZI INSTITUTE, vol. 75, no. 2, pp. 179–186, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/776004/en

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