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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Explaining teachers' Self-Management and Self-Efficacy Based on Transformational Leadership with the Mediating Role of Learning Organisation in Mashhad Schools




 The purpose of this study was to explain teachers' self-leadership and self-efficacy based on Transformational leadership with Mediating role of the learning organization. Today's world is constantly changing and it is necessary for schools to cope with these changes to succeed. One factor that can help the education system, especially schools, is human resources. In the education department of Mashhad, the principals have realized this and have come to believe that in order to achieve success, they need to adapt to the changes in today's world. Also, since the Education Organization's responsible for the serious educational issues of the community; It is necessary for this organization to always be aware of the changes in today's world and to maintain its level of knowledge in order to be able to provide appropriate services to society. Therefore, in the education department of Mashhad city, managers are trying to develop and improve the situation of their human resources and have seen the need for this in terms of proper leadership. Management and leadership has always been considered as one of the basic human factors in the success and failure of organizations, especially educational institutions and schools as a knowledge-based organization and has always been studied and researched in various dimensions. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Transformational leadership on self-leadership and self-efficacy with the mediating role of the learning organization. The present study is based on scientific research as a quantitative paradigm, based on the purpose of applied research, based on data collection and information of descriptive research (structural equation modeling), to study the theoretical foundations and research background of the library method and to collect the necessary data. In order to test the research hypotheses, the field method with a questionnaire was used, which are: Transformational leadership (Bass & Avolio (2002) which consists of 20 items and 4 components of individual considerations (1-5), mental motivation (6-10), inspirational motivation (15-15) and ideal influence (16-20). Learner (Senge (1990, which consists of 22 items that have five components of individual mastery (questions 1 to 4), team learning (questions 5 to 10), common goal (questions 11 to 14), systemic thinking (questions 15 to 18) Measures mental models (questions 19 to 22) Rahimi (2013) self-direction which consists of 26 items and seven components of personal goal setting (questions 1 to 5), self-motivation (questions 6 to 8), self-punishment (questions 9 to 12) Personal care (questions 13 to 16), markup (questions 17 to 18), implicit job incentives (questions 19 to 23) and visualization of successful performance (questions 24 to 26) Teacher self-efficacy Tschannen, Moran, & Woolfolk (2001) It consists of 24 items and 3 components of inclusive involvement (1-7), teaching methods (16-18) and classroom management (17-24). The validity of the instruments was confirmed by the construct validity and their reliability by Cronbach's alpha and combined reliability. Data analysis was performed using SPSS23 and SMART PLS2 software using correlation and structural equation modeling. The statistical population includes all primary and secondary teachers (first and second) in Mashhad with 18, 750 people and from this number, based on Cochran's formula, a sample of 384 people was selected by stratified random sampling method from among the seven education districts of Mashhad. According to the results, it was found that male teachers were 205 (53. 4%) and female teachers were 179 (46. 4%) of the total sample. Teachers 20-20 years old 88 people (22. 9%), 40-31 years old 150 people (39. 1%), 50-41 years old 112 people (29. 2%) and teachers 51 years old and older 34 people (9. 9 8%) were. There were 46 teachers (12%) with a master's degree, 200 with a bachelor's degree (52. 1%), 100 with a master's degree (26%) and 38 with a doctorate (9. 9%). Teachers with a history of 5 years under 102 (26. 6%), 5-10 years 119 (31%), 11-15 years 71 (18. 5%) and 16 years and over 92 (24%) in The samples were examined. The results of research hypotheses also showed that the learning organization variable is a mediating variable between Transformational leadership variables with self-leadership and self-efficacy. Transformational leadership has a positive and direct effect on the learning organization, self-leadership and self-efficacy, as well as the learning organization on self-leadership, but Transformational leadership has not been able to affect self-efficacy. The validity of the measurement model was confirmed by cv. com test and the structural model by cv. red test. Also, the quality of the final research model according to the GOF index, which is 0. 305, showed that the model has a strong fit and finally the coefficient of determination R2 For the learning organization, it was 0. 320, self-directed 0. 285 and self-efficacy 0. 033. Finally, according to the results of hypotheses, it can be said that school leaders and principals can apply Transformational leadership components and focus on new teacher educational ideas, emphasizing the creation and sharing of knowledge in schools, paying attention to knowledge interactions between teachers and emphasizing Improving teaching principles and new teaching methods will facilitate the conditions required for teachers' self-leadership and self-efficacy. The present study also had some limitations for researchers, such as the measurement tool, which was a questionnaire. This tool has special limitations such as measuring the answers in the form of a multi-point Likert scale and. . . . Also, research data has been collected from teachers in Mashhad. Therefore, caution should be exercised in generalizing the results to other organizations and schools in the country. Causal relationships between variables should also be used with caution because structural equation modeling does not have strong explanations for expressing causal relationships between variables. Finally, according to the research results, to improve the level of self-efficacy and self-leadership of teachers, it is suggested that school principals and education officials pay special attention to the management style and use of Transformational leadership components and by removing obstacles, Provide the necessary platforms to institutionalize learning schools and motivate teachers to be as effective as possible. Managers also provide the right environment for participation and cooperation and competition of the year between teachers and other members, to institutionalize the culture of achieving double success through collective decision-making, thus enabling the creation and establishment of a learning organization platform.


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    APA: Copy

    Bazohoori, Sarah, Yari Haj Atalo, Jahangir, & MALEKI AVARSIN, SADEGH. (2021). Explaining teachers' Self-Management and Self-Efficacy Based on Transformational Leadership with the Mediating Role of Learning Organisation in Mashhad Schools. JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, 9(1 ), 128-156. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/955150/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Bazohoori Sarah, Yari Haj Atalo Jahangir, MALEKI AVARSIN SADEGH. Explaining teachers' Self-Management and Self-Efficacy Based on Transformational Leadership with the Mediating Role of Learning Organisation in Mashhad Schools. JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION[Internet]. 2021;9(1 ):128-156. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/955150/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Sarah Bazohoori, Jahangir Yari Haj Atalo, and SADEGH MALEKI AVARSIN, “Explaining teachers' Self-Management and Self-Efficacy Based on Transformational Leadership with the Mediating Role of Learning Organisation in Mashhad Schools,” JOURNAL OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, vol. 9, no. 1 , pp. 128–156, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/955150/en

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