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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Spatio-Temporal planning of urban public transport services using location-based models-Case study: Bus stations in 6th district of Tehran Municipality




 Introduction: Since urban bus networkis considered to be the most important part of transportation system in developing countries, optimal design of this networkis crucial for improving the status of public transportation. To reach this aim, it is necessary to locate these stations in areas which increase users of this system in different parts of the city. The present study seeks to identify suitable places for the construction ofproposedBus stations in the 6th district of Tehran municipality using GIS functions, Analytic Network Process and Allen’ s temporal model. Proposedstationswere then optimized. Materials & Methods: Based on necessary investigations about the 6th district of Tehran, 17 indicators were identified: access criterion (sub criteria: business, administrative, medical, religious, educational and sports centers, and urban facilities, subway, roads), demographic criterion (sub criteria: population and employeesdensity) and traffic status (sub criteria: BRT lines, one way and two way streets, street width, traffic load, slop of the area and kind of road). At the first phase, questionnaires were distributed among 35 experts of transportation and traffic. Based on the results of DEMATEL questionnaires and their analysis in MATLAB, the severity of relationship between the criteria were calculated and pairwise comparison questionnaires were designed. Using Dematel technique, the presence or absence of a relationship between the aforementioned criteria and sub criteria was investigated. As a decision makingtechnique based on pairwise comparison, DEMATEL uses experts’ judgments to extractelements of a system and find a systematic structure for them using the principles of graph theory. This technique provides a hierarchical structure of the factors of the system along with their corresponding relationship, and determines the effect of these relations in the format of numerical scores. Dematel technique is used to identify and investigate the mutual relationships between criteria and to produce a map of network relations. The ANP model not only calculates the relationship between the criteria, but also the relative weight of each criterion. The result of these calculations make a supermatrix, from which it is possible to derive dependency between each criterion and selection and their weights. An increase in this weight shows higher priority, so it is possible to choose the best option. (Saa’ ti, 2003)It is possible to calculate ANP process in both Super Decision and and ANP-solver software. After calculating weight of the criteria, spatial layers are created in GIS software and finally suitable digital layer is created through integration of the criteria. The obtained digital layer shows the best spatial zones for the construction of Bus stations in the study area. Results & Discussion: Time and place are inseparable parts of each phenomenon in our world. Since, the first step of processing and analyzing a phenomenon in spatial information systemsismodeling, creating a model with necessary capabilities to include temporal dimension is inevitable. One of the main requirements of Spatio-temporal modelling is the ability to investigate the topological temporal-spatial relations betweendifferent phenomena. The present study used Allen’ s Interval Algebra to extract all relations between different dimensions of time. These include 3 relations between two temporal events, 6 relations between one event and a time mode, and 13 relations between two time modes. Based on Allen’ s model, the rush hours were investigated and common temporal – spatial features of each station were obtained. New stations were proposed based on existing stations and the desirable layer, and a desirable time was determined for the buses to pass stations based on land uses around the stations, the rush hours of each land useand common temporal – spatial features of each station (based on Allen’ s model). Conclusion: Results indicate that the ANP and Allen model can only search a very small number of possible answers and reach the required answer. 6thdistrict of Tehran municipality covers an area of 1557. 65 hectares, from which 18. 10% are in a suitable condition, 21. 41% are relatively suitable, 30. 45% are moderate, 23. 88% are relatively improper and 6. 17% are completely improper. 281. 923 hectares of the district has no problem regarding the access criterion and donot need a station. This district has 185 Bus stations and 61 new stations are proposed (a total number of 246). From the aforementioned 246 stations, 17 stations do not have a common schedule, 87 stations have a common point in their schedule, 89 stations have 2, 42 have 3, 10 stations have 4 and one station have 5 common points in their schedule. In terms of time, 42. 28% stations are in a suitable condition, 36. 18% are relatively suitable, 17. 07% are moderate, 4. 07% are relatively improper and 0. 41% are completely improper. Accordingly it is recommended that a bus should pass every 5 minutesfrom stations with 5 and 4 common points in their schedule. For stations with 4 common points in their schedule, this time reaches 10 minutes. Stations with two common points in their schedule need a bus every 15 minutes and stations with 1 common point in their schedule need a bus every 20 minutes.


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