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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Explaining the Resilience of Cities Against Infectious Diseases (Covid-19) (The Case Study of Zanjan)




 The growing trend of urbanization in the years after the Industrial Revolution reduced the capacity of cities to meet the needs of citizens and their capabilities. In this regard, the occurrence of unexpected events such as the Corona outbreak has raised the need to measure the flexibility of cities to establish a proportion between the container and the urban content. Although the outbreak of Corona is an unexpected event, in recent years cities have been warned through SARS that human society in general and cities, in particular, should adopt policies against events such as high-prevalence infectious diseases, but so far the issue of infectious diseases in cities has not been addressed, so when cities face such incidents, more confusion and disability are displayed. The present study aims to identify cities against infectious diseases, identify all the effects that infectious diseases can have on cities, and finally provide the best coping strategies. For this purpose, the documentary-field method has been used to collect information and for analysis and evaluation, FEMA and FAAO techniques have been used and GIS has been used for graphical representation. The results of the research have shown that; closure of small businesses, the inability of the poor to provide for their livelihoods, loss of socio-spatial justice in the distribution and use of services, adverse psychological effects on citizens at risk of disease, and reverse effects of public transportation on disease, scarcity, and hoarding of food-therapy, closure and suspension of educational activities, the disorder of urban management institutions to deal with the COVID-19, reverse effect of congestion growth against the infectious disease, have been the most important effects of infectious disease on cities, in this regard, actions to control and resilience of the city before and after failure have been presented. The obtained results have been proved to be successful.


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    APA: Copy

    heydari, mohamad taghi, Rasoli, Mohammad, & Saidpour, Sharareh. (2022). Explaining the Resilience of Cities Against Infectious Diseases (Covid-19) (The Case Study of Zanjan). ENVIRONMENTAL BASED TERRITORIAL PLANNING (AMAYESH), 15(56 ), 127-152. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/958662/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    heydari mohamad taghi, Rasoli Mohammad, Saidpour Sharareh. Explaining the Resilience of Cities Against Infectious Diseases (Covid-19) (The Case Study of Zanjan). ENVIRONMENTAL BASED TERRITORIAL PLANNING (AMAYESH)[Internet]. 2022;15(56 ):127-152. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/958662/en

    IEEE: Copy

    mohamad taghi heydari, Mohammad Rasoli, and Sharareh Saidpour, “Explaining the Resilience of Cities Against Infectious Diseases (Covid-19) (The Case Study of Zanjan),” ENVIRONMENTAL BASED TERRITORIAL PLANNING (AMAYESH), vol. 15, no. 56 , pp. 127–152, 2022, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/958662/en

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