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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


French title: La Poé tique de l’ Escalier dans les Ré cits de Pierre Bergounioux (English title: The Poetics of the Staircase in the Stories of Pierre Bergounioux)




Dualitécontradictoire (English key word:Gaston Bachelard 
Contradictory duality) 


 French abstract: L’ Escalier, susceptible d’ ê tre porteur du sens est un lieu favori parmi certains auteurs, qui mé rite un regard à part et particulier. É tant frappé s par l’ abondance du mot « Escalier » dans La Maison rose de Pierre Bergounioux, nous avons é té amené s à vé rifier cette fré quence dans les autres ré cits de Pierre Bergounioux. Ainsi avons-nous fait une lecture attentive des ré cits de Pierre Bergounioux depuis 1984 jusqu’ à 1996 pour y dé celer la trace de l’ « Escalier ». Par la suite, nous avons choisi à part La Maison rose, les autres ré cits intitulé s Catherine, Ce Pas et le suivant, La Bê te faramineuse, Miette et La Mort de Brune dans lesquels « l’ Escalier », à premiè re vue, comme un é lé ment banal, nous semble-t-il, offre un sens significatif et joue un rô le dé finitif. Ainsi, par une dé marche totalisante et synthé tique, nous avons analysé tous les cas où le terme « Escalier » est apparu dans lesdits ré cits et puis nous avons classifié les ré sultats trouvé s selon la fonctionnalité que l’ Escalier s’ attribue dans chaque circonstance. Par consé quent nous avons ré ussi à reconnaî tre neuf fonctions pour les Escaliers de Pierre Bergounioux: l’ Escalier de contact, de peur, d’ obstacle, de suicide, de sensation, de dé couverte, de classe, d’ honneur et enfin l’ Escalier de bonheur. Aprè s cela, notre attention a é té attiré e sur la dualité oppositionnelle caché e au sein de chaque fonction trouvé e. Donc en nous appuyant sur la mé thode bachelardienne, nous nous sommes efforcé s de percer dans l’ imaginaire de l’ é crivain et de dé gager les dialectiques contradictoires né es de chaque fonction. Et les classifier sous l’ axe horizontal ou vertical. English abstract: As one of the three Aristotelian units, namely the unit of place, time and action, the space in which history takes place has always been interested as the object of study. And among the spaces, the staircase, by its structural form, capable of conveying meaning, is a favorite place among some authors, which deserves a special look. Integrated in the lineage of the authors of "narratives of filiation", those whose arrival on the literary scene coincides with the eighties, Pierre Bergounioux, the major but discreet writer of the most recent French literature, hardly exceeds the university framework, compared to his literary counterparts like Anni Ernaux, Pierre Michon and Franç ois Bon, however the richness of his works is inexhaustible. Being struck by the abundance of the word "Staircase" in Pierre Bergounioux's La Maison rose, we have been led to verify this frequency in the other works of Pierre Bergounioux. We have therefore carefully read the stories of Pierre Bergounioux from 1984 until 1996 to detect traces of the "staircase". The research has led us to results that should be considered. And we noticed that from the first story of Pierre Bergounioux, Catherine, the staircase shows itself in a striking and not insignificant way. Although sometimes it just fulfills its ordinary task of going up and down as a means of gaining access to upper or lower floors, but most of the time the staircase is a favorite place to perform some function. Subsequently, apart from La Maison rose, we chose the other tales entitled Catherine, Ce Pas et le suivant, La Bê te faramineuse, Miette and La Mort de Brune in which "the staircase", at first glance, as an element banal, blurred by the events of the story, without considering the number of its recurrence beforehand, it seems to us, offers a significant meaning and plays a definitive role. Thus, by a totalizing and synthetic approach and by using the scenes extracted from the selected stories, we analyzed all the cases where the term "Staircase" appeared in the said stories and then we classified the results found according to the functionality and the characteristic that the staircase attributes to itself in each circumstance. Therefore, we have succeeded in recognizing nine functions for Pierre Bergounioux's stairs: the contact staircase, the fear staircase, the sensation staircase, the obstacle staircase, the suicide staircase, the staircase of class, the staircase of discovery, the staircase of honor and finally the staircase of happiness. But the research did not end with these findings concerning the functions of Pierre Bergounioux's stairs. Sensitized by the learnings of Structuralism about binary oppositions as the main core of human thought, our attention was drawn to the contradictory duality hidden within each function found. In other words, the existence of a function, or to put it better, the existence of the staircase, is directly related to the existence of a binary opposition. And among those who value dualism, it is precisely Gaston Bachelard who believes that the image which can moreover be a space, as he has shown us splendidly in his Poetics of space, takes on all its "dynamism" of "dialectics of opposites ". So we just have to rely on the Bachelardian method to penetrate the imagination of the writer and identify the contradictory dialectics within each function. So the self / other binary opposition emerges from the contact staircase. The one of peace / anguish concerns the staircase of fear. That of escape / confinement is revealed from the obstacle staircase. The contradictory duality of life / death arises from the suicide staircase. That of sensitivity / insensitivity manifests itself in the staircase of sensation. The knowledge / ignorance arises from the discovery staircase. And the dominant / dominated, job / passion, city / country dialectics are formed around the stairs of class, honor and happiness respectively. Lastly, and while fully respecting Bachelard's approach, after having found the opposing couples, born of each function, we only have to classify these oppositional couples according to two horizontal and vertical axes in order to better and better decipher the image of the stairs. Thus under the heading of "The staircase: The horizontal axis" are located all the functions that concern the staircase where it is imagined "as a concentrated being". In other words, all cases where it is a question of a staircase in which a fact or a situation is formed, without taking into account the sense of linearity between the two poles of contradiction. Like the staircase of contact, fear, obstacle, suicide, sensation and that of discovery. And under the heading of "The Staircase: The Vertical Axis" meet the stairs which even before being seen as a space, they show themselves as a line of distance and separation between the two sides of established polarity. In other words, when the staircase is imagined "as a vertical being". It is under this axis that the stairs of class, honor and happiness are placed. So after having become aware of the presence of the staircase and following it the discernment of the functions and oppositional dualities attached to these functions, we allow ourselves to denounce the inclination, in a way, of Pierre Bergounioux for the spatial image of the stairs. Indeed, the image of the staircase fertilizes the imagination of the writer and shows itself as the revealer of an intimacy. Far from being a frozen image, sometimes like a space of "topophilia" and sometimes like a space of "topophobia", the staircase is certainly a favorite space for the materialization of the writer's imagination. Reinforced by the process of "dialectization", the image of the staircase is a means, through which, Pierre Bergounioux, manages to explore his past. In the world of Bergunian stories, the fear, the anguish, the boredom of living in small distant towns, knowledge, death, sensations and social advancement are associated with the image of the staircase. So we can conclude that, on the one hand, the staircase, by its structural form, is very likely to be a favorite image of the authors of "accounts of parentage". And, on the other hand, it seems that the Bachelardian method, giving importance to the imagination, is a suitable approach for this kind of narrative which so cherishes the past.


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    APA: Copy

    DJAVARI, MOHAMMAD HOSSEIN, AFKHAMI NIA, Mahdi, & Abdi, Sakineh. (2022). French title: La Poé tique de l’ Escalier dans les Ré cits de Pierre Bergounioux (English title: The Poetics of the Staircase in the Stories of Pierre Bergounioux). RECHERCHES EN LANGUE ET LITTERATURE FRANCAISES, 15(28 ), 65-80. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/961024/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    DJAVARI MOHAMMAD HOSSEIN, AFKHAMI NIA Mahdi, Abdi Sakineh. French title: La Poé tique de l’ Escalier dans les Ré cits de Pierre Bergounioux (English title: The Poetics of the Staircase in the Stories of Pierre Bergounioux). RECHERCHES EN LANGUE ET LITTERATURE FRANCAISES[Internet]. 2022;15(28 ):65-80. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/961024/en

    IEEE: Copy

    MOHAMMAD HOSSEIN DJAVARI, Mahdi AFKHAMI NIA, and Sakineh Abdi, “French title: La Poé tique de l’ Escalier dans les Ré cits de Pierre Bergounioux (English title: The Poetics of the Staircase in the Stories of Pierre Bergounioux),” RECHERCHES EN LANGUE ET LITTERATURE FRANCAISES, vol. 15, no. 28 , pp. 65–80, 2022, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/961024/en

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