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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Grounded Theory Analysis on the Pathology of Urban Development Plans in Iran




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 Introduction: Urban development can be considered as the basis of urban, economic, social, political, cultural and legal restructuring which its main purpose is to improve the urbanization process, repair the urban environment, organize the urban economy and strengthen the political, social and cultural aspects of urban life. In this regard, it should be said that urban development plans are documents that guide and control how cities develop, which enable city managers to achieve the desired vision of the city in the horizon of the plan, which is usually a long-term landscape. In the countrychr('39')s planning system, it has been more than half a century since the preparation of the first urban development plans in the modern sense. It is usually prepared or revised for most cities of the country in the form of urban development plans including development plan (comprehensive urban plan), detailed plan, strategic structural plans, special plan and other case plans. Iranchr('39')s urban development planning system is typical and for all cities, regardless of spatial variation, the service description is the same. Despite many disadvantages, these plans have been able to provide adequate answers to urban problems. Therefore, research for identification and pathology of urban development plans-due to the complexity of urban issues, increasing population and cities, diversity and multiplicity of needs and wants-seems obvious and necessary. Methodology: In this research, the purpose is practical, the main approach is inductive/deductive, the type of research is qualitative based on documentary studies which its statistical population are articles published in the country since. In this regard, through library studies and searching the scientific databases of the country, including the database of Iranian journals and magazines (Magiran) and the scientific database of Jahad Daneshgahi (SID), universities and journals related to the relevant items were extracted and classified. Then with in-depth interviews with 15 experts on urban development plan, using 10MAXQDA software as an effective tool in the analysis of qualitative data, open coding and axial codes were extracted and finally selective coding was performed. Based on this, first, the frequency of damage is extracted and presented in a new category. In the next step, the relationships between the damages are through network analysis using NODE XL software. Based on this, cause and effect relationships between damage and their prioritization are analyzed as graphs (combination of edges and nodes). Results and discussion: Based on the data output, first two categories of non-realization and inefficiency have been considered as core categories in the pathology of urban development plans (comprehensive plan). This means that the basis of research on the pathology of urban development plans has been to study and prove these two axes. In the First core category (non-realization), physical and demographic goals account for nearly 80% of the topics of non-realization of projects, which can be due to the lack of explanation for other dimensions as project goals; and therefore, the neglect of clear and achievable goals in other dimensions of urban development in the plans. The root of an important part of the failure to achieve goals in all sectors is related to the lack of clear explanation of economic goals for urban development plans and the physical failure node, which is considered the largest failure of cities in terms of failure to achieve goals based on studies. Therefore, in urban development plans, the economic and financial issues of the city and programs should be prioritized. The second category is the weakness in the formulation of basic concepts in urban development, which in order to exploit theories and localization, requires the production of basic and practical concepts in the field of urban development plans. The third category in the inefficiency of urban development plans is joint ventures and participation of stakeholders in the process and various dimensions of development plans, including economic issues. The fourth and fifth categories are content weakness and weakness in the intellectual and technical foundations of urban development plans, in which the appropriateness of the plans in accordance with the environmental conditions, localization is one of their key issues. Conclusion: The axial categories of non-realization and inefficiency of the two core categories were introduced in the researches in such a way that everything that has been proposed as the realization of goals is in the field of physical and demographic goals, and this raises the need for comprehensiveness in formulating goals. The results indicate that in the macro view, the description of the disabilities has been preferred by the researchers rather than the analysis of the cause and reasons. Accordingly, when the issue of participation is raised, it seems necessary to discuss how and in what way, according to local conditions and when in theoretical foundations the issue of flexibility of plans is raised as a disadvantage according to the cultural conditions of society and when the lines are not clearly defined, it can challenge the issue of efficiency and realization of plans worse than flexibility. In another part of the findings, education as one of the pillars that can be the basis of awareness, coordination, cooperation, knowledge, and as one of the causes for the failure of projects has been neglected by researchers. In this regard, the use of research methods such as fish bones can be useful in the analysis of hierarchy and the pathological cause of urban development plans.


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    APA: Copy

    Kolivand, Hojjatollah, Talachian, morteza, & MAJEDI, HAMID. (2021). Grounded Theory Analysis on the Pathology of Urban Development Plans in Iran. SPATIAL PLANNING (MODARES HUMAN SCIENCES), 24(4 ), 153-175. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/962775/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Kolivand Hojjatollah, Talachian morteza, MAJEDI HAMID. Grounded Theory Analysis on the Pathology of Urban Development Plans in Iran. SPATIAL PLANNING (MODARES HUMAN SCIENCES)[Internet]. 2021;24(4 ):153-175. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/962775/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Hojjatollah Kolivand, morteza Talachian, and HAMID MAJEDI, “Grounded Theory Analysis on the Pathology of Urban Development Plans in Iran,” SPATIAL PLANNING (MODARES HUMAN SCIENCES), vol. 24, no. 4 , pp. 153–175, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/962775/en

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