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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


French title: La Configuration du Sens de l'Espace dans L'Occupation des Sols de Jean Echenoz: Approche Sé miotique (English title: The Configuration of the Sense of Space in Plan of Occupancy by Jean Echenoz: A Semiotic Approach)




Manar Hammad (English key word:Semiotics of space 
Mannar Hammad) 


 French abstract: En passant du structuralisme de Saussure et du discours narratif proposé par Greimas, la sé miotique en tant que science de l'é tude du signe s’ approche du domaine phé nomé nologique. La sé miotique phé nomé nologique vise plutô t à mettre en relief l’ interaction entre l’ homme et le signe. En tant que l'un des domaines des é tudes sé miotiques, la sé miotique de l'espace se veut une approche à é tudier le processus de la construction du sens dans/de l'espace. Vu l'importance de la notion de l'espace chez Jean Echenoz, é crivain franç ais du XXè me siè cle, cette é tude se propose d'é tudier la sé miotique de l’ espace dans L’ Occupation des sols, l'oeuvre é minente de cet é crivain, selon l'approche proposé e par Mannar Hammad. Les questions principales qui se posent sont donc comment se forme le processus de la configuration du sens de l’ espace dans cette oeuvre et par quels moyens le concept de l’ espace s’ est pré senté comme sé miose dynamique et non statique dans cette oeuvre. English abstract: After Saussure's structuralism and the narrative discourse proposed by Greimas, semiotics as the science of the study of the sign approaches the phenomenological domain. Rather, phenomenological semiotics aims to highlight the interaction between man and sign. As one of the fields of semiotic studies, the semiotics of space looks to study the process of construction of meaning in/of space. While theoretical discussions of space became more and more serious, some writers began to reconsider the meaning of space in their works. They tried to make the space so central and decisive that the unfolding of the story depended on the presence of the space. Jean Echenoz is known as a writer haunted by space. This is a noticeably remarkable element in the literary world of the writer. Born in 1947 in France, Echenoz has won nearly twelve literary awards since the day he entered the world of literature. He chooses to study sociology at Aix-en-Provence. Then seven years after moving to Paris, where he continued his studies at the Sorbonne, his first work was published: Le Mé ridien de Greenwich (1979). The book immediately won the Fé né on prize, and it made known to the interlocutor the arrival of a novelist whose work was refused by all publishers before the green light from É dition de Minuit. The author who won the Medici Prize in 1983 for Cherokee and that of Goncourt in 1999 thanks to the writing of Je m’ en vais, Echenoz also won the Bnf Prize in 2016. If almost all of Jean Echenoz's work is marked by the image of space, but this one is not a simple decoration, which is placed within the echenozian writing, but one of the fundamental elements building the sense of the story. Among his works, L'Occupation des sols (1988) treats space in a rather innovative way and indeed manifests the writer's attention to space as a cherished stylistic element. The story of this work revolves around the portrait of a woman, painted on a wall in a district of Paris undergoing renovation. The woman was burned and died in a building fire, which changed the lives of her husband and her son who, changing their home, watched the image of Sylvie disappear on the wall every day. This study is devoted to studying the semiotics of space according to Hammad's approach in this Echenozian work to study how space indeed plays as a scaffolding of the meaning of history. Through the analysis of L'Occupation des sols, we will try to answer the following questions: How is the sign of space expressed in the narration of the story? How does the concept of space present itself as fluid and dynamic semiosis in this work? The main objective is therefore to show how semiotic analysis participates in the reading and understanding of this work. To achieve this goal, we will first explain the theoretical foundations of the semiotics of space proposed by Manar Hammad. A brief narratological analysis of the spaces of the narrative will then help us to study the four norms proposed by Hammad and by this we will explain the intermediate space and the final space. We will then aim to treat the space from the enunciator and enunciator perspectives and finally, the relationship between space and action under the two planes of ‘ Expression’ and ‘ Content’ will be verified. This study will indeed allow us to study in detail the process of the formation and configuration of the sense of space in the work of Echenoz. The story in L'Occupation des sols is around a few spaces that influence the action of the characters. Echenoz organizes the events of the story in such a way that the reader can distinguish an explicit connection between the character's decisions and the space. In other words, it does not show itself in the story as an elementary decoration, but as an essential element intervening in the unfolding of the story and even in the configuration of the meaning of the story. From a general point of view, the semiotics of space proposed by Manar Hammad, boils down to this novelty that space is considered dependent on the action and that the topoi circulate between the subjects, which by changing the function, transform the sense of space. But in reality, this semantic view of space is more complicated than that, not only because of its architectural aspect but also, for the semantic metalanguage it tries to achieve. It is a multi-layered approach whose stages have corresponding relationships. Space, as a non-empty continuum, is suggested by Hammad, as the extent of the movement of men between things. Hammad sees an undeniable connection between space and action. He defines space according to the action that takes place there. In other words, he believes that the meaning of space is defined by the action we take in space. This action can be performed either in space or in space. This is how he considers the two planes of Expression and Content to distinguish the action performed. This study clearly shows that for the Echenozian character, space is an object of sentimental interaction. Echenoz does not use space as a pitiful or mediocre setting in his story but as an indispensable element. It seems to us that Echenoz builds the foundation of his stories on an almost perceptible interaction between character and space. He does not need other characters to complete the flow of the story, on the contrary, it is the space that plays the role of the interlocutor for the so-called main character. The interesting point is that Echenoz does not give human characteristics to his spaces for them to affect the reader. In fact, by keeping the space, as it is, it arouses the feelings and curiosity of its interlocutor to follow the narrative, but in addition, it builds the meaning of the story. From a deeper point of view, the space in Echenoz's work seems like Dark Matter-which is the essential component of the universe and which is not easily perceptible, but in measuring its gravity on other galaxy objects, we prove its existence.


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    APA: Copy

    RAHMATI, Hamed, & AYATI, AKRAM. (2022). French title: La Configuration du Sens de l'Espace dans L'Occupation des Sols de Jean Echenoz: Approche Sé miotique (English title: The Configuration of the Sense of Space in Plan of Occupancy by Jean Echenoz: A Semiotic Approach). RECHERCHES EN LANGUE ET LITTERATURE FRANCAISES, 15(28 ), 116-127. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/964243/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    RAHMATI Hamed, AYATI AKRAM. French title: La Configuration du Sens de l'Espace dans L'Occupation des Sols de Jean Echenoz: Approche Sé miotique (English title: The Configuration of the Sense of Space in Plan of Occupancy by Jean Echenoz: A Semiotic Approach). RECHERCHES EN LANGUE ET LITTERATURE FRANCAISES[Internet]. 2022;15(28 ):116-127. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/964243/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Hamed RAHMATI, and AKRAM AYATI, “French title: La Configuration du Sens de l'Espace dans L'Occupation des Sols de Jean Echenoz: Approche Sé miotique (English title: The Configuration of the Sense of Space in Plan of Occupancy by Jean Echenoz: A Semiotic Approach),” RECHERCHES EN LANGUE ET LITTERATURE FRANCAISES, vol. 15, no. 28 , pp. 116–127, 2022, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/964243/en

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