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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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French title: La Migration dans la Litté rature Persane Extrê me-Contemporaine: Sarzamin-e Noutch de Keyvâ n Arzâ ghi (English title: Migration in Extreme-Contemporary Persian Literature: Sarzamin-e Noutch by Keyvâ n Arzâ ghi)




 French abstract: La Migration est incontestablement, depuis longtemps, une ré alité complexe variant selon l'é poque et relè ve toujours d’ une actualité brû lante. Pré sente, de longue date, dans les é tudes sociales, elle a aussi trouvé une place privilé gié e dans les é tudes litté raires. Le thè me de la Migration apparaî t sous diffé rentes formes dans la litté rature (l’ é criture de l’ exil, la diaspora, les situations postcoloniales, etc. ). Mais parmi toutes ces formes, la plus importante est celle qui se concentre sur la question de dualité de l’ Identité . La pré sente é tude essaiera d'apporter des pré cisions sur cette problé matique, tout en approfondissant le problè me de la Migration. Sarzamin-e Noutch de Keyvâ n Arzâ ghi constituant le contexte de cette é tude, nous permet d’ é tudier le phé nomè ne de la Migration dans une optique extrê me-contemporaine. Une mé thode incontournable pour l’ analyse de ce phé nomè ne est la Sociologie qui dé voile ses ré alité s caché es. Cette é tude sera ainsi basé e sur la thé orie de l’ ambivalence carnavalesque de Mikhaï l Bakhtine, qui est selon Pierre. V. Zima à l’ origine de la Sociologie du texte romanesque, et sur les idé es d’ Abdelmalek Sayad, sociologue de l’ imMigration. Et elle é tudiera aussi l’ effet psychologique de ce phé nomè ne grâ ce aux straté gies identitaires proposé es par Carmel Camilleri. English abstract: Migration has undoubtedly been a complex reality for a long time, varying from time to time and is always a hot topic. Present for a long time in social studies, it has also found a privileged place in literary studies. The theme of Migration appears in different forms in the literature (the writing of exile, the diaspora, postcolonial situations, etc. ). But among all these forms, the most important is that which focuses on the question of dual identity. This study will try to clarify this problem while deepening the problem of Migration. Sarzamin-e Noutch by Keyvâ n Arzâ ghi constituting the context of this study, allows us to study the phenomenon of Migration from an extreme contemporary perspective. Sarzamin-e Noutch (2012) draws the reader's attention to the socio-psychological dimension of voluntary Migration through the life of a young emigrant couple, Arash and Sanam. The novel begins at Tehran airport where a young Iranian couple (Arash and Sanam) leave their country for the United States. The detailed description of immigrants with a strong tendency to leave their country shows us how literary work represents one of the cultural and identity crises of contemporary Iranian society. We will see that Migration seems essential to them to live happily. This is what Michel Foucault said in his conference entitled Des espaces autres: He considers that "the current era is determined more by space than by time. " (Foucault, 2004, p. 3). According to Tartarovsky and Schwartz, there are three types of motivation to emigrate: 1. Preservation (search for security), 2. Personal development 3. Materialism (financial improvement). This study tries to understand what motivation is involved in immigrants from Sarzamin-e Noutch. We will establish an analysis of the novel at the same time on the theory of the carnival ambivalence of Mikhaï l Bakhtine, and on the ideas of Abdelmalek Sayad (1933-1998), proposed in his two works; 1. The double absence, from the illusions of the immigrant to the sufferings of the immigrant (1999), 2. ImMigration or the paradoxes of otherness (1. The provisional illusion) (1991), to arrive to the answer of the following questions: Where does the trend towards eMigration and expatriation from certain strata of Iranian society come from? How can a literary work participate in revealing the hidden sides of this social reality? And through the identity strategies proposed by Carmel Camilleri in his book entitled Identity Strategies, we will try to answer this question: What is the psychological effect of this phenomenon on immigrants? Indeed, "whatever the types of Migration, we can say that there is certainly a strong relationship between mental health and Migration. " (Collomb and Ayats, 1962, p. 574) Trying to establish a comparison between the behaviors of different immigrants, we will try to understand: why certain immigrants do not manage to adapt to the host society, while it is, they themselves who chose this Migration without being forced to leave their country? The interpretation of Sarzamin-e Noutch as an extreme-contemporary persian novel on Migration has clearly shown that, at the present time, young people all over the world, Iranians among others, are looking for a better life. This is how personal development and materialism are the motivations for their departure. So, they leave everything behind to go to a No man’ s land. This study showed that Sarzamin-e Noutch, far from being a fixed and restricted evocation in the genre of realistic literature, by talking about immigrant characters that have made the problem of imMigration quite concrete. By highlighting the ambivalent situation of immigrants through Bakhtin's theory of carnival ambivalence, the present study has clearly highlighted the importance of the question of adaptation in the immigrant's journey. Indeed, most immigrants disappointed with their dreams, find themselves in-between. Culture shock and nostalgia provoke an emotional crisis in them. A comparison of the attitudes of immigrants has shown that the best way to escape this duality is to gain access to the language and culture of the new homeland. Language, the main tool of good communication, thus constitutes an identity component in Migration literature. For a final touch, we can say that the interpretation of Sarzamin-e Noutch, using the identity strategies proposed by Camilleri, showed us that in the integration process, the immigrant instead of favoring one cultures and to question others, must make an effort to balance their own culture with the culture of the other. In this way, the evolution of identity becomes the index of dialogue between cultures which should complement each other instead of opposing each other.


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    APA: Copy

    HADJI BABAIE, Zahra, & DADVAR, ELMIRA. (2020). French title: La Migration dans la Litté rature Persane Extrê me-Contemporaine: Sarzamin-e Noutch de Keyvâ n Arzâ ghi (English title: Migration in Extreme-Contemporary Persian Literature: Sarzamin-e Noutch by Keyvâ n Arzâ ghi). RECHERCHES EN LANGUE ET LITTERATURE FRANCAISES, 13(24 ), 65-79. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/964589/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    HADJI BABAIE Zahra, DADVAR ELMIRA. French title: La Migration dans la Litté rature Persane Extrê me-Contemporaine: Sarzamin-e Noutch de Keyvâ n Arzâ ghi (English title: Migration in Extreme-Contemporary Persian Literature: Sarzamin-e Noutch by Keyvâ n Arzâ ghi). RECHERCHES EN LANGUE ET LITTERATURE FRANCAISES[Internet]. 2020;13(24 ):65-79. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/964589/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Zahra HADJI BABAIE, and ELMIRA DADVAR, “French title: La Migration dans la Litté rature Persane Extrê me-Contemporaine: Sarzamin-e Noutch de Keyvâ n Arzâ ghi (English title: Migration in Extreme-Contemporary Persian Literature: Sarzamin-e Noutch by Keyvâ n Arzâ ghi),” RECHERCHES EN LANGUE ET LITTERATURE FRANCAISES, vol. 13, no. 24 , pp. 65–79, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/964589/en

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