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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Designing a Performance Management Model for Iran's Insurance Industry Based on The Grounded Theory Approach (GT)




 Purpose: Continuous improvement in the Performance of organizations creates enormous cohesive forces that can support the growth, development, and development opportunities of organizational excellence. The main purpose of this study is to "design a model for managing the Performance of Iran's insurance industry with an approach based on the data theory of the Foundation (GT)". Design/ Methodology/ Approach: The statistical population of the present study includes university experts and experts in the Iranian insurance industry who have continued to collect information through interviews until saturation; also, a sample of snowball method has been used, based on the opinions of 17 experts and Strauss and Corbin system approach. Three stages of open, central and selective coding, 74 concepts and 20 categories have been extracted, among which the category of Performance management system as a central category and 19 other components of data theory formed the research foundation and finally using the data theory, in Iran's insurance industry is a model of Performance management Has been compiled. Then, the comprehensive model proposed in the second stage is tested and analyzed using SPSS 20, Lisrel8. 8 and SmartPLS. 03 statistical software, and the results show that all the variables calculated in the form of the mentioned levels, as variables. Research Findings: Therefore, the initial research model was finally confirmed. Finding the results of the research model is one of the most important intervening factors in the field of management and leadership. Provide and equip employees with this by encouraging and rewarding them and creating a career path based on learning parameters. Limitations & Consequences: Based on the interviews, it was found that in some cases it has been observed that in the Iranian insurance industry, unfortunately, emphasis is placed on the appropriateness of jobs with fewer employees, and given that this can be a major obstacle to implementing a Performance management system. Practical Consequences: Managers, as one of the key members of organizations, have a very effective role in the successful establishment and implementation of a Performance management system. Innovation or value of the Article: Performance management categories, efficient Performance management system, Performance appraisal, continuous Performance improvement, various strategies and methods of Performance development, . Priority should be given to training courses, and in addition to teaching these concepts, it is theoretically recommended that in practice, they provide the necessary situation and conditions for talented people to bring their knowledge to the forefront and turn their potential into actual competencies. In this way, individual and group Performance and subsequent organizational Performance will be improved.


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    APA: Copy

    Asgharzadeh, Mahnoosh, Mehrara, Asadollah, & TABARI, MOJTABA. (2020). Designing a Performance Management Model for Iran's Insurance Industry Based on The Grounded Theory Approach (GT). JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PERSPECTIVE, 11(1 ), 169-202. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/966445/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Asgharzadeh Mahnoosh, Mehrara Asadollah, TABARI MOJTABA. Designing a Performance Management Model for Iran's Insurance Industry Based on The Grounded Theory Approach (GT). JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PERSPECTIVE[Internet]. 2020;11(1 ):169-202. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/966445/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Mahnoosh Asgharzadeh, Asadollah Mehrara, and MOJTABA TABARI, “Designing a Performance Management Model for Iran's Insurance Industry Based on The Grounded Theory Approach (GT),” JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PERSPECTIVE, vol. 11, no. 1 , pp. 169–202, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/966445/en

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