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اصل 171 قانون اساسی با هدف حمایت از زیان دیدگان از اشتباهات قضایی تدوین و مصوب شده، مسؤول جبران خسارات وارده بر ایشان را معین نموده است و البته شیوه عملی نمودن این اصل را به قوانین عادی واگذار نموده است. گرچه حقوقدانان معتقد بوده اند مرجع احراز اشتباه یا تقصیر قاضی را باید دادگاه عالی انتظامی قضات دانست و زیان دیده باید ابتدا برای اثبات تقصیر یا اشتباه به دادگاه مزبور شکایت نماید و سپس بر مبنای آن برای جبران خسارت به دادگاه عمومی برود لکن متأسفانه سال های متمادی ماده ی قانونی جامع و کاملی در جهت اجرای این اصل تصویب نشده بود و در کمال تأسف عمل به این اصل کمتر از آن بوده است که رویه ی مدونی بیابد. خوشبختانه در سالهای اخیر در قوانین و آیین های جدید کیفری در مواد پراکنده ای به این موضوع پرداخته شده است لکن باز هم نواقص و اشکالات مهمی در آنها وجود دارد. در این نوشتار سعی شده است پس از تبیین موضوع و بررسی نظرات مختلف و قوانین و آراء مرتبط، پیشنهاد مناسبی برای عملی نمودن صحیح این اصل ارائه دهد.

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This paper reports on a study that investigated Iranian EFL high school students’ perceptions of written grammar feedback to specify their reasons for preferring comprehensive or selective feedback and choosing some feedback strategies. A questionnaire was administered to 100 EFL intermediate high school students who were selected based on their scores on a proficiency test. Moreover, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 of them. The results showed that the students had a strong desire for receiving written grammar feedback and favored direct feedback comprehensively on each draft. However, the correction of errors in word and verb categories was more important to them than that of other grammatical errors. They also had common evaluations of written corrective feedback strategies. The findings of this study have some implications for EFL writing instruction.

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معینی مجید

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لطفا برای مشاهده چکیده به متن کامل (PDF) مراجعه فرمایید.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to investigate whether self-assessment as a metacognitive strategy has any obvious effect on improving grammatical knowledge of Iranian EFL students. To achieve the purpose, 60 male junior high school students with the age range of 13-16 participated in this study. A Nelson test was administered to homogenize the two groups regarding language proficiency and outliers were discarded. The researcher had one experimental and one control group. To determine students' level of grammatical knowledge a pre-test developed by Farhady (2000) was administered. The result showed that there was no significant difference between the two groups. After the pre-test the treatment began. The control group received no extra instruction and underwent traditional assessment. Whereas the experimental group went through the process of self-assessment whereby they checked their own activities and found their own strengths and weaknesses. Self-assessment was practiced for six sessions during three months. A session after the treatment was over; a post-test developed by Farhady (2000) was administered. The results were compared through an independent t-test. The value of t was 3.417 with a significance of .001 depicting a significant difference between the two groups in the study. The outcome showed that selfassessment had a positive effect on improving students' grammatical knowledge. The findings of this study will be an incentive for syllabus designers as well as teachers and students to allocate specific time to self-assessment. Teachers can use self-assessment along with other activities to improve grammatical knowledge.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    32 (Special Issue) English
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The present paper investigates the role of three syntactic modifications in the performances of EFL test takers on vocabulary measures across proficiency levels. It also addresses the relationship between syntactic awareness and performance on syntactically modified vocabulary tests. A proficiency test, three syntactically modified vocabulary tests, and a syntactic awareness test were administered to participants (N=112). The analyses of the results revealed that syntactic modification of vocabulary tests and level of language ability influence participants' ability to restore the words that best complete the test. Moreover, it was found that syntactic awareness is positively correlated with performance on different versions of syntactically modified vocabulary tests. On the basis of the findings language teachers are advised to raise students' syntactic awareness in order to help them use sentence context more effectively to Understand the meaning of new words.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Hatefi Mohammad

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Relying on the functional approach, Halliday's Functional Linguistics and the Visual Grammar of Kress and Leeuwan (2006), the present study examines two ekphrasis: William Carlos Williams' verbal efrasis from " Landscape with the Fall of Icarus " and visual ekphrasis of Mehdi Zamni from a poem by Ali Akbar Rashidi entitled "Habit". In the first ekphrasis, there was a reversal from visual (painting) to verbal (poem), and in another from verbal (poem) to painting (visual). At the interactional layer, painting expresses the inattention of represented participants to the fall and drowning of Icarus through a nontransitive gaze; That is, through the non-interactional perspective of the represented participants (farmer, shepherd, man on the shore, the inhabitants of the ship) that no vector has connected them to each other and to the side which Icarus is sinking. There is no exchange of views between the represented participants, otherwise there should have been a commotion. The relationship between farmer, the shepherd, and the man on the shore is non-transitive so that everyone is doing his own job, in connected with his own particular subject matter (the farmer looks to the miner, the shepherd to nature, and the man on the shore is bent over the water on the beach). In fact, their figure in the painting is merely representational; something is represented for information and thinking. Painter has located the place the Icarus is sinking in the background of the image and has minimized the Icarus foot so that the viewer hardly can see it, and perhaps only with the help of the title. Nontransitive perspective is dominant in both interactional layers (represented participants' interaction with each other and the viewer's interaction with the represented participants). Since the represented participants do not look at each other and to the place which Icarus is drowning, the beach space can be read according as this: Everyone was doing their own job. Lack of interaction is expressed in the verbal text with the mental process, with adjective "unnoticed". Therefore, what the image represents in the form of an interactional layer is expressed by the verbal text in the ideational metafunction and mental process. In the verbal text, the constraint of time, the relative clause, and the constraint of quality are the three structural elements that have made interctional representation in the verses "when Icarus fell", "a splash quite unnoticed this was Icarus drowning" and "unsignificantly off the coast there were". These elements have indicated the fall of Icarus, its insignificance, his drowning, and the ignorance of others. The painting indicates the concept of falling through the layer of title, otherwise no one might attend to the side of Icarus just through his eyes (vector of looking). Also the painting has indicated the insignificance of Icarus' drowning through placing Icarus in the background. Thus, the visual text to represent verbal words "insignificance" and "inattention" the elements of composition (perspective and background); In other words, it represents insignificance by placing Icarus's sinking in the background and inattention through the represented participants not looking at each other and not looking at Icarus's sinking. The comparative analysis showed that the verbal text can generalize different elements within the verbal text because it has the capacity for generalization and abstract expression; another words, verbal syntax causes less representational elements to be reflected in the text. For example, it expresses different objects as water, rocks, ships, water space, etc. only by the word "beach", at the same time, the verbal text provides more detailed details than the visual text at interactional layer. The present study showed that ekphrasis occurs in two forms (visual-verbal and verbal-visual), and in each of them, part of the meaning is represented in target text (ekphrastic text) and part remains in the source text. In the painting "Landscape with the Fall of Icarus", there are many representational elements that are not reflected in the verbal text (ekphrastic text). In this way, what is represented in the image through representational layer, in the verbal text it is done in the form of ideational and interpersonal metafunction. This result shows that what is represented in each ekphrasis is a metafunctional translation. Thus, metafunctions and layers of meaning, despite being tools of analysis, should not be considered as stereotypes, because all three metafunctions can do representation and make meaning, and at the level upper than the clause, logical metafunction also makes representation in both verbal and visual representations. Logical meaning in the image is obtained by adding the meaning of different layers. Examining Mehdi Zamani's Ekphrasis entitled "Habit", the informative structure is changed, as what is "given" in the verbal text appears "new" or the "canon" in the painting and vis versa.  For example, sparrow is an adjective in the verbal text and represents "I am a sparrow" but in the painting, the sparrow is represented as an actor which represents the concept of "the sparrow is waiting". In the verbal text (poem) the sparrow is at the beginning of the clause (theme) and represents the mental process but in the painting it represents an interactional meaning.

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 لطفا برای مشاهده چکیده به متن کامل (PDF) مراجعه فرمایید.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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لطفا برای مشاهده چکیده به متن کامل (PDF) مراجعه فرمایید.

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Faramarzpoor N. | Fadaee M.R.

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    4 (56)
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Background and Objectives: Mathematics is one major subject matter in the curriculum of all majors. One of the concerns of educators and math teachers is that middle school mathematics students have many problems when they are faced with algebraic topics. In Iran, all students need to study algebra and teachers must help them build a deep and lasting understanding and skills for high-school math. Hence, an important goal for teachers is to be aware of the mistakes in order to help students to understand concepts and procedures correctly. However, unfortunately, some teachers do not have enough knowledge to identify and correct the existing mistakes and their origin. Therefore, recognizing mistakes and their origins and informing teachers about these mistakes may help students succeed in learning algebra. Thus, the purpose of this research was to investigate the students' mistakes in simplifying the algebraic expressions and finding the origin of making such mistakes from the mathematics teachers’ viewpoint. Methods: This research is an applied research and due to its purpose it is considered to be a qualitative research. The research sample included 14 math teachers of the middle school of Kerman Province with teaching experience between 12 to 29 years who were selected by the purposeful sampling method, as teachers who had experience in teaching algebra in middle schools had to be selected. To collect the data, first a test about simplifying algebraic expressions for eighth-grade students and extracting erroneous cases was designed through a semi-structured interview with math teachers. The qualitative content analysis method was used for data analysis. Findings: The findings of this research showed that from the viewpoint of math teachers, 22 types of mistakes were made by students of middle school when simplifying algebraic expressions including exponentiation, positive and negative sign, addition, subtraction, multiplication of integers, conjoining, a variable related operating, use of brackets, similar terms, and the order of operations. The findings also showed that teachers believe that the causes of students' mistakes in simplifying algebraic expressions are as follows: lack of understanding, misunderstanding or incomplete understanding of concepts such as variables, exponent, brackets, and similar terms; ignoring of algebraic symbols; students' self-made rules in dealing with exponent and brackets; interference of previously learned algebraic concepts with current learning and vice versa; and incorrect calculation of addition, subtraction, and multiplication of integers. Conclusion: Today, students are no longer isolated in a desert where math teachers are the basis of knowledge, but rather floating in an ocean of information. However, teachers are still needed to help them understand algebra in a meaningful way. In algebra, the concepts are formed hierarchically and the learning of each concept depends on the students' understanding of the prerequisite concepts. Therefore, if teachers who teach algebra are fully aware of the reasons for students' mistakes, they attempt to make the prerequisite concepts understandable to the students correctly, and without any misunderstandings and errors. This helps students to make fewer mistakes in solving algebraic problems, increase their self-confidence, and ultimately, perform better.

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Moghaddasi A. | BAGHERI M.

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Fuzzers can reveal vulnerabilities in the software by generating test input data and feeding inputs to software under test. The approach of grammar-based fuzzers is to search in the domain of test data which can be generated by grammar in order to find an attack vector with the ability to exploit the vulnerability. The challenge of fuzzers is a very large or infinite search domain and finding the answer in this domain is a hard problem. Grammatical Evolution(GE) is one of the evolutionary algorithms that can utilize grammar to solve the search problem. In this research, a new approach for generation of fuzz test input data by using grammatical evolution is introduced to exploit the cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. For this purpose, a grammar for generating of XSS attack vectors is presented and a fitness calculation function is proposed to guide the GE in search for exploitation. This method has realized the automatic exploitation of vulnerability with black-box approach. In the results of this research, 19% improvement achieved in the number of vulnerabilities discovered compared to the white-box method of NAVEX and black-box ZAP tool, and without any false positives.

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