Extroversion and introversion, two main personality traits in the theory of personality, were introduced by Carl G. Jung in 1920. Other theorists like Hans Eysenck have extended Jung’, s ideas into personality types. Being part of every human being’, s psyche, these two personality traits have been often viewed as monolithic entities. Sa’, adi is a great author whose works have been discussed both for highly elevated language and eloquence and for their rich themes. Many of Sa’, adi’, s writings can be matched with modern psychological concepts. Looking at Sa’, adi’, s Golestan and Boostan, the present article is going to view his personality in light of the two concepts of extraversion and introversion. It has been discussed here that Sa’, adi, based on his writings, can be categorized more as an extrovert than an introvert. Finally, according to Jung’, s eight personality types and Eysenck’, s personality theory, Sa’, di can be classified as extraverted sensing or extraverted intuition.