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Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare higher-order aberrations between personalized Treatment (PT) versus personalized Treatment advanced (PTA) photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) for myopia and myopic astigmatism.Methods: In this clinical trial, 80 eyes of 40 patients who met inclusion criteria were enrolled. They underwent PRK using PT or PTA algorithm randomly. Higher-order aberrations were measured and compared between the study groups pre-operatively and at months 3 and 6 postoperatively.Results: The two study groups were comparable in terms of preoperative higher-order aberrations.Compared to the preoperative values, higher-order aberrations were significantly increased in the PT group (p<0.001), but decreased in the PTA group (p<0.001). Spherical aberration exhibited a significant increase postoperatively in the PT group (p<0.001) but remained unchanged in the PTA group (P=0.57).Conclusion: PRK using PT algorithm resulted in an increase higher-order aberrations. PTA algorithm provided better results in terms of postoperative higher-order aberrations and could treat pre-existing higher-order aberrations.

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People with Parkinson's disease (PD) often have walking difficulty in the advanced stages of the disease and also suffer from balance problems. They perform their functional movements in a smaller range and at a slower rate, which will cause difficulty in performing daily activities. Patients with PD face many difficulties in outdoor activities, community participation, personal tasks, and fine motor skills (e. g. writing). They usually need the help of others. For two decades, a new Treatment called Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) has been used by the speech therapists to treat speech and swallowing disorders in PD patients based on evidence and principles of neuroplasticity. The BIG protocol was added to this method in 2010 (LSVT-BIG). In this method, the whole body is involved and its main focus is on motor skills, which are guided by a physiotherapist and occupational therapist. The main goal of this new method is to improve patient’ s skilled movement in PD, as opposed to the old Methods that introduce muscle stiffness as the main problem in these patients. In this method, patients will be required to perform a series of special exercises in sitting and standing positions in a larger range than usual with a specific schedule and in a one-month intensive period. Doing the BIG protocol correctly can make the range of motion softer and larger. The studies also show that the LSVT BIG method is very effective for improving patients' walking patterns and daily activities and significantly increases the quality of life in PD patients. Eventually, the PD patients will be able to perform their motor tasks automatically. Considering the useful results of this method and also the growing trend of its application around the world, it is necessary to enable therapists with this new method and provide more complete services for PD patients.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Automatic topic detection seems unavoidable in social media analysis due to big text data which their users generate. Clustering-based Methods are one of the most important and up-to-date categories in topic detection. The goal of this research is to have a wide study on this category. Therefore, this paper aims to study the main components of clustering-based-topic-detection, which are embedding Methods, distance metrics, and clustering algorithms. Transfer learning and consequently pretrained language models and word embeddings have been considered in recent years. Regarding the importance of embedding Methods, the efficiency of five new embedding Methods, from earlier to recent ones, are compared in this paper. To conduct our study, two commonly used distance metrics, in addition to five important clustering algorithms in the field of topic detection, are implemented by the authors. As COVID-19 has turned into a hot trending topic on social networks in recent years, a dataset including one-month tweets collected with COVID-19-related hashtags is used for this study. More than 7500 experiments are performed to determine tunable parameters. Then all combinations of embedding Methods, distance metrics and clustering algorithms (50 combinations) are evaluated using Silhouette metric. Results show that T5 strongly outperforms other embedding Methods, cosine distance is weakly better than other distance metrics, and DBSCAN is superior to other clustering algorithms.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Many efforts have been made to improve Ni-Ti alloy for endodontic use and it has been shown that surface properties and thus cutting efficiency of the rotary files can be improved by processes such as electro-polishing, ion implantation and surface coating. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of cryogenic Treatment on cutting efficiency of Ni-Ti rotary files.Materials and Methods: In this in vitro study, 60 Ni-Ti rotary instruments (Hero 642, #25, 0.04 taper) were selected and divided into 3 groups of 20. In group I no Treatment was used. In group II the instruments were subjected to a deep cryogenic Treatment in liquid nitrogen pool (-196oC) for 24 hours and after Treatment were immediately tested for cutting efficiency. In group III after cryogenic Treatment the temperature of the samples was raised slowly to room temperature for 24 hours. A new piece of test equipment was designed and used. The instruments were attached to the testing machine and rotated in Plexiglas samples for 10 seconds in a working length of 16 mm. The depth of grooves and weight loss of Plexiglas were measured after instrumentation. One-way and two-way ANOVA were used to compare the means of cutting efficacy between the three groups at 95% confidence interval.Results: The instruments which were immediately tested for cutting efficiency had significantly more weight loss and deeper grooves (pweight<0.001; pgroove=0.022), indicating better cutting efficiency. However, there was no significant differences between group I and group III in cutting efficacy (p weight=0.23; p groove=0.61).Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the surface properties of Ni-Ti alloy could be improved by the cryogenic Treatment for a limited period of time after Treatment, increasing the cutting efficiency of Ni-Ti rotary instruments.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: To analyze and compare four Methods for estimating the chance of Treatment success in infertile couples. Materials and Methods: In a retrospective cohort study, information on demographic and clinical features, including age, body mass index (BMI), duration of infertility, semen analysis, previous history of Treatment and clinical examination of infertile couples were analyzed. Treatment success (childbearing) was calculated with four Methods as live birth ratio, conditional probability and survival analysis (life table and Kaplan-Meyer method) and results are compared. Results: The fertility ratio for the first Treatment cycle was 29. 72% which decreased to 23. 13% by total Treatment cycles. The success rate was 75. 4%. With conditional probability calculation at the end of the five Treatment cycles. With the life table method in a five-year period, the probability for live birth was 78% and by Kaplan-Meyer method 73. 1% and the median of Treatment time was 562 days. Conclusion: Calculation of infertility Treatment success rate by only simple live birth ratio of childbearing couples is associated with underestimation. Using the conditional probability method reduces that underestimation, but it is not considered the censored cases in the Treatments. It seems life table (as a proxy of survival analysis) presents the closest estimation to clinical facts with considering the repetition of the Treatment cycle and the duration of Treatment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: The most frequent primary ocular malignancy in the western world is the uveal melanoma. While it mainly affects Caucasians, it is extremely uncommon among non-Caucasians. Continuous improvement in therapies for local Treatment has allowed sparing of the eye, although this approach apparently does not improve survival. The present review aimed to explain different radiotherapy (RT) Methods and compare the pros and cons of each method, along with the main complications that may be encountered in the Treatment of uveal melanoma. Methods: Relevant papers published between September 2009 and January 2021 were retrieved, reviewed, and screened. Four databases, including PubMed, MEDLINE, Google Scholar, and GeneCards, were searched for this purpose. Results: Forty-one relevant articles were identified. Based on the selected papers, we highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of the different RT Methods that have allowed sparing of the eye, even though they have not, as yet, improved survival. We listed a detailed comparison between therapies that allow an educated choice among the different available RT Methods. Conclusion: The choice of uveal melanoma management is determined by the location of the tumor and volume of the extraocular extent. At present, there is no gold standard for the management of all ocular melanomas, and each case should be approached individually. Therefore, classification is a valuable prognostic tool. Many cases in cT3-4 classification categories are treated by primary enucleation and conservative Treatment follow-up, while in cT2 and most cT1 classifications (i. e., 3. 1– 6. 0-mm tumor thickness), several forms of RT are used.

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Context: Hyperhidrosis is known to cause numerous individual and social problems with sweating more than the body’, s physiological needs. Researchers have discussed the causes of this disease so far,however, factors such as heredity, nervous system defects, infections, and drugs have been introduced as the causes. Evidence Acquisition: Firstly, 127 articles were identifi, ed from diff, erent databases. After categorizing and removing duplicate papers and reviewing the abstracts and full texts, we selected 50 articles to review and include in this study. Results: Hyperhidrosis is a burdening disorder leading to physical and social problems. Hyperhidrosis patients are not able to effi, ciently use specifi, c tools such as metallic and electronic devices. Limitations of this disorder show great concern about the performance of military personnel, too. Therapeutic Methods such as topical antiperspirants, anticholinergic drugs, surgery, and Botox injections are the therapeutic measures used to treat this disease,each of these Treatments is prescribed at diff, erent stages of the disease, and the eff, ect of each is observed. Topical Treatment is at the forefront of Treatment Methods for this disease, followed by oral anticholinergic drugs. Iontophoresis is one of the Methods considered in the Treatment of hyperhidrosis. Besides surgery, Botox injection is one of the eff, ective Methods in treating this disease, especially in the palm. Conclusions: This review presents standard Treatment Methods used in treating hyperhidrosis with particular attention to iontophoresis as an engineering solution to solve health problems. Based on the severity of sweating and the region of hyperhidrosis incidents, there are diff, erent solutions to treat hyperhidrosis. Topical and anticholinergic therapies are the most common Treatment options. However, there are other more eff, ective Treatment Methods, such as iontophoresis and Botox delivery. Iontophoresis is eff, ective and has a long-term eff, ect on preventing sweating with fewer side eff, ects. Suction curettage surgery is an invasive method to treat patients with hyperhidrosis.

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Distilleries wastewater is an important environmental problem due to its high BOD and COD content, and toxic materials such as phenolic compounds, and low pH. Direct and continuous discharge of this effluent to the soil reduces the quality of soil and destroys agricultural crops. In addition, its discharge to rivers and sea will seriously affect aquatic life. In order to prevent environmental hazards, a number of biological, chemical and physical Methods have been introduced for Treatment of this wastewater. Chemical and physical Methods are based on surface sorption, ion exchange, membrane processes and chemical oxidations. In biological Methods, anaerobic processes are more economical than aerobic processes and are more developed more in recent years. Anaerobic lagoons reduce 60-70% of BOD with 1-2 months retention time. Most of anaerobic bioreactor Methods are able to reduce wastewater BOD by 80-85% and the remaining 15-20% of BOD can be reduced by aerobic processes. Evaporation of wastewater for production of feedstocks and incineration of wastewater for recovery of potassium are other Methods of distillery wastewater Treatment used in smaller volumes. These Methods can be economic (if technological and production difficulties are not considered) by selling of by-products formed. Distillery wastewater is also used for production of single cell protein, in which selling the by-products can reduce the cost of wastewater Treatment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Four important ways of religious education in the field of beliefs are inferred in this article through the nature of religion in the Holy Quran. We have examined two categories of “nature of religion” and “Methods of religious education” for this purpose. All verses including the root of “د ـ ی ـ ن” (religion) have been investigated in order to properly understand the nature of religion in the Holy Quran. Then, we have benefited from the inference method to find the ways of religious education in the Holy Quran. In the inferential method, we have reached the “conclusion”, which is the method of religious education by using two premises, “normative” and “realistic”. The solutions of the Holy Quran to achieve the Methods of religious education are explained in the following. For example, using the Scriptures directly to know the right actions is one of the solutions of the Holy Quran to reach the way of believing in the punishment of deeds. The achievement of religious education Methods through discovering the nature of religion and explaining the purpose of education on the one hand and using the inferential method as a research method on the other hand is one of the innovations of this research. The achievements of this paper can be used to provide an educational theoretical model for formal and public education system.

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