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اعمال فیلتر

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اعمال فیلتر

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اعمال فیلتر

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اعمال فیلتر

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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Javani Hojjatolah

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What kind of relation would there been among understanding of religions and actions of the followers? What are effects of religious understanding and men’, s social, economic, cultural and political sphere? What are the impressions of religions on people’, s life? As a matter of fact, it seems that there is a very complicated interaction among the kind of understanding of religion and all aspects of man’, s life. One might consider social, personal, mental and emotional aspects of understandings of religions. As a matter of fact, social thinkers and philosophers and religious researchers have different views as to the effects of the quality of religious contemplation and actions of men. Karl Marx has considered effect of religion harmful for masses but Durkheim hold that religion brings solidarity and coherence and stability and order for human society. Max Weber speaks of relation of religion and economy. While Erich Fromm proposes humanitarian and dispute gods. He believes that these two kinds of gods have had very different effects on man’, s individual and social life.

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Shekarabi Zeinab

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Research indicates that among the many factors involved in language learning, the learning style of language learners is one of the key factors in learning a language. This study examined the language learning preferences of Iranian first-year students studying Japanese as a foreign language (JFL) in Iran. To investigate the effect of the learners’,gender on the learning style preferences of these students, 24 JFL learners out of a cohort of 28 at a university in Iran volunteered to participate in the study. A perceptual learning style preferences questionnaire was used to collect the data. Using the information from the questionnaire, the descriptive statistics and results of a ttest were analyzed. Results showed that Iranian first-year JFL learners tend to prefer kinesthetic and individual learning styles. Although no significant difference was observed between female and male students overall, females tended to prefer auditory and males to prefer visual and kinesthetic learning styles. The findings of this study have significant implications for educators and language textbooks developers.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Badali Naser

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This paper deals with the scientific field of Forensic Linguistics and its role in the Justice System. At the beginning of the paper the term of Forensic Linguistics is defined and its basic elements outlined. It is also explained who needs this scientific field and why. Besides that, it elaborates on the people and institutions having interest and benefit of this field. As lawyers and linguists, in this case, have to cooperate it is essential to explore the relationship between them and to discuss common problems that might arise in the process and, eventually, to explain how to overcome such difficulties. In order to complete the research on Forensic Linguistics, an important area of Forensic Linguistics must be mentioned –,Forensic Phonetics, which refers to the analysis of speech through auditory and acoustic means and its application in the legal and criminal practice. This science deals with questions of speaker identification, resolution of disputed content of recordings, the process of setting up voice line-ups and ear line-ups and related topics. Finally, a section on Forensic Linguistics application in the practice of Justice System exemplifies how relationship between lawyers and linguists, that is, Law and Language is inseparable. The paper concludes that linguists and lawyers need to work more closely with each other in the interests of justice.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Naemi Marzieh

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The rise of the Safavid government was not only a turning point in the field of political unity, but also the unity of Iranian-Islamic culture, especially the Shiism of the Twelve Imams, which for Islamic philosophy was the emergence of transcendental wisdom, which was not only an independent identity from Western philosophy, but also the result of Ibn Sina's interpretation of the supernatural, which Mirdamad connected it with the popular thought of the time (Shia religion) to once again bring the growth and prosperity of intellectual and theological reflections in the modern school of Isfahan to its peak. Undoubtedly, the actions of Mirdamad and his students, including Mulla Sadra Shirazi, in spite of the opposition of the superficial and religious He considered extremes to be a great service, so that he turned Isfahan into one of the important scientific centers of that time, so that hundreds of metals were cultivated at that time, which was equal to the golden age of Athens. The main purpose of the research is to investigate and analyze the philosophical school of Isfahan with an emphasis on Mulla Sadra's thought, which was written in a descriptive-analytical way and citing Safavid era sources. The findings of the research show that the rise of the Safavid government and the provision of the ground for the officialization of the Shiite religion have contributed significantly to the development of the intellectual sciences of that time, especially Islamic philosophy.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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“Aša” or “Arta” has a wide concept in mazdyasna and is one of the most important ones in this religion. Aša means truth and correctness, but its deeper meaning is the eternal law that Ahura mazdā established. According to which every action has a reaction, and every good or bad deed has its own reward or punishment. In Avesta, the holy book of Zoroastrians, and in its oldest part, that is, in the yasnā of Gāhān, the word “Asha” is studied.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this study is to investigate difficulties encountered translating slang words from different spoken languages in Iran (Azeri, Luri and Kurdish) into English based on Nida’, s model of translation. Colloquialism in modern age Iran is a popular phenomenon among people and slang words are the most frequently utilized figures of speech in everyday life. In this study, A number of local people who were articulate speakers of Azeri, Luri or Kurdish have been asked for their widely utilized slang words in their vernacular languages. Hence, Slang words have been analyzed and translated based on the process of decoding and recoding which is raised by Nida in 1964. Following this, the research focuses on challenges arises due to the lack of standardization of slang words in different dominant languages in Iran. The results of this study showed that translating slang words is a challenging task. The challenges include cultural differences, lack of equivalent terms, potential cultural misunderstandings and syntactic differences between the source language and target language. This study provides a better understanding of the complexity involved in translating popular slang words from intended languages into English and can be used as a reference for future research.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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