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اعمال فیلتر

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اعمال فیلتر

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اعمال فیلتر

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اعمال فیلتر

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اعمال فیلتر

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The genus Hordeum (Poaceae) is one of the most controversial genera from the evolutionary and taxonomic point of views, which is distributed in temperate regions, the southern hemisphere, and the northern hemisphere. After wheat, maize, and rice, barley is the fourth major grain in the world. In this research, the micromorphology of the glume surface in H. marinum subsp. gussoneanum, H. murinum subsp. leporinum, H. murinum subsp. glaucum and H. vulgare subsp. vulgare with high morphological in Iran, was studied with scanning electron microscope. In total, one quantitive and five qualitative surface features of glume were studied. The results showed that H. vulgare subsp. vulgare is separated by the presence of silica bodies and the absence of papillae on the surface of the glume from other species studied. All species had a high density of epicuticular wax on glume surface. Results showed the diagnostic importance of these characteristics in species delimitation.

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Whitefly is one of the most important pests of greenhouse crops, which reduces the quantitative and qualitative yield of crops. To study th Investigating the antibiosis resistance of some weeds vegetable plants as host of whitefly, an experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with six treatments and 10 replications in the greenhouse of flower garden in Aligudarz city, 2018. The experimental treatments were four types of weeds (Euphorbia peplu, Lactuca scariola, Sonchus asper and Solanum nigrum) and two types of vegetable plants (Lycopersicum esculentum and Cucumis sativus). Result showed that the effect of host plants on all traits of antibiosis mechanisms (percentage of egg, nymph and total morality and growth length) of whitefly was significant at 1%. In general, percentage of egg, nymph and total morality and growth length of white whitefly in the studied weeds were higher than those of vegetable plants (cucumber and tomato). In the studied treats, black nightshade (Solanum nigrum) most attractive treatment for spawning and the observed the highest percentage of egg (92%) and nymph mortality (98%) and also growth length (46 day) of whitefly in this treat. In other weeds (Euphorbia peplu, Lactuca scariola and Sonchus asper), although the percentage of egg mortality was not much different from vegetable plants, but in the mentioned treatments, the percentage of nymph mortality and the length of the pest growth were higher. Therefore, from the studied weeds, especially Solanum nigrum due to high antibiosis resistance can be used as a trap and host plant to reduce the number of generations and control of whitefly and increasing of production of greenhouse crops.

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The genus Adonis with 30 to 40 species in the world and 8 species in Iran, grows wild in wide areas, and some of its species are weeds in fields and gardens, and they are poisonous to animals. In the present study, 7 species of this genus were examined in palynology studies, and 8 quantitative and 7 qualitative traits were selected for biometric and numerical taxonomy studies. In this study, to determine the existence of significant differences among the quantitative traits, ANOVA analysis (Analysis of Variance) and for species delimitation WARD multivariate statistical analysis was performed as well as PCA loading to determine the most variable traits in PAST software. ANOVA showed significant differences between quantitative traits and WARD method and PCA analyses showed that pollen micro morphological traits can separate the border between species in this genus. The pollen grains of the studied species were all monad, isopolar, tricolpate.

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Herbicides have different modes of action and are effective for different weed species. Nowadays, genetic modification of crops to create herbicide-tolerant plants is a necessity. The significant progress in molecular genetics has helped us in identifying and transferring herbicide-resistant genes to crop plants. Most herbicide-tolerant plants have been created through genetic engineering. More than 47% of the cultivated area of transgenic crops is dedicated to herbicide-tolerant plants. Perhaps the most important achievement of genetic engineering in agriculture is the production of herbicide-tolerant crops. Various sources of herbicide tolerance have been used to produce herbicide-tolerant crop cultivars, such as genetic diversity in germplasm, random mutagenesis in plants and selection for herbicide tolerance, gene transfer from resistance sources such as bacteria to plants, and alteration of the specific position of an enzyme and genome editing in plants using advances in biotechnology. This article deal with commercial herbicide-tolerant transgenic plants in the world, and explains the mechanism of developing resistance to herbicides.

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The DNA sequencing is the most important technique in molecular biology by which the order of the nucleotides can be identified in a piece of DNA. There are several generations of DNA sequencing technologies that can be well characterized through their nature and the kind of output they provide. Traditional sequencing methods are mainly based on the original Sanger sequencing technique which makes them very expensive and low-throughput,thus, they do not meet the needs of researchers. Consequently, with the considerable advances in molecular biology and the high demand for lowcost sequencing has encouraged the development of high-throughput sequencing (or next Generation Sequencing) technologies that parallelize the sequencing process, producing thousands or millions of Sequences concurrently. Next-generation sequencing enables us to rapidly sequence a large piece of DNA which could span the whole genome with the latest instruments capable of producing gigabases of data in one isolated sequencing run. Next-generation sequencing platforms have a wide variety of applications, such as whole genome sequencing, de novo sequencing, RNA sequencing (for applications such as transcriptomic and small RNA analysis), methylation analysis, and protein-nucleic acid interaction analysis.

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In order to study the effect of alfalfa planting dates and the interaction effects of mouse barley, focusing on the amount of alfalfa protein, a factorial experiment based on a randomized complete block design with three replications in two plots was done in 2019 and 2020. The experimental factors included interference and non-interference of mouse barley in two levels (manual weeding of mouse barley and no weeding) and planting dates in four levels (April 10, 2020, April 1, 2020, March 20, 2019, and March 10, 2019). The results in both harvests in newly sown alfalfa showed that the lack of mouse barley interference caused an increase in the nutritional value of alfalfa in terms of protein. Also, earlier sowing of alfalfa resulted in favorable establishment of alfalfa and its protein production, it was in a better state than other planting dates.

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In order to investigate the effect of winter cover plants in the no-tillage system on weed control and grain yield of corn (single cross 704), a split factorial experiment was conducted in the form of a randomized complete block design with three replications at the Moghan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Station research farm, located in the research and education center of agriculture and natural resources of Ardabil province (Maghan) in 2019. Factors examined in this experiment include: treatment of cover crops at seven levels of rye (Secal cereale L. ), crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L. ), rapeseed (Brassica napus L. ), barley (Hordeum vulgaris L. ), Hairy vetch (Vicia vilosia L. ), a mixture of rye and Hairy vetch and no cover plant) in the main plot (A) and management treatment of cover plants (B) in two levels (1-terminating and rolling and 2-termination and leaving on the surface) and weed control (C) at two levels (1-using herbicide to control weeds and 2-without weed control) were placed in the sub-plot. The results showed that the treatment of rye and the mixture of rye and Hairy vetch had the lowest weed biomass. Also, the highest seed yield (12. 7 tons per hectare) was obtained from the mixed treatment of rye + Hairy vetch.

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Understanding the relationship between fertilizer and herbicide in competition between crops and weeds is a tool for predicting the extent of weed control and acceptable yield. A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of sub-lethal doses of herbicide and nitrogen fertilizer on the broad bean-weeds competition. Assessment of the broad bean yield was conducted at harvest time. The changes in broad bean yield with the application dose of herbicide mixture at each nitrogen application level could be well described using the modified four-parameter sigmoid function. Broad bean seed yield increased under the conditions of using the highest herbicide dose against nitrogen, while the amount of CD50 (a dose of herbicide required to maintain 50% of the maximum bean yield) decreased. According to the results, there was no significant difference between the different levels of nitrogen in terms of the estimation of broad bean seed yield parameters in weed-infested conditions, but the amount of nitrogen significantly affected the estimated value for two parameters of broad bean seed yield in weed-free conditions and CD50, respectively. Then, the modified four-parameter sigmoid model by combining the models described above was able to describe 98% of the changes in broad bean yield with the amount of nitrogen and dose of herbicide mixture. Based on this model, the broad bean yield under the conditions of application of the highest dose of herbicide mixture in the treatment without nitrogen use (Ywf(N0)) was estimated to be equal to 105. 72 g m-2. Also, the required dose of herbicide mixture to maintain half of the broad bean seed yield in the condition of least competition with weeds in the treatment without using fertilizer (CD50(N0)) was estimated to be 0. 60 of the recommended dose. The results of this research showed that reducing the competitive ability of weeds with the consumption of higher levels of nitrogen in the conditions of the use of herbicides can be justified.

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This experiment was carried out in Kermanshah, Kurdistan and Hamedan during crop year 2020/2021. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with ten treatments and three replicates. Treatments included pre-plant application of clean sheet (flumioxazin, WP 50%) and incorporated by sowing (IBS) 150 g. ha-1, pre-emergence flumioxazin at 50, 100, 150 and 200 g. ha-1, pre-plant flumioxazin plus pre-emergence flumioxazin at 50+ 100 g. ha-1, pre-plant oxyfluorfen at 0. 7 l. ha-1, pre-emergence oxyfluorfen at 0. 7 l. ha-1, post emergence pyridate at 2 l. ha-1 and hand weeding. In Kermanshah, results showed that the maximum control of weeds (visual evaluation based on EWRC) was observed in pre-emergence flumioxazin of 100, 150 and 200 g. ha-1 and pre-plant flumioxazin plus pre-emergence flumioxazin at 50+ 100 g. ha-1 (82. 5 to 89 %) without any significant difference. In Hamedan, the highest weed control (85 to 88. 3 %) found in flumioxazin at 100, 150 and 200 g. ha-1 and pre-plant application of flumioxazin 150 g. ha-1 (85 to 88. 3 %) that there was no significant difference between them. In Kurdistan, the highest weed control belonged to flumioxazin at 100, 150 and 200 g. ha-1 and pre-plant flumioxazin plus pre-emergence flumioxazin at 50 + 100 g. ha-1, pyridate and pre-emergence oxyfluorfen (69 to 92. 5 %). The highest grain yield of chickpea in Kermanshah (1489. 5 kg. ha-1), Hamedan (312 kg. ha-1) and Kurdistan (2015 kg. ha-1) was observed in the pre-emergence flumioxazin at 100 g. ha-1. According to the results, pre-emergence flumioxazin 100 g. ha-1 was the most suitable treatment for controlling broadleaf weeds in autumn-sown chickpea.

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Atri Alireza

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The agricultural industry faces the necessity of increasing food production in response to population growth and the need to preserve resources and maintain ecosystem stability. Weed management in agricultural and horticultural settings is a crucial concern as it can cause substantial harm to productivity and performance. It is crucial to consider the adoption of an appropriate weed control approach while also ensuring the sustainability of weed management. Sustainable weed management necessitates several key requirements, including reducing herbicide consumption, enhancing productivity, mitigating environmental harm, minimizing weed resistance to herbicides, optimizing resource allocation, and promoting sustainable agricultural practices like integrated weed management. Artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) utilize various technologies, including intelligent algorithms, decision support systems, deep learning, remote sensing, advanced sensors, machine vision, image processing, unmanned aircraft, drones, and robotics. Assist in enhancing the sustainability of weed management. The integration of AI and the IoT in weed management has the potential to enhance ecosystem stability, preservation, and agricultural productivity. The presence of skilled specialists in the country facilitates the advancement of smart weed management. However, this progress relies on the implementation of knowledgeable government policies and the engagement of competent decision-makers.

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This experiment was carried out with the aim of investigating the residual effect of Acetolactate synthase inhibitor herbicides on some growth and yield properties of corn in different rounds of irrigation in Shahid Beheshti of Andimshek Agro-industrial Company in 2020-2021. The Acetolactate synthase inhibiting herbicides were used at the beginning of wheat tillering in a randomized complete block design with four replications. The treatments included mesosulfuron-methyl-iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium herbicide, sulfosulfuron herbicide, weedy check and weed free check. Then, in the same field, the effect of herbicides used in wheat and different rounds of irrigation, including one, two, three and four rounds of irrigation, on growth and yield properties of corn was carried out as split plots based on randomized complete block design with four replications. The main plot was the weed control methods and the sub plot was the corn irrigation rounds. The results of analysis of variance showed that herbicide use and irrigation rounds had a significant effect on the evaluated traits. Based on the results of comparing the average traits, the maximum amount of plant length, hundred seeds weight, leaf area index, seed and biological yield was obtained in weed free check treatment with four irrigation rounds. The lowest amount of these traits belonged to weedy check treatment with one round of irrigation. The results showed that the negative effect of used herbicide on the plant was reduced by increasing the round of irrigation, and mesosulfuron-methyl-iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium herbicide had a more destructive effect on corn plants compared to sulfosulfuron herbicide. The results of herbicide residues in the soil also indicated that mesosulfuron-methyl-iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium herbicide residues were more than sulfosulfuron herbicide, which caused a greater destructive effect compared to sulfosulfuron.

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In this article, the science mapping approach based on the social network analysis method was used for a systematic study of weed research in Iran. To collect data from the Scopus site, the English equivalent of the key words: (TITLE-ABS-KEY ("weed science" OR "weed control" OR "weed management") AND AFFILCOUNTRY (Iran)) AND (EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2022)) were used. The metadata were analyzed using algorithms based on the science of social network analysis in VOS Viewer software. The findings showed that Iran's weed science research has grown since 2000 despite significant fluctuations and decline in 2016. University of Tehran and Ferdowsi University of Mashhad have been the flagships based on the number of scientific publications in the studied field. Drawing the network of all authors active in the field of weed science in Iran showed that 1284 authors participated in the publication of 541 scientific documents. The largest scientific co-authorship cluster consists of about 100 authors were identified from 11 writing groups. Since science is produced and validated as a result of collaborative thinking and as a result of consensus, it is appropriate that novice scientists start their work only after knowing the scientific cluster of the subject of their interest by studying the works of eminent scientists. Cluster density visualization revealed four research clusters. It seems that Iran's weed research has so far focused on issues related to weed control, toxic residues in water, chemical aspects of toxins, and finally toxic residues in soil. The mapping was retrospective and may help weed research policy makers to identify understudied areas and formulate policies for future studies.

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In order to assess the effectiveness of trap crops for sunflower broomrape (Orobanche cumana) control, two pot experiments were conducted in Songhor city in 2020. First, 15 trap crops (pearl millet, corn, sorghum, sesame, grasspea, oilseed rape, hairy vetch, guar, cowpea, forage amaranth, wheat, barley, white clover, alfalfa and flax) were investigated for their ability to induce suicidal germination of broomrape seeds in a completely randomized design with five replications. To ensure uniformity and the presence of parasite seeds in each pot, 200 mg of broomrape seeds were added to the soil of each pot. The seeds of the trap plants were planted on 13 May 2020 and harvested eighty days later. Then, the top half of the soil in the pots, in case the trap crops were not effective, was transferred into plastic pots to evaluate the possible growth of parasite in the presence of the host i. e., sunflower (local ecotype of Songhor) in the second experiment, after a period of trap crop growth. In addition, two control treatments (with and without artificial use of broomrape seeds) were also cultivated. Three months later, the sunflower plants and each type of vegetative organ of the broomrape in each treatment were harvested and their dry weight was determined. The results showed that no broomrape seedling or nodes were observed. In other words, all the 15 crops have played the role of a trap plant. The findings of the second experiment also indicated that the root and stem dry weight of sunflower, after rotation with trap plants, and the dry weight of broomrape had a statistically significant difference at the level of 1% and 5% probability, respectively.

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It is necessary to use a mixture of herbicides to increase the efficiency of chemical management due to the diversity of paddy weeds,therefore, a complete understanding of their effect on the quality and biochemical components of rice is necessary in addition to weed control. This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of cyhalofop-butyl+ bispyribac sodium herbicide with Hallovin brand name on the qualitative characteristics of rice grain. After using Hallovin herbicide (500, 700, 900, 1100, 1300 and 1500 ml/ha) in field conditions, the quality characteristics of rice (physical, chemical and cooking), were checked out in comparison with the hand weeding control and the recommended dose of penoxolam. The lowest length grain was observed in the treatments of 1300 and 1500 ml of Halloween per hectare, which was significant compared to the control sample of hand weeding (without herbicide). The characteristics of cooked rice are affected by the amylose content and gelatinization temperature. However, in this research, no significant difference was observed between the above characteristics in the examined herbicide treatments compared to the hand weeding control treatment. According to the results of this research, none of the characteristics of rice were affected in the recommended dose (700 and 900 ml/ha) of Halloween. So, this herbicide can be considered safe in terms of its effect on the quality of rice.

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The rapid increase in herbicide-resistant weeds creates a huge challenge to global food security because it can reduce crop production, causing considerable losses. Combined with a lack of novel herbicides, cultivating herbicide-resistant crops becomes an effective strategy to control weeds because of reduced crop phytotoxicity, and it expands the herbicidal spectrum. Recently developed clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat/CRISPR-associated protein (CRISPR/Cas)-mediated genome editing techniques enable efficiently targeted modification and hold great potential in creating desired plants with herbicide resistance. In the present review, we briefly summarize the mechanism responsible for herbicide resistance in plants and then discuss the applications of traditional mutagenesis and transgenic breeding in cultivating herbicide-resistant crops. We mainly emphasize the development and use of CRISPR/Cas technology in herbicide resistant crop improvement and different paths of this technology to improve resistance to herbicides in crops are investigated. Finally, we discuss the future applications of the CRISPR/Cas system for developing herbicide-resistant crops.

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There are various potential outcomes for a non-native species introduced to a new area: 1) Unsuccessful in establishing colonies, 2) successful in establishing colonies but not becoming fully established, remaining a casual species, 3) Successful in establishing a population and becoming a naturalized species, and 4) becoming invasive. Predicting the destiny of a non-native species after introduction is a crucial question. Current methods, such as EICAT (Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa), score species based on scientific documents to deliver a general classification. However, when it comes to decisionmaking, more advanced predictions at a regional scale are necessary. To address this need, we propose the Regional Impact Classification (RIC) method, which can predict the fate of non-native species after their introduction into a new area. The RIC method combines EICAT scores with climate suitability coefficients derived from Species Distribution Models (SDMs) to create an impact score ranging from 0 to 1. Regions along the Caspian seashore, specifically Guilan and Mazandaran provinces, show very high-risk (VHR) and high-risk (HR) scores. Generally, areas surrounding the Caspian Sea, including Eastern Azerbaijan, Ardabil, Guilan, Mazandaran, and Golestan, exhibit at least a medium-risk (MR) level of impact risk. Additionally, some areas in the west (Kurdistan and Lorestan provinces), south (Bushehr and Hormozgan provinces), and southeast (Sistan-Baluchestan province) of Iran receive a MR score. The RIC method provides a spatially explicit impact score that can aid in prioritizing the management of invasive nonnative plants at the regional level, where such decisions are commonly made. RIC remains a flexible and adaptable tool that can be further developed according to the demands of decision-makers.

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Chitband Ali Asghar

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The simultaneous use of herbicide plus insecticide in the spray tank is a common practice in modern pest management programs. To predict synergism, additive or antagonism effects as binary mixtures of glyphosate with malathion based on Additive Dose Model (ADM) on control of camelthorn (Alhagi pseudalhagi (Bieb. ) Desv. ), a greenhouse experimental carried out in completely randomized design with 35 treatments (in dose-response arrangements) and three replications at Lorestan University at 2022. The treatments included five doses of the above mentioned herbicide plus insecticide alone for binary fixed-ratio mixtures of the three herbicides as 100: 0, 80: 20, 60: 40, 50: 50, 40: 60, 20: 80 and 0: 100 with three control treatment for each herbicide plus insecticide ratio. The results of the experiment showed that using all mixing ratios of herbicide with insecticide led to a significant reduction in the control of the camelthorn weed, and the reduction was more observed in the ratios with higher rates of glyphosate. Based on the ADM model, the mixture of glyphosate with malathion showed synergism in the control of camelthorn weed. The more efficiency of glyphosate in the mixture with insecticide can be attributed to the higher activity of the herbicide, which caused the increase in the control of camelthorn weed.

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History, has always witnessed famine and its economic consequences due to the damage caused by biotic factors that infect crops. Even before the industrial revolution, growers have struggled against these damaging factors in various ways, such as using different cultivation methods or special crop rotations. After the industrial revolution, and especially after the 1940s, the discovery of chemical pesticides brought a significant improvement in the fight against harmful factors such as pests, diseases and weeds, and in this way, it significantly increased food production. These chemicals considerably expanded in the last decades of the 20th century, with an 80% increase from 1990 to 2017. This increasing growth has caused industrial agriculture to be heavily dependent on these chemicals, and today agriculture without the use of pesticides is very challenging. Despite the fact that pesticides have undeniable advantages by reducing damage, increasing production, enhancing the speed of control actions in combating pests, lowering costs and easing pest management,their disadvantages which are mainly adverse effects on the environment and human health, as well as resistance phenomenon, are also significant. These adverse factors have caused pesticides to be seen as a two-edged sword. Nowadays, in countries where the regulations for pesticide use are weak, one edge of this sword, which is the edge of the harmful effects, is sharper,and it seems that if these risks are ignored, the future of pesticide use, as well as the environment and people’, s health, will be exposed to serious danger and lead to the adverse effects of pesticides becoming more prominent than their positive effects. This concern has been increasing in recent years in some southern countries, (such as South America and Africa) where regulations on the use of pesticides are not strong enough. As a result, in the last 20 years, the use of pesticides in South America and Africa has increased by 119% and 68%, respectively. Therefore, along with acknowledging the benefits of using pesticides, their drawbacks should also be seriously considered, to minimize the adverse effects. In general, in order to benefit from the advantages of pesticides and reduce their risks, utmost care and sensitivity must be taken in the seven stages of production, research, recommendation, supply, distribution, extension and decision-making for their use.

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The upcoming challenges for food supply in the future are the expansion of factors such as unfavorable changes in weather and conditions, excessive population growth, water shortages, and the reduction of arable land. On the other hand, the strong need to produce more food will put pressure on sustainable agricultural systems. Meanwhile, due to competition for natural resources, weeds have an adverse effect on the quality and quantity of agricultural products and are considered a threat to food security. On the other hand, weeds are necessary for artificial evolution (plant breeding) and the natural evolution of agricultural plants due to their role in maintaining biodiversity. Due to the fact that the chemical control of weeds has led to the increase of populations resistant to herbicides, this issue is one of the basic challenges of conventional weed control methods. Based on this, in the future, weed control requires a new and sustainable integrated management, in this direction, plant varieties play a significant role in this management. In the new integrated management of weeds, extreme physical methods and the indiscriminate use of herbicides should be avoided, and new management methods with the help of species should be emphasized. In general, the use of plant breeding potential in weed control leads to the production of healthier food products, reducing the consumption of inputs and costs, reducing environmental damage and maintaining sustainable agricultural systems, and helping to improve food security. This research aims to integrate the common methods with the methods of weed management vision to develop new integrated management of weeds.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Hammami Hossein

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Recently, the ability of weeds in phytoremediation of various pollutants such as pesticides, heavy metals, pharmaceutical and health pollutants, and oil pollutants from the environment has been considered as a potential ability. The results of various studies showed that the different ability of weeds belonging to different plant families in the biological purification of various pollutants from water and soil environments. Weeds can be used in different environments for purifying soil and polluted water due to their fast growth, high adaptability and ability to absorb different elements. In addition, the use of plant extracts or green nanoparticles based on weed plants can also be considered as a potential ability to remove pollutants with the help of biological materials. Although weeds are in conflict with human activities in various aspects, the use of weeds can be effective in improving environmental conditions by removing pollutants. Weeds absorb pollutants directly or indirectly with root exudates or production proper conditions for microorganism activity led to the decomposition of pollutants.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The history of using drones for pesticide application in agriculture dates back to the 1980s. However, the potential application of drones in agriculture gained media attention in the 2010s. This article categorizes and introduces various types of drones, regulations for drones in Iran, prevalent drones in Iran, leading companies in drone technology, the application of drone technology in weed science, opportunities and challenges of this technology, and research needs for appropriate usage of drone technology in the weed science discipline. The primary objective was to address the question of whether the broadcast application of herbicides via drones is scientifically sound. Drone technology has numerous applications in weed science, including identifying weed infestations and invasive plants, evaluating damage caused by herbicides to crops, identifying and monitoring herbicide-resistant weeds, patch-spraying of herbicides, monitoring invasive plants, and assessing the competitive ability of weeds. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of drone-based broadcast application of herbicides faces uncertainties and questions due to its characteristics compared to ground-based sprayers, such as volume of solution, flight speed, flight altitude, as well as the lack of appropriate information and guidelines regarding the application of this technology. Consequently, the use of drone-based broadcast application of herbicides is not currently endorsed by the scientific authorities in Iran. Therefore, it is essential to conduct further research to assess the impact of factors such as the carrier volume of water, nozzle type, flight altitude, flight speed, weather conditions including temperature and wind speed, as well as the type of herbicide on the efficacy of drone sprayers. Subsequently, standardized guidelines should be developed for the application or non-application of each herbicide using drone sprayers.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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